6:59pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 5,835
"I have no idea." Aurora said helping the girl sit up. She saw another one of the bushes not that far away, "Make sure no one tries to eat another berry from that bush." She said. She glared at the small boy who had gotten up and was now weaping in his mother's arms.
7:05pm Apr 9 2010
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Posts: 4,848
"Okay..." Ribunny said, still a little dizzy. She shakily stood up. "Would you like it if something gaurds it?" She asked.
7:36pm Apr 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,835
"Erm...I guess someone can gaurd it." Aurora said.
7:41pm Apr 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 4,848
Ribunny closed her eyes for a secound, focusing on finding a gaurd dog. She soon found a stray german shepherd that had run away from his old home but still liked to gaurd things. She said into its mind, Will you gaurd something for me? The german shepherd jumped and looked all around, Who are you?! He exclamed. I am a friend. The german shepherd closed his eyes for a secound, then opened them again I belive you. He murmerd. What are your orders? He sat down and waited for a reply. I want you to gaurd some berry bushes that will kill anyone who eats the berries, are you up to it? She asked Of course! He replied, My name is Rex, if you wanted to know. He ran over to where he senced Ribunny was. "Here is out gaurd!" Ribunny said. At your servace. Rex said and bowed.