11:31pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 48
Name: Luke Daly Original Age: 19 Gender: Male Aura Colour: Dark Green Personality: Luke is pretty content to skate through life, feeding only when he needs to, and pretending he's normal the rest of the time. Not much can upset him, since there isn't much he cares about. History: Luke lived only with his mother when he was young, and she hated what she was. She brought him up like a normal human kid, except for the blood. She didn't teach him anything about his other powers. However, he discovered them for himself when he was 16 and left his mother. When he was 17, he met Mary, who promptly fell in love with him. She found out what he was a year later, but she didn't care at all. Luke mainly ignored her, since she was just a little kid to him. Other: As much as Luke denies it, he really does care about Mary, or else he would have killed her quite some time ago. Also, he isn't a very good fighter, carrying only a small pocket knife. When he feeds, he usually goes after the very young or very old. Looks: Luke is 5'9" and very skinny. His hair is short and dirty, usually spiked up. He doesn't have to worry about hiding his eyes, since they aren't a spectacular color. Luke is fond of wearing dark clothes (which only make him look paler), and in particular his dark brown trench coat. The mark on his left hand is an X made from two spears.
Name: Mary Larkin Age: 16 Gender: Female *Crush*/BF/GF: Luke Personality: Mary can be hyperactive after she's had sugar or caffeine. She's addicted to the stuff, though, so her hyperactive times are far more common than her serious moments, which occur as well. She's hopelessly in love with Luke, not even caring that he could kill her any time he wants. She's also very superstisious. History: For the first 14 years of her life, Mary did nothing worth noting. Then, she met Luke at the mall on Valentine's Day. She thought it must have been fate, and she fell in love with him. After a year of being friends with/stalking him, Mary saw him feeding and realized that he was a Shadowshifter. Rather than being frightened, she thought that this was pretty cool and stuck with him. Other: Though she completely trusts in Luke, she realizes that his world is a dangerous one, and carries three knives with her at all times: one in her converse, one on her belt, and one in her coat. Luke doesn't know about this. Looks: Mary is 5'4" and slightly heavier than she is comfortable with. She has shoulder length red hair that curls when it gets wet, so she straightens it every morning. Her blue eyes are hard to see past her thick glas.ses, but she can't stand the thought of contacts. She tries to make up for this by wearing dark eyeliner, but it doesn't help any. She's fond of wearing very short skirts with striped tights, usually in neon colors like lime green. They never go with her faded red converse.
11:35pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 9,944
((Accepted. 8D))
wuss poppin jimbo
11:56pm Mar 20 2010
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Posts: 48
Luke rubbed at his eye absently. He was too tired to deal with this right now. "Mary, go away. I'm busy." Mary blinked innocently up at him, trying to keep her eyes wide while still seeing. They were standing in an alley, and the dark made it difficult for Mary, who already had poor eyesight, to see. "Are you..." she paused, glancing around to check for other people, "feeding?" Luke sighed. "Yes, Mary. Now beat it before - " He broke off and turned to where the alley opened onto the street. Mary followed his gaze, but saw nothing. She didn't hear the heavy, tired footsteps walking along the street. After a moment, though, she did see the silver-haired teen walk past, eyes to the ground.
12:01am Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 12:04am Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 735
Kandy tuned around to see the glares of the little girl and Dace. "Bring it little squirt, becuase I'd die before you lay a finger on these two. You may be fooling them but I'm pretty sure know you little secret as you know mine." Damien growled not caring who heard. Patrick took a bite of his bisket and just watched. Kandy was the first of Patrick and her to say something, "Dace, Thats alittle rude don't be rude to guest, even little girls. Oh and kid I never got your name?" Kandy sat down beside the girl giving her a warm smile. " You know I used to fall for that warm smile all the time when I was little but then you threw mud in my face!"Patrick said breaking the silence between everyone, earning himself a glare from Kandy and a high five from Damein. When Damein looked back don he wasn't smiling no more. Just a glare again.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
12:02am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace paused, movement catching his eye. He turned to Mary, a small smirk on his face. "Can I help you?" he asked innocently, focusing his silver eyes on her. She obviously wasn't a Shadowshifter, and she was pretty.
wuss poppin jimbo
12:12am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 4,093
"Erin." She replied simply, tearing into her toast with her long, sharp fangs. Her eyes lingered on Dace, ex pression still faintly hostile. She glanced at Kandy and Patrick, then jerked a thumb at Dace. "You trust him?" She asked with a hint of a growl.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:20am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 48
Mary brushed a strand hair behind her ear. She had to admit that the boy was good looking, but with Luke right beside her, she wasn't too impressed. "Oh, I'm just hanging out with my boyfriend." Luke made a confused sound. "I am not your boyfriend, Mary." Mary turned her gaze on Luke, her lip puffing out in a little pout. Luke turned to Jace and gestured at Mary. "She's really not my girlfriend. Just a little mistaken."
12:43am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 735
"Well I don't never did like the brat..." Kandy crossed her arms shooting a glare. "Hey hes great, you two are just girls and wouldn't understand 'MAN' stuff" Patrick smiled putting some boiled eggs in his mouth. Kandy put her hand on the table and leaned over. " Sorry to ruin your party Patrick but 'MAN' stuff requires men themselfs unlike you two." Damien sighed. He looked at the girl. He said," I can't believe Kandy here let you in, I can't believe anyone would trust anything like you. I'm more trust worthing." He bit off some of his sausage violently. Patrick and Kandy argued until Patrick yelled, "Your just jelous 'cuz we are guys! Girls vs. the boys unfair battle!" He sat down and crossed his arms. "Plus I've known Damien since we were little. We win." He stuck his tounge as if he was sopose to be the age of the little girl.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
1:02am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Erin blinked, then shrugged her thin shoulders and stood from her chair. "Fine. If you don't want me here I'll leave." She said. She walked around the table so that she was standing beside Dace. Leaning forward, she whispered in his ear. "There's another Shadowshifter outside. She seems to have a thing for Kandy. Protect her." She straightened, then nodded to Kandy. "Thank you for letting me eat here." She said sincerely. She glanced at Patrick before heading towards the front door. The scent of blood was still there. Erin froze, then spun around. "Can I... use the back door?" She asked Kandy.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:22am Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace smirked for a second, then let his eyes linger on Luke. Automatically he got hostile and unfriendly. "Hello," he said icily. Why is it that the damn creatures are everywhere? he thought frostily. Jace glared at Luke harshly. _______ Poppy coiled herself, and sprung at Charlotte. Her teeth met Charlotte's wrist though, not her throat, and she growled angrily. She latched onto her arm and bit down harder, enjoying the taste of the human's blood. Charlotte screamed, and tried to get the little girl off of her. <-- Fail. Josh pulled the old lady into a small allyway. "Here ma'am," he said in a squeaky british accent. "I'm very sorry for what I'm about to do." Before the woman could react, he snapped her neck and then bit down on her throat. At least now she doesn't have to feel anything...
wuss poppin jimbo
10:34am Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 10:35am Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 735
Damien wasn't happy to her and got up himself. "I'm finished..." He made his way to the sink. Kandy got up and went to the little girl. "You don't have to leave so soon? But if you want to I have no choice. You said you were looking for a forest right, there is one if you just keeping walking we have a big backyard. Do your parents live there?" Kandy went to open the back door and looked out for a second hesitating to let the little girl go alone."I think Patrick and Damien could walk you if its no problem? Right boys?" Kandy looked back to Patrick who gave her a face. Damien didn't answer becuase he did not here so he just agreed for something. Patrick started to tell him no. Kandy looked to her.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
10:59am Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 11:03am Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin shook her head. "My parents died a long time ago." She replied, her ex pression darkening just slightly. "I just have some business there." "I think Patrick and Damien could walk you if its no problem?" Erin heard Kandy suggest. She froze for a second. Damien probably wouldn't react to me dragging a dead body up a hill, since he's a Shadowshifter. Patrick... She nodded finally. Patrick seemed to know what Damien was. "Alright, I guess." She agreed. "They don't have to if they don't want to. I'm pretty capable." She looked up at Kandy, then blinked, realizing how unbelievable she must sound-- having an eight year old voice and body wouldn't be useful for convincing people. She waved to Kandy, stepped out the door, and headed for the front, where she'd cached the corpse.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:42pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 48
Luke flinched at Jace's glare. What had he done wrong? Remembering the pretty girl beside him, he thought that maybe the boy was jealous. "No, really. You can have her if you want." "What is that supposed to mean?" Mary snapped, nearly turning to face him. However, she got a good look at Jace before doing so, and froze. "I don't think that's what this is about," she said softly, reaching for the knife at her belt.
12:51pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 735
"Oh my, well you two boys go she need supervision." Patrick dragged himself to follow the little girl. Damien sighed and walked with Patrick. Patrick didn't really care he just didn't want to do work. He grabbed his jacket and put it on. Damien smelled something in the air that made him squint. Dangit...Damien tried to control himself. What is this little shadowshifter doing with a corpse with her... Damien gave Patrick a looked to be ready for something. " Where are we going anyway becuase if we are going to the forest like Kandy said I know my way all around the one in the back." Patrick smiled while scratching his chest. Damien didn't say nothing but yet followed the girl.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
3:15pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace didn't take his eyes off of Luke, but his hand automatically reached for his dagger, which was hidden in his boot. "You look familiar." he mused quietly to Luke. "But then again; your kind all look the same, don't they?" His eyes were cruel.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:22pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 48
Luke finally realized what was going on. "So that's what this is about," he said, not making any move to defend himself. Mary on the other hand, stepped forward, standing between Jace and Luke. "Don't you touch him," she warned. She had her hand on her knife, ready to pull it out if necessary.
3:29pm Mar 21 2010
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Jace smirked icily. "I wouldn't dream of it." He unsheathed his knife carefully; the black of the blade glinted in the sunlight eerily, and the scratchy red handwriting on it almost seemed to glow. His silver eyes sparkled, but his attention was drawn across the street from them, where Charlotte and Poppy were wrestling. __________ Charlotte rolled over, struggling to pin Poppy underneath her. "Let go!" she cried, whacking the girl's head off the cement. "Let go now!" Poppy only snarled and held on tightly. __________ Josh wandered out of the ally way he was in. His indigo eyes sparkled brightly, and he wiped the blood off of his face carefully with the edge of his sleeve. Blinking, heglanced backwards at the growing flames, which were the only remains of the woman. He let out a soft sigh and trudged on.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:36pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 48
Mary pulled her knife out, and was totally ready to rush at Jace. However, Luke grabbed her arm, keeping her in place. "Hey," she started. Luke merely pointed, and Mary turned to see Charlotte and Poppy. One of them had to be a Shadowshifter, but she couldn't tell which from where she was standing.
3:53pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Jace sighed, turning the blade carefully in his hand. "Damn Shadowshifters..." he grumbled as he jogged across the street to break them up. He wrinkled his nose in disgust at Poppy. _______ Charlotte and Poppy continued to roll around on the ground, cursing and kicking each other.
wuss poppin jimbo
6:24pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 735
(( BUMP :D ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.