6:01am May 9 2009
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Felix grinned painfully and walked a few steps closer to Lanen and stopped. He sniffed the air.
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7:25am May 9 2009
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Leah laughed. Moving backwards, she walked to Luicide. "Can't believe I've grown used to a werewolf's scent." She whispered so low that only a vampire could pick it up. And probably Felix.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:59am May 9 2009
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Felix chuckled painfully. Suddenly, his ears swiveled a behind him and he snarled. A frightening look came on his face and suddenly, the only thing he could feel was rage. "Hey Felix! What's up!" Came a loud booming voice. Felix swiveled around and his muscles tightened withy anger. He stared at his ex friend Kiba as the white werewolf advanced towards them. "I see you finally changed her." He said, His voice smug. Felix felt his control slipping. "Pity." He overlooked Felix and smiled an impressed smile. "Grew a bit since we last met?" He asked. Felix remembered. He had been lying in the mud half dead and his soul mate had been crooning him back to life. Suddenly, his control snapped. "Im gonna kill you!" Felix snarled. The bulk figure looking frightening with the uncontrollable rage on his face. He landed on top of Kiba and the werewolf fight began.
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10:39am May 9 2009
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Lucide chuckled. "That's a bit odd indeed." Lanens eyes flashed in anger for a split second when Felix confided those things to her, but they softened quickly. She had been stepping closerwhen the other werewolf that she recognised from earlier appeared. The newly changed werewolf crouch into a fighting stance that abruptly changed asher soul mate charged headlong at the white werewolf.
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2:52pm May 9 2009
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Felix bit deeply into Kiba's shoulder. "Clam your temper young one." Came a strong and commanding voice. Felix froze, his teeth wrapped around Kiba's throat as he closed in for the kill. He jumped off Kiba, shaking. He turned his red tinted eyes towards another werewolf hidden in the shadows. His fur was as black as night and is eyes were as white as the moon. A cresent charm necklace dangled from his neck. "Mkaota." Felix said in a sigh. With that, he slumped on the ground. Kiba passed out.
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4:09pm May 9 2009
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Lanen rushed over to Felix and placed a gentle hand on him, greatful that the fight was over just as soon as it had started. She turned to the one called Kiba, who was passed out and smiled crookedly. "Serves 'im right, I guess." Looking over, she turned thankful eyes to the midnight black wolf with white eyes, curious as to where he had appeared from.
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7:09pm May 9 2009
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Felix stared at the ground, his eyes hiding whatever emotion he felt. Makota limped towards him. Silver streaks showed faintly on his muzzle. "Im.... Truthfully... disappointed in you Felix." He said, his voice strong. Felix didn't reply.
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9:51am May 10 2009 (last edited on 9:51am May 10 2009)
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Leah stared at the black wolf. "Makota." She whispered, saying the name of the werewolf who had killed her father after he and her mother tried killing the werewolves. She had always felt...thankful towards him. She did hate her Father, anyway. ((Is it all right that I let Makota in Leah's past?))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

11:03am May 10 2009
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(( Go ahead!)) Makota turned his head towards Leah and smiled, his canines gleaming. "Why, if it isn't little Leah!" He said, his eyes glinting in the light. Suddenly, Felix snarled and stepped in front of Lanen and Leah. Makota's eyes flashed sharp with anger, and suddenly, in a blur of motion, Felix was lying on the ground and Makota was shaking the spit out of him and Felix was cowering. "Learn to respect your elders boy!" Makota spat.
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11:07am May 10 2009
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((Thanks!)) Leah snarled at Makota, a deep rumbling from her throat was building up and she needed to let it out. Leah hissed at the werewolf. running at vampiric speed, she leaned down to Felix. She was used to his near-death expierences now, but this one was frightening. She slapped his wolf face. Felix! Stay with me, Wolf!
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

11:33am May 10 2009
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Felix shook his head and gently pushed Leah away so he could sit up. He walked towards Makota, tail tucked between his legs and his head turned the other way, grazing his eyes. "Sorry.." He muttered, his voice holding no emotion. He limped slightly back to Lanen and stood slightly in front of her. Makota turned to Lanen. "How can you stand his stench?" Makota asked. "I noticed that he is slightly stronger and bigger than a werewolf. You gave him some of your venom didn't you?"
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12:02pm May 10 2009
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"I had to," Leah admitted. "He was dying." She sighed, she still felt terrible. "It was an old trick that vampires do when they lose too much venom...I had hoped it would work.."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

10:27pm May 11 2009 (last edited on 11:47pm May 14 2009)
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Posts: 704
((Sorry. I banned myself from the computer so I could do homework)) Lanen narrowed her blazing eyes at Makota in a glare as she wrapped her arms around Felix, sitting on her knees, peering over the top of his head since she couldnt get around. The sight was actually probably quite comical. A soft growl escaped her, nearly inaudible. No one blames you, Leah. She thought, casting her minds voice out so everyone could hear.
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11:46pm May 14 2009
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Origonal host of Random Person gets Random ob ject!! Must be in chatbox to play
6:15am May 15 2009
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((I couldn't post until you just directed something at Leah. xD)) That's why everyone's being un-realistic, Leah told Lanen, Beause I created a monster, even if I did save Felix.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:18pm May 15 2009
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Felix suddenly stood up, gently untangling himself from Lanen. He walked over to Makota, tail tucked between his legs. He crouched low and whimpered slightly, not meeting Makota's gaze. Makota, too proud, stared at the top of Felix's head. Felix gently licked underneath Makota's chin and whined. Makota grabbed Felix's scruff and threw him to the ground. Felix whined again and wagged his tail faintly, showing his white underbelly. Suddenly, Makota released Felix and and helped him up. "Welcome back to the pack brother." He said, giving his a big hug. Felix returned the hug and went back to Lanen. "What just happened was I submitted to Makota. I told him basically that he is the higher rank and that I respect him and will obey his every command. It's an old wolf tradition."
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7:30pm May 15 2009
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Lanens eyes danced. "What? You think I dont know that?" She put her hands on her hips. "Need I remind you, dear heart, I've lived in this forest for the past five turns? I've seen my share of submission."
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7:36pm May 15 2009
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Felix laughed slightly. But! You have only lived the life OF a wolf for an hour. I, on the other hand, have lived the life of a wolf for about 100 years.
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7:44pm May 15 2009
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Shut up. I saw enough with my human eyes to know. Plus, She said smuggly. My knowledge of canines is extensive.
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7:46pm May 15 2009
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Felix smiled playfully. Then he gently stole a kiss from her cheek. Then he turned back to Makota and the only emotion left on his face was respect. "How is the pack?" Felix asked warily. Makota smiled broadly. "Well. We just had another litter. 7 pups." Felix smiled.
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