1:28am Mar 20 2010
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OoC: Bumpies~
10:22am Mar 20 2010
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((Sorry about this! Internet sucks at my Grandparent's house! ut I'll be home today, sooo.. :P)) (You guys can go ahead and start.))
wuss poppin jimbo
1:02pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 735
(( I'll start it :D though it might not be fantastic))house?" "Hey do you mind if I go outside to the tree?" Patrick was yawning and rubbed his eyes as he asked his older sister, Kandy. She lloked at him and gave him a questioning look. "Ya sure, but first you have to tell me a good reason why you are going into a little kid tree house that we havent played in since, oh I don't know, forever?" Kandy put her hands on her hips and stared him down. Patrick was still in his P.J bottoms. He shrugged and made his way to the backdoor. Kandy rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen saying, "I'll call you when breakest is done!" Patrick was outside and when he spotted his old tree house he ran to it. He climced up and when he poped his head up into the tree house, he nearly gave his friend a heartattack. "Well knocking wold be great some times?" Said a tall boy who was sitting down, in the corner with a boook in his hands. As he marked his place and shut it down, his red-brown eyes lookedup only to find the other boy struggling to get up without hurting himself. Damien couldn't help but to laugh alittle. "Ya but being a cluts is my special lord readsalot." He shot a grin to the taller man as he came to help him out of his little trouble he had got him self into. ((D: fail but I'll wait for other people to start posting now :3 I don't know where the setting is taking plac so I'm guessing normal life time? If I'm wrong please tell me D: ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
5:30pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 48
((Is it too late for me to join?))
7:09pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 7:12pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
"C'mere, thief!" A beefy man shouted as he crashed unsteadily through the crowd. People parted, looking surprised, but did nothing. Erin Falkener hid a quiet smile beneath locks of ebony hair streaked with a pale, cold blue. It had worked so well. Simply stealing a petty trinket from that man's shop had been enough to provoke him.
She was barefoot, and though her body appeared young to the human eye, she was going at an easy pace, just barely outrunning the man. Her usual form was that of an adolescent girl; currently she looked to be about eight. A smell drifted past her as she dashed down the street, and she snapped her head towards it. The scent of that human's blood was enticing.
She yelped as she stumbled on a loose tile, losing her balance and sprawling on the sidewalk and sliding, leaving gashes all over her leg. Erin bit her lip and glanced around her. They were in a quieter street now, lined with quaint houses and perfectly mowed lawns. There were only a few people in sight. Erin gulped as she saw the storekeeper only a few yards away. She'd meant to lure him to a quiet alleyway, somewhere she could kill him without being noticed. They were far from any alleyway now.
Damn! She thought, ice blue eyes narrowing with irritation. How did you let this happen? Can't be helped... The man grabbed her shoulder and yanked her off the floor, causing her to whimper slightly as she felt her shoulder dislocate. He held her up to his face and she stared back defiantly. People were starting to gather nearby, pointing and watching with morbid curiosity.
"You're gonna pay--" His angry threat was cut short as she placed a foot on his chest and pushed off. He stumbled backwards just slightly, his ex pression darkening. Erin smiled back, showing her fangs. He wasn't smart enough to realize she was a Shadowshifter.
He swung his fist towards her face. Erin blinked, moved just slightly to the side, then caught his wrist with her teeth as he pa.ssed. He yelled in both pain and surprise, pulling his arm upwards, but she bit down harder. People started backing away, some of the younger kids screaming; they didn't want anything to do with it. Erin blinked when she realized they wouldn't give her any trouble and knocked her victim unconscious with a rock before finishing what she'd started.
Erin stood, popping her shoulder back in place, and wiped some blood from her lip, accidentally smudging it across her cheek. She stared down at the lifeless body, then looked around. It was a completely unfamiliar location to her. She couldn't see any forest nearby, much less a landfill. Erin sighed, dragged the body over to a bush to hide it, then approached the nearest house. She stepped lightly up the stairs, then knocked on the door. A sudden hesitation came over her, but it was too late anyway. Remember, Erin, you have to hide what you are. People are scared of your kind. When people are scared they become violent. You'll just get killed.
The eight-year old version of Erin waited for someone to answer the door, blood still streaked across her cheek. She hadn't noticed.
(( She knocked on Kandy's door by the way. o3o
Posts will be shorter from now on. ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
7:44pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((Go ahead, Nix)) ((-works on post- e__o)) ((Yes, normal time :P)) Josh shifted silently, taking the form of a young boy about the age of 6. His hair fell in shaggy bangs in front of his indigo eyes, hiding the strange colour from the rest of the world. He stepped out of the ally way he was in with a grim ex pression on his face and started to wander around the streets, picking out his next target carefully. Finaly he narrowed in on an elderly lady, and smiled sweetly, revealing animal sharp teeth. _______ Jace dozed on the bench outside the park, a lazy smile on his face. He was slightly aware of the knife hidden in his boot; it was designed specifically for killing Shadowshifters. He searched the crowd for any evidence of the foul creatures _______ Poppy's eyes flashed hungrily as she watched Erin. She was currently in the body of a girl that looked no older than 14, but her golden eyes were a dark orange with thirst. She considered walking up to Erin, and talking to her, but she knew other Shadowshifters weren't friendly. The scar on her wrist lingered to prove it. So she stood in the shadows of the quiet street silently, watching with a watering mouth. _______ Charlotte picked her bag off of the ground, running a hand through her silky hair before stepping outside into the bright sunlight. She squinted her crystal blue eyes, looking around the abandoned street she lived on. Her eyes lingered on Erin for a moment, but she shrugged off the cold feeling of ice in her stomach and continued to walk down the street. She kept her eyes on the ground. ((I'm brain dead.. D:))
wuss poppin jimbo
7:50pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 12:05am Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 735
Kandy heard the door and let the biskets cool. As she opened it she gasped to see this little girl at her door, blood smeared on her face. She couldn't say nothing for a second then she suddenly said, " Oh my goodness child, what happened you have blood all over your cheek hun?" Kandy was scared yet feeling sorrow, "Would you like to come in and clean up breakfest is almost done and I wouldn't ever let you go without food you poor thing!" Kandy tried to smile at the girl. Patrick was sitting across from Damien. He was trying to start a conversation with him but it would die down soon and Damien would stick his nose back into a book Patrick accidentally got him into. " Hey when can we go back to my house so I can change into a, uh, shirt? Though if you like my bare-" "Okay get out is Kandy there? Shes really annoying sometimes..."Damien put his bookmark in the book and got up. Patrick smirked and nodded. He opened the little door and climbed down. Missing a step he fell and landed on his butt. He started to whine and Damein rolled his eyes. When he jumped down without a problem he smiled at his human friend. "Haha impressive." Patrick frowned and got up. ((Sorry its so short I'm trying to watch 1,000ways to die and I'm on my laptop thats doesn't lke me. Plus a friends So much distractions!))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
7:54pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte's eyes flickered to Patrick and Damien with slight interest. She paused in her walking to stare at them for a moment, then blushed and kept walking quietly. FAIL D: ____ Poppy smirked, and shifted forms carefully, trying not to trigger her growing blood lust. She took the form of a small toddler, with dark orange eyes. Her silky black hair was pulled into pig tails, and she smiled to reveal smal, milky sharp animal teeth. With a fake, pitiful wail, she wandered into the street. To any other Shadowshifter, her intentions were blankly obvious.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:57pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Hm... I am just thinking of what to write. =3 One moment.
7:57pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 8:12pm Mar 20 2010)
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Erin's clear blue eyes widened with surprise. Blood? She thought, reaching up with one hand and feeling her face gingerly. She held her finger in front of her, staring at the blood. She stood, unable to speak for a moment. "I... um..." She paused, uncertain of what to say. Here, this poor human girl was confronted with a strange child covered in blood.
But she's being kind to me. Erin looked up at Kandy. "I... no, it's alright, I just wanted to know where the nearest landfill is." She blinked, then quickly glanced away, angling her head just slightly so that her dark, blue-streaked bangs covered most of her eyes. Her Aura, the colour of a deep iceberg, no doubt looked unnatural. "Or a forest." She finished quietly. That way, animals could eat the remaining human flesh. She tried to ignore the smell of Kandy's blood pulsing in her neck. She couldn't help eyeing it hungrily.
A shrill cry made her whirl around. She growled as she saw Poppy, instinctively moving into a somewhat feral, threatening pose, like a cat tensed to pounce, the only difference being that she wasn't on all fours. It had been over a year since she'd encountered another of her kind; and that last time, she'd almost died. She wasn't about to be so trusting again.
"Careful." She murmured to Kandy without thinking, bright, clear eyes watching Poppy warily. "Get into your house." Despite the fact that Kandy was a human, she'd been kind to Erin and offered her food and shelter, so she wanted to protect her from another Shadowshifter.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:18pm Mar 20 2010
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Poppy wobbled across the street, chubby chin quivering and fake tears rolling down her cheeks. "Mama?!" she said in a child-like voice. She let sorrow and loss seep into her words falsly. "Mama, where are youuu?!" She tripped, getting back onto her feet and connecting gazes with Erin. She's keeping me from a good meal! She snarled in her mind. Images of tearing out Erin's throat surged through her brain, and Poppy could only just barely hold back from grinning.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:23pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 4,093
(( PSH. As if you could. >;O Bring it. I'mma wait for Skunkers to post so that Kandy can like, react to this. xD ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:26pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 9,944
(( M'kay. That'll give my brain time to work anyways. XD)) ((I'm tired e__e And, like, unresponsive.))
wuss poppin jimbo
8:54pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 735
(( I'm late sorry Showers are a must X3)) Kandy couldn't help but to take a step back at this. The little girl in front of her was about to fight, or something? Kandy was to scared to move. Whats going on, can't one person have a norml morning. Kandy shook her head and said," Why? What threat is upon us to make you become this way. You need to get cleaned up kid? And Alone in a forest is way to dangerous." Kandy couln't bare the thought of a bear coming tward alittle girl of her size. Patrick was smiling on his way the house. When he was little his sisiter and himself wanted a secret hideout so they built it far. Its quite a chilly day...thought Patrick to himself. He looked over and up to Damien who wasn't smiling. Damien was actually looking around sensing something near, not aniomal nor human. He had the face of readiness. Patrick couldn't help but to laugh alittle on how jumpy he was. Patrick knew how dangerous it could be with shadowshifter but he lived in a caring envirment. He then looked down at the oh so tempting hand to hold but looked forward to see his house coming into a clear view now. "Wonder if Kandy got dinner done yet?" Patrick sighed stretching a bit. Damien only nodded to this sentance. (( I'll try to come in faster sorry D:))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
9:13pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 9:15pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin sighed quietly, then straightened her posture, still eyeing Poppy. She refrained from wincing at the murderous ex pression on the Shadowshifter's face, instead giving her a hard stare that said, Stay away from this one. "It's nothing." She replied to Kandy's question in a quiet voice. She turned to look up at Kandy, and nodded hesitantly in response to her offer. "S-sure..." She said, still cautious about going into her home. At least, this way, she would be able to keep Poppy at bay. "I just need to wash my face if that's okay..."

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
9:25pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 12:06am Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 735
Kandy sighed and smiled,"The bathroom is all the way down and then take a left." She motiion with her hands and smiled. She went to the kitchen hoping the little girl could find it, wasn't complicated. Very tiny house. Kandy pulled out four plates. One for her, Patrick, suspecting he would bring his little friend Dace , and the little girl if she was hungry. Eggs, biskets, and sausages. She went to the backdoor to yell for Patrick, only to find him there at the door startling both casuing them to scream. Dacein Made a face to there screaming and covered Patricks mouth. "OH MAI don't scare me like that Patrick you turd! Don't bother to ask if Dace could eat hes already got a plate ready, you little moocher..." Kandy turned away before Patrick could reply back. Damein now felt a pressence in the house but tried to shake it off. He simply went to the kitchen ignoring Kandy. Kandy ignored him, she never did like him. Patrick went down to his room to change.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
9:29pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 9:29pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 9,944
Charlotte tripped as she pas$ed Kandy's house, scraping her hand off the cement. She stood up, frowning as blood trickled from a gash on her palm. "Damn..." she mumbled, continuing to walk, keeping her eyes on her bleeding hand. She had no clue what attention she'd just dragged to herself. The scent of fresh blood wafted through the air. Poppy snarled in Erin's direction angrily, blinking her black eyes as she caught the scent of blood. Blood... She turned, starting to follow Charlotte. She wailed again, eyes glinting greedily as she caught sight of her hand. Her mouth watered, and she already picture herself tearing into the blonde girl's throat. Charlotte turned to look at Poppy with a startled ex pression. _____ Josh led the elderly woman down the nearly empty street. "This way sir," he said in his cute british accent. "I think my mommy went down this street." The scent of blood hit him like a brick, but he shoved it off and focused on leading the woman to her death. I'm sorry... _____ Jace got up, and started to wander down an empty street, eyes on the cement. He was tired, as always, but what was he to do? He was an insomniac, and when he did get sleep, it brought terrifying images with it.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:38pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 9:41pm Mar 20 2010)
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Erin nodded, exhaling with relief when Kandy shut the door. She suddenly smelled blood coming from outside; it was probably Poppy's doing. Still, the smell made her breath catch, and caused her to pause next to the table, eyes staring at nothing as she tried to focus.
It took a moment. How can you still be thirsty, Erin? She thought, then shook her head and started walking down the hallway. She took the left just as Patrick and Dace walked by. Dace's presence hit her and she spun around. Another Shadowshifter? That girl attracts alot of attention. She hissed with frustration, rubbed the blood off of her face as quickly as she could, then strode down the hallway.
She stopped in the doorway. "Who are they?" She asked warily, narrowing her eyes at Dace. Would he try to attack Kandy, even with Erin present?

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
9:48pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 12:07am Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 735
As Patrick walked down the hallway, he p*censored*ed the little girl and finally when he got to his room...wait a little girl? He quickly put on some pants, forgetting to zip them up leaving them hanging and struggling to put on his shirt while he walked around the girl into the kitchen. Kandy ignored Patrick pointing at the little girl and giving her a questioned look. " Who are they? Well the one who forgot to zip up his pants is ,unfortunalty, is my brother and this guy over here eating my food is Dace. Patricks friend." She handed The girl a plate while grabbing her own. Patrick blushed of embarresment and zipped up his pants. He grabbed his plate and sat next to Damein. "Kandy's a grouch kid s watch out." He stuck his tounge to Kandy and started eating. He coulnd't help but to stop eating after hearing Damein mumble growl. His red eyes were locked onto that girl. He was making sure if she made a movement t hurt the family he would spring attack. Even though he didn't like Kandy, he would protect her. He made that promise when Patrick and him were little and he spilled out the truth to Patrick. Patrick understood and started to tense up, hoping this would all turn out good, not bad.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
9:53pm Mar 20 2010 (last edited on 9:55pm Mar 20 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin flushed slightly and took the plate. It was filled with food. She felt guilty for suddenly intruding, but Kandy didn't seem to mind. Once she set the plate down she met Dace's crimson gaze with her stunning blue one. Despite herself she felt a stab of fear, and struggled not to show it on her face.
"You should leave." She snarled to him, not caring if Kandy heard. Getting angry definitely took her fear away. "I won't let you hurt her. I'll kill you if you touch her." She hadn't known Kandy for even an hour, but she didn't seem like other humans were. Generally.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe