6:53pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 48
Mary tightened her grip on her knive, then ran across the street after Jace. Luke contemplated leaving to find his own prey, but he decided against it. Mary wouldn't be able to hold her own against a hungry Shadowshifter, even with a knife. He jogged across the street after Mary, thinking that, at the very least, he might get his share of the blood, if the Shadowshifter should win.
6:58pm Mar 21 2010
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Jace pried Poppy off of Charlotte, pinning her to the ground with the knife at her throat. "Who are you?" he asked harshly. "My name is Poppy," she growled; but despite her brave words she looked hungry and defeated. Totally washed out of all hope. Charlotte stood up shakily, blinking rapidly to clear her mind. She held her wrist gently. "Ow.." she mumbled, frowning. Josh turned his head to see a small crowd gathering. He walked over to them, and tugged on Mary's sleeve gently. "What's going on?" he asked in his british accent. He tried to shove off the fact that he still looked only 6.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:01pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 934
((Man, I was totally left in the dust. lol. Sorry. Have fun!))
Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)
7:29pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 48
By the time Mary had reached the fight, Jace had already broken it up, so she was left to stand around idly. She didn't put her knife away, though. She felt someone tug on her arm, and turned to see a little six year old boy asking what was happening. She was about to lie to the little kid, but then she noticed his indigo eyes. She glanced at his hand, to check, and, sure enough, he had a mark. "One of your kind," Mary gestured toward Poppy, "was trying to find a meal." Here she pointed at the bemused Charlotte. "That kid stopped it, though."
7:36pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh blinked up at her, amused. "Not many of your kind can speak so calmly about that," he grinned, revealing sharp pointed teeth. He blinked, glancing at the crowd in detail. "How many 'shifters are here?" he asked, frowning. _____ Charlotte looked at Poppy carefully, studying her in detail. "Is it safe to do that to someone that small?" she asked Jace nervously. "I mean, won't you crush her?" Jace snorted. "If only it was that easy. Ma'am, this 'little girl' isn't human." Poppy shifted from underneath him, taking her true age, which was about 15. "Get off me, fatty," she spat at Jace angrily.
wuss poppin jimbo
7:44pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 48
Mary couldn't help grinning back. "You get used to it when you're dating one," she said. Luke finally reached them, and sighed. "We're not dating." "Whatever you say," Mary said skeptically. "Counting you, three, I think," she continued to Josh. Luke frowned. "Who are you?" he asked the little kid.
8:00pm Mar 21 2010
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Josh craned his neck to look up at Luke. "My name's Josh," he said in his accent, "Who are you two?" His blinked up at them, slightly annoyed at his current height. _____ Charlotte stared at Poppy, stunned. _____ Jace and Poppy continued to bicker angrily.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:07pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 735
(( Don't worry I didn't forget about this RP I'm just waiting for dustfeather ^^ Just saying :D ))
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
8:14pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 48
"Nice to meet you, Josh," Mary smiled. "I'm Mary, and this is Luke." She pointed at him with her knife, suddenly realizing that she was still holding it. "And whatever she says, we're not dating." Luke blinked at the knife in his face. "Where did that come from, anyway?" Finding no further use for it, Mary slid the knife back into her belt. "I'm not stupid, you know. It's generally not safe to be around a Shadowshifter." Luke's eyes widened, glancing at Josh. "Thanks for outing me to a little kid."
8:18pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh showed Luke the mark on the back of his hand. "Thanks for calling me a little kid," he countered evenly; but it didn't sound as sharp-toned as he had planned, due to his accent.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:21pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 4,093
Erin ran ahead to the front of Kandy's house, then went down on her knees and foraged through the leaves. After a moment she caught her victim's arm, and hauled him out. It took alot more effort than she would have admitted; her body might not have been weaker, although it was smaller and made it harder to handle large things.
As Patrick and Damien approached she shifted to her true age- that of a girl who looked about 15. She had identical features as when she was the little girl of eight; dark hair streaked with blue, icey blue eyes, pale face and slender build. She only seemed more mature.
Erin look at the two as they arrived. She heard Patrick mention that he knew his way around the forest, and nodded. "I'm just disposing of this up there." She nodded towards the corpse. "So the animals can eat the flesh, now that I'm done with it. Wouldn't want to be wasteful." She smiled slightly and began dragging the body across the gra.ss, her ex pression determined.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:31pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 48
Luke blinked. "Oh. Sorry." He glanced over at Mary, who was sticking her tongue out at him. As much as he hated to admit it, sometimes it seemed like Mary knew more about his kind than he did. "What are you doing here?"
8:34pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 735
"Ah, well thats nice that your just not going to leave the body. I would just leave it and go." Damien smiled followed the girl," Oh and what is this I see you have matured very fast, why were you in the form of an eight year anywho?" Damien didn't change his ex pression. Patrick frowned at the body. Not freaked by it, hes seen many but still never got used to the smell. "Well there is a a big pond where many animals go. I've always seen them when I was in my little tree house." Patrick gave her a weak smile as he walked to the forest. "It doesn't surprise me that you are a shadowshifter. Damien doesn't really growl alot and your eyes are a dead give away. Never seen Icy blue eyes." Patrick shrugged. He didn't want to seem like a but, he just liked to point out the obvious. "And one thing that also made you different is that you actually like Kandy." He started laughing and Damien smiled. Damien never like Kandy nor did she like him. She just was never fond of him and he likes being annoying to her but he never did mind to that. "Ya hehe Shes a demon but she doesn't know that yet" He stuck out his tounge at the girl," Erin girl, you pick weird people to trust." They continued to walk.
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
8:36pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 9,944
"I could ask the same thing," Josh said with a smile. "Actually, I was just pas$ing through." He blinked, looking down at his feet. "And, um...." He swallowed. "Grabbing a bite to eat, let's say." He thought sadly of the old woman; what family was missing her right now? How long was she going to live before I killed her? Does she have any grandchildren that'll miss her?
wuss poppin jimbo
8:44pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 48
"We were busy having a run-in with the silver-haired guy, when he saw the two fighting," Mary answered. "And I was about to, like you said, grab a bite to eat," Luke added, glancing over at Charlotte. He hadn't noticed before, but blood was dripping from her wrist. It was a good reminder of how hungry he was.
8:46pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 8:48pm Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin grinned, happy that they weren't all snapping at her throat anymore. "I'm quirky like that." She replied. "But, actually, it's just more convenient for luring victims elsewhere." She stole a quick glance at Patrick; it felt odd to be talking about her Shadowshifter life so openly in front of a human. "People are more inclined to trust you, or think that they can catch you."
She blinked at Patrick, as if to emphasize his point about her eyes. "Yeah, I know. Kandy didn't really seem to notice though." She shrugged. "I don't want her to find out I'm a Shadowshifter. She's so kind to me, even though she doesn't know me. Most people have been affected in some way by Shadowshifters. It seems cruel to let her know I'm actually some bloodthirsty demon."
She stumbled on a rock, then paused, breathing hard, her ex pression faintly irritated. "Geez, why did I pick such a huge guy to steal from?" She sighed and closed her eyes. Apparently out of nowhere, bright blue shadows crept up her body and curled around her hand that held the corpse, strengthening her grip. After a moment she continued up the slope. Her eyes seemed to glow slightly, as if responding to the Aura-coloured shadows.
She stopped walking as they stepped into the forest, looking around in the dense collection of trees and foliage. "So where's this pond of yours? It sounds like a good place to drop it off." She said.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:52pm Mar 21 2010
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Charlotte ripped a strip of cloth off of her shirt sleeve, and started to tie her wrist up with it. She glanced at Luke, meeting his gaze. "Um, hi?" she muttered. _____ Josh fought back a frown. "I see," he said evenly.
wuss poppin jimbo
8:58pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 735
"Ya its a great place. I spot bears ever now and then that would probly eat it..." Patrick looked to the girl and smiled,"And I think it would be great if Kandy didn't know you were a Shadowshifter. All these years she hasn't known about Damien. Hes a secret, but she still doesn't like him. But I like him." He was walking freely to the pond. Damien rolled his eyes and grabbed the corpse,"Need help? I doubt Patrick would be much help, hes only good with direction not in strength though." He smiled to him self dragging the corpse alittle. Patrick mad a face at him and continued to walk. Patrcik got cold outside and shivered. Stupid small jacket...why out of all jackets I've bought, I pick this one to wear! Patrick was walking with a frown on his face now. Upcoming was the pong and he turned the two, "Pond up ahead you too!" Still arms crossed and shivering a bit. Damien looked at the corpse and the Erin,"What'd you steal?"
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
9:03pm Mar 21 2010
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Posts: 48
Luke looked down at the ground right away. It wouldn't be smart to go after Charlotte with Jace - and Mary - right there. Besides, he'd heard the faint unease in Josh's voice. Mary frowned. "Are you okay?" she asked him. "I think I'd better leave," Luke answered. He turned, keeping his eyes on the ground and started to walk away.
9:08pm Mar 21 2010 (last edited on 9:08pm Mar 21 2010)
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Posts: 4,093
Erin hesitated, then nodded. It wouldn't hurt to get a little help carrying the heavy body. "Thanks." She murmured. She glanced at Patrick, who seemed to be freezing in his thin jacket. Erin herself was only wearing dark blue jeans and a black tank top with some ruffles along the bottom. She was barefoot. The cold didn't really bother her, though.
"Just a necklace. It was pretty expensive though; he was quicker to run after me." Ehe replied with a quiet smile, pulling it out of her pocket. It was a dainty-looking thing, made with a thin silver chain. At the end there was a bright blue gem entangled in an elegant web of silver. She reached behind her neck, putting it on carefully, then let it rest against her chest. Erin glanced up at Damien, suddenly defensive. "I'm not going to return it, if that's what you're thinking." She said. "I live on the streets; this is probably the first luxury I've ever had."
She looked in Patrick's direction and saw the pond. "We're coming!" She called back before starting to haul it over with Damien's help.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe