9:45pm May 16 2009
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Makota growled at them. "The little vamp wouldn't dare with me around. I wouldn't let him touch you. Well, not before I get to him first." Makota grinned teasingly.
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9:49pm May 16 2009
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Lucide waved a hand at Makota. "Oh. You old fuzzy thing. I was only joking. I think I'm entitled to do that."
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9:52pm May 16 2009
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Makota laughed as well. "As was I." ~ A few minutes later Felix awoke without movement and stared into Lanen's closed eyes.
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10:10pm May 16 2009 (last edited on 10:11pm May 16 2009)
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Lucide rolled his eyes and Varian chuckled as he stood up, brushing dirt from his trousers. ~ "Hmm." Lanen hummed and awoke as well, her eyes were thoughtful. "Felix," She asked "Do you know that song? It goes something like: 'Owooo! Owooo! The wolfsong fills the night riendly darkness, winking stars, a white moon full and bright. Owooo! Come wake and listen! The pack has gathered now! They cry 'Come join us, brothers!' Owooo...owooo...owoo "'Rrrr! Rrrr! The hunters draw their bows! Swiftly running, Sharp-horned stag-his death is near, he knows. Rrrrrah! The darts fly truely! So falls the forest king! We sing the song of plenty...owooo...owooo...owooo "'Ayooh...ayooh...the pack has feasted well. Little cublings snuggle down to hear the tales we tell. Ayooh...of all things pleasant your love and warmth are best. "'The Watchers smile down apon us until we reach our rest.'"
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10:22pm May 16 2009
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Felix smiled at the song. " Yes. We, meaning my old pack with Makota, used to sing it together. We always had fun singing it."
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10:30pm May 16 2009
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10:35pm May 16 2009 (last edited on 11:34pm May 16 2009)
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Posts: 704
((Bye. See ya tomorrow...maybe.)) "Huh. I've never heard it before. Pack life, it seems nice." Not as nice as this, however. Lanen added, snuggling back up against Felix. She chuckled. "Little cublings. As awkward as it sounds, I hope we'll be bless with one, or two...maybe five." She looked up and wrinkled her nose, smiling.
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7:17am May 17 2009
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((Hrmm...I'm backkk! xD. Can I play a cub baby? ;D)) Leah looked at Luicide. "Lucky," She whispered. "They can hve children. I'm jealous." She chuckled once.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

9:43am May 17 2009
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Posts: 704
((Hmm. Woofs playing one, I'll play another...I think the idea was two...but wolves could have more. XD)) Lucide snickered back. "But we have a natural birth control." He pulled Leah to him and raised and lowered his eyebrows jokingly before letting her go and flashing back over to the 'boys side'.
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4:28pm May 17 2009
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((Oh. xD)) "That's true." She admitted, smiling. "I guess we're sorta lucky too."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:22pm May 17 2009
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Posts: 704
Lucide laughed and Varian rolled his eyes. "However you see it," He said, picking a couple of boughs off of Lanens willow tree, pinching the branches before doing so. He braided the peices together as he spoke. "They are lucky. They have eachother and, if not now, later, they'll have some little *Canis dirus sapiens running around...knowing Lan." Varian smiled the crooked smile he and Lanen shared and tied off the braid. ((*Canis dirus sapien=Dire wolf man...aka werewolf! Haha! I'm so very clever. XD))
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6:45am May 18 2009
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"Lanen has always dreamed of having children, I can tell," Leah said, "But I don't think that she would have wolves for babies. Though I'm sure she loves the idea now." She laughed, smiling at Lanen and Felix.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:45pm May 18 2009
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Posts: 704
Varian laughed. "Normally, Were's are born, not created...or at least from all the stories and what-not I've heard. As for having young'ns of her own...Lanen always had a thing for the little munsters that used to run around the town...though none ever though to ask her to watch them. Thought she was a little...nuts." "Evidently they werent too far off, considering she's the one who wanted to be a Wolf and loose her virginity..."
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6:36am May 19 2009
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"Don't forget, she didn't lose her virginity until she became a werewolf and met her soul-mate..." Leah added, and laughed.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

6:26pm May 19 2009
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Posts: 704
Varian chuckled. "Hmmm. I guess. So, is finding your soul-mate basically the same thing as being married to that person-Eternicly speaking?"
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6:44am May 20 2009
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Leah thought for a moment and said, "I suppose it's sort of like that. Only your soul-mate...you can't choose your soul-mate, ya know what I mean? It's like magic-that's whatwerewolves say at least- and you can't control if you love them. You just do."
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

1:04am May 21 2009
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Posts: 704
Varian nodded. "I know what'cha mean...I think I've heard of it. The old-timers called it..." He waved his hand in a circle, trying to find the correct word. "I think they called it Recognition. Meh. I dunno." He sighed. "I've gotten a sudden longing for people."
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6:38am May 21 2009
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"Recognition is a good comparison," Leah agreed, nodding. She laughed. "But not even a soul-mate would wanna be with me, I mean, I'm a hlaf-blood." She motioned her hands down the sides of her body and sighed.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

12:26pm May 21 2009
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Posts: 704
Lucide smiled, almost shyly. "Now, I wouldnt say that, Leah. And anyone who used your half-bloodiness would have a helluva lot to answer about."
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7:48pm May 21 2009
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Felix smiled slightly. "I can hear them taking. It irratates me that you can't." He said so quietly that only Lanen could hear.
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