11:49am May 1 2010
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Posts: 632
((k, ohhh....i have no idea how to start this XD)) Callisto stood in the darkness, screams echoing in all directions around him. It didn't even faze him now, he was past the pitiful attempts at horror, he had lost his soul years ago. Around him pictures and flashbacks of his previous human life constantly played like a cruel film. His mothers maimed body, his father lying in a gushing pool of blood, then him. Standing over them with a cruel smile playing over his lips. How he missed that, the warm blood flowing over his hand as he sunk his knife into flesh, the release of a soul when he freed it. Smiling coldly as he walked he set off through the blankness review his plan, soon they would be free.
11:49am May 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 632
((k, ohhh....i have no idea how to start this XD)) Callisto stood in the darkness, screams echoing in all directions around him. It didn't even faze him now, he was past the pitiful attempts at horror, he had lost his soul years ago. Around him pictures and flashbacks of his previous human life constantly played like a cruel film. His mothers maimed body, his father lying in a gushing pool of blood, then him. Standing over them with a cruel smile playing over his lips. How he missed that, the warm blood flowing over his hand as he sunk his knife into flesh, the release of a soul when he freed it. Smiling coldly as he walked he set off through the blankness review his plan, soon they would be free.
11:49am May 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 632
((k, ohhh....i have no idea how to start this XD)) Callisto stood in the darkness, screams echoing in all directions around him. It didn't even faze him now, he was past the pitiful attempts at horror, he had lost his soul years ago. Around him pictures and flashbacks of his previous human life constantly played like a cruel film. His mothers maimed body, his father lying in a gushing pool of blood, then him. Standing over them with a cruel smile playing over his lips. How he missed that, the warm blood flowing over his hand as he sunk his knife into flesh, the release of a soul when he freed it. Smiling coldly as he walked he set off through the blankness review his plan, soon they would be free.
11:50am May 1 2010
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Posts: 632
((i gtg home now but ill try to go on again tomorrow :D see if you can get anyone elso to join. we need an army! MWAHAHA!))
12:01pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 941
Hikari was leaning on her wolf and feeling the upcoming excitement to kill... oh how much fun it was to kill humans... she remembers her first kill, a drunk old man who tried to steal from her, he tried taking her backpack and she killed her with a stab to his heart...how she missed that feeling...how proud she was to kill those damn and selfish humans...the joy of killing, how nice it was! "you can't wait to kill too huh heru?" she asked. "oh i've longed for it hikari, i've been longing to kill those idiotic mortals for quite some time" heru replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes... ((oh yeah heru can talk. i'm being creative here. it's my first try))
12:12pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 941
((i need to go to we'll continue tomorrow please? okay night ^^))
12:27pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 2,378
Sumnor was walking around the encampment that his and his cell of soldiers had set up, his sharp, piercing blue eys scanning the environment for any sign of those demons, he spat on the ground at the very thought of demons, "Rally up, we're goin' huntin'!" ((I couldn't be bothered with a long psot yet, lol))
\r\n \r\n
12:30pm May 1 2010 (last edited on 12:30pm May 1 2010)
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Posts: 4,310
((Join?but one question...are half demons allowed?))
3:54pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 632
((sry about all the extra posts of the same one. My computer did something weird and I cant fix it :( half demons are allowed but you might not want to make one ranni. It’ll make it more confusing about which side your on. Not accepted by humans for being a demon, not accepted by demons for having human blood. Its up to you though please do join :D )) Callisto stepped through the darkness with ease, the lack of light didn’t bother him anymore. Then again nothing much did. He heard a figure talking to his side, relying on his ears he wandered over to where she was. There was no screaming or weeping or moaning about the cruelty of fate so it must be one of his soldiers, he thought. He dispised nothing more than the sniveling humans moaning about how they didn’t belong here. That was why he only took the strong ones into his army, any others he just killed. As he neared he realized it was the helhound master Hikari. He leaned on the wall next to her, laying his hand on the hound he knew was always near. “So, are you ready for tomorow?”
4:07pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 7,620
yuzurosaki mircelgo died from being stabbed by the one she loved accidental death has blue hair with black streaks and skyblue eyes ahd always wheres blue and black she is 13 years old she is now a hannyu demon a half wolf half human and has a wolf spirit that follows and protects her
4:08pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 7,620
she is a leader and she is shy but when it comes to it she can become vicious she mostly keeps to her wolf spirit and self
7:01pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 730
((Join Lilah! Can I be co-leader of the RP? Y'know, since your computer's a piece of crap and all... :D)) Name: Charai Age: Died and age frozen at 25 Gender: Female Looks: 
Demon or Human: Demon Personality: RP it out, is a fire-loving pyromaniac. Hates all non-demons. If Demon- Reason of Death: She was always obsessed with fire, but when she became dangerous, her parents put her in an institution. She promptly broke out and set the building on fire, and ran away. She burned down a total of 26 buildings before the police caught her and killed her on sight. Her body count was 237 people, and she was cast into Hell upon death. Rank (Leader or Soldier?): Leader of a section of the army, razes the human world and sets fire to the Earth as we know it.

Helping out with the Triumph Graphics thread now :3
8:37pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 632
((k no more demon leaders, we need some more humans and soldiers. Anybody want to make a second charactor? And yes bree, you can be co-personwhatchamajig... you decide whose charactors are ok or if they need to change anything. Yews all gotsta listen to bree :3 k? Also, try to keep it to just demons and just humans, it’s a demon/human rp not so much with animals. Helhounds are ok cause their pretty evil but think m*censored* murderer. Not fell off a building and went to hell for no reason...)) “We have to prepare ourselves to move, our runners have uncovered a weak point in Hell’s surface. If we can brake through that we can begin to move into the human cities.” He looked around, though his eyes couldn’t see, probably from old human habits. They would break through in small numbers first, invest the human sites and towns, then burn them from the inside out. None would be spared. They had to watch out for the hunters though. Filthy beings, they wandered the surface like dogs, waiting to sink their teeth into a demon or two if they could find them. His lip curled in disgust as he thought of the miserable animals. They would be the first to die if they came looking for trouble with demons.
9:32pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 632
((bump :) ))
12:18am May 2 2010
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Posts: 941
"ready? of course Callisto, me and Heru are here for that reason and that reason alone! the hell hounds are getting very eager for this war...I vow to kill at least 10 humans maybe a hundred? hahahahaha *hikari laughs sinisterly*... I will get my revenge on those filthy damn humans!" Hikari stood up and said " I'm going to see the hell hounds now Callisto. come Heru let's go" she flicked her finger ordering heru to follow.
9:14am May 2 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Yuzuorasaki looks at hikari and then at her twin who also died named orihiorasaki who has the same features and personality but she died from being shot in the heart by a human and she has black hair with blue streaks and also a wolf spirit
9:15am May 2 2010
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Posts: 7,620
she is a soldier and gets a pleasure from killing
10:02am May 2 2010
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Posts: 632
Callisto eased his back against the wall, he needed some action. His mind was growing restless from just sitting around. He needed to re*censored*ure himself that action would be taken. Walking forward, his feet guided by memory, taking the steps he had taken so many times befor. Walking to the break point. This was where they would make their move, the one split between Hell and Earth. Smiling he ran his tongue over his teeth in excitement. From the tiniest crack a thousand feet above came a bare trickle of light, casting shadows over his gleaming eyes.
10:11am May 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 7,620
yuzurosaki layed next to her sister thinking about when and how she died she didnt feel mad or sad she didnt feel anything
10:14am May 2 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 632
((guys, try to add more to your posts k? ))