Where There are Shadows, There Must be Light (Transformers: Prime RP)

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7:14pm May 9 2014

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Posts: 174
A wave of nausea suddenly washed over Tailwind, completely blacking out his vision. He dropped to a crouch to prevent himself from falling over- hoping it would hide his discomfort, and willing his cameras to start working again, and for the dizziness to subside. He was fine. His crew mates were not fine. They needed help. He could not help them.

He repeated the four sentences over and over again in his head until the sick feeling went away. He let out a shuddering breath(?) he didn't know he was holding. Stupid glitches... They were suddenly happening all over again. He didn't need it. He didn't want it, either. Hopefully no one was paying any attention- and after all, no one ever did. 

Feeling he'd done enough sulking for the day, he noticed Leadshock and stood up again. Tailwind glanced at Sentry, and could already tell what he was thinking. And it was a good excuse to be alone. "I'll go check on the pods." The awake crew members were safe in the company of the beast autobot. Assuring himself, he left and entered the ship before anyone could stop him. He'd just wash off the mech liquid on his visor later.


8:33pm May 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 209
"I see." He nodded towards halftrack and looked down at his leg. "Are any of the medics around?" He questioned. "I managed to hurt myself on a crate." He said sheepishly and stood up, sighing loudly as he studied each face and memorized it. "By the way, I'm Leadshock, I prefer to be just called lead though." He sunk to his knees again and gave up, staying down with another annoyed sigh. holding his leg carefully.


9:24pm May 9 2014 (last edited on 9:37pm May 9 2014)


Posts: 2,165
The sudden act of protectiveness startled the halftrack. "Eh, Cody? Ya okay?" The little medic hadn't displayed this kind of behavior before; Sentry was worried he may have taken a larger hit to the helm than he'd originally thought. Then again, the medic had been the one to wake first, so the damage couldn't be that severe. Wait... Medic. Riiiiight. Medics were well-known for over-protectiveness of their patients, especially if outside of a safe facility. Code Blue was just acting on what his coding was telling him to do. And, Sentry would never admit it, but he found it rather cute. 

His attention was drawn toward Tailwind as he heard the mech say something about checking on the others. "Ya sure? Ya look like ya oughta stay here 'nd get patched up." That gash in the seeker's helm had to hurt, and was leaking rather badly. He also didn't want to add in that Code Blue specifically could fix him, as much as he wanted to.The feline was a medic, albeit one he wouldn't completely trust yet.

His optics widened in surprise as he watched the feline transform into a bipedal form... One that barred the insignia of the Autobots. The war was something the Explorer Delta was to take the neutral ship away from, not drag them back to. The captain briefly wondered whether any of the other neutral ships that had fled Cybertron once the Autobots had cleared Trypticon from the skies had made it to safe destinations. According to the beast-bot, this one was far from safe.

Rather than getting up and dislodging the medic who had currently returned his attention to to his dislocated shoulder, Sentry remained in place. He did, however, address the Autobot. "So... It seems we need ya ta show us around 'nd keep us outta trouble... 'nd that insignia means we should be able ta trust ya." Not that 'should' meant would. Sentry was determined to protect his crew, regardless of what would need to be done to do so.


Code Blue had returned his attention to Sentry's shoulder, all the while remaining wary of the other medic's presence. The Praxian was none too keen on allowing her near him with a med kit right now. It was never anything personal against his fellow physicians, really, just another hassle thanks to his anxiety glitch. The same glitch that was fumbled with by doctors and psychologists for a long time during his prewar existence. The... less than desirable experience with those medics also contributed to his lack of trust in them. 

That being said, his body language while he had his back turned to the beast-bot medic was somewhat hostile. 


9:56pm May 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 47
"If you haven't noticed my insignia is faded; I have been here since the beginning of the war haven't seen a lick of combat. My teacher was Ironhide; so I WAS a weapon specialist; I was forced to become a medic when my own ship crashed after going through the asteroid field that makes up the rings of the planet" Sabertooth said while walking over to where Code Blue and Sentry was then looked back over at Tailwind "And I would like to see you too later" she said


10:33pm May 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 174
Tailwind paused, halfway through the now-empty doorway. He glanced back over his shoulder at the two. "Thanks for your concern. I'll deal with it myself." He winced as he turned away from the others. Partially because of the taste of his own blood, and partially due to his tone of voice. It came out much, much colder than he had intended. He hoped they would understand.

Why was he asking forgiveness? He was the one that was unable to control himself. Tailwind growled at himself in frustration. Well. At least now he was out of their faces. He wasn't any help when it came to injuries. He would be more than a hassle than a help now, anyways, being hurt. What was his job anyway? No matter what he did, Tailwind couldn't shake the feeling that he was a freeloader. And the problem? He couldn't remember a single instant when he had been even remotely helpful. 

Tailwind suddenly froze. He hadn't been paying attention. It was dark.

Very, very dark.

He swallowed, trying to quell a growing panic. There's nothing here. It's empty. The main door is the only entrance inside. It was watched. Nothing could have come in. 

Tailwind felt something brush against his leg. 

He was off like a bullet.

He gave a panicked yell as his blades flicked open, slashing at  whatever demonic being that had touched him, before immediately turning tail and crashing through the nearest exit- which was unfortunately a window. 

Tailwind shifted, and fled like Unicron himself was after him.

And he didn't stop until he passed out from exhaustion.


7:42am May 11 2014 (last edited on 1:52pm May 11 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 209

Leadshock waited in silence, wondering what was going to happed to the crew, his eyes flickering towards the door,  crawling along to one of the medics he outstretched his leg, wondering what he should say. "Uh...Once you are done with him...Could you help with my leg?" He tilted his head and rubbed at some of the damaged part on his leg not realizing he would probably make it worse. Shuddering lightly as the ship swayed a bit, his mouth formed into a frown.

(I feel like I make really short posts but I only have one character ;-;)


2:26pm May 11 2014


Posts: 2,165
Code Blue paused mid-weld and resumed his protective stature over the captain, torn between wanting to bolt due to his anxiety and protecting Sentry from the stranger. His hissing increased in volume as she approached, sending a clear warning to his fellow medic that he wasn't keen on letting her touch him or his patient while glaring in her direction. Although his 'glaring' looked a lot more like a desperate plea for her to keep away. Praxians were known for expressing themselves with their doorwings, but one of his was badly damaged, so every time they moved without him thinking of it he winced again. 

It wasn't exactly that he didn't like her, it was that he didn't like the fact that she was another medic. He didn't trust others easily due to his irreparable glitch. Normally, he'd have made himself scarce in a situation where he required the attention of another medic, but his crew members were injured, and however big a processor ache not submitting to his glitch gave him, he resisted leaving because they needed help.

His attention was deterred toward Leadshock as the injured mech limped towards them. Everyone was hurt... He couldn't fix them all. But he still didn't trust the Autobot... 


"Well ah, a'ight then," The captain replied, narrowing his azure optics skeptically at the seeker as he vanished into the dark wreckage of the ship. Tailwind didn't seem to be alright- he was acting out of sorts from when they'd all met back on Cybertron before the ships left. Sentry dismissed it as the fault of the wrench that had hit the flier in the forehelm while the ship was being tossed about.

He then was startled out of his musings by the increased volume of that dangerous metallic hissing noise coming from the medic's vocalizer. Code Blue was acting out of sorts too, though it was easy for the halftrack to guess why due to the fact that the ship's CMO suffered an anxiety glitch, on top of having the coding of a medic, which made for an interesting combination in situations like this. "Cody," He started, wary of his friend's currently aggressive mindset. "she's just tryin' ta help. Ya can relax."

((I'm sorry, Cody doesn't seem to like Saber very much. |D))


2:57pm May 11 2014 (last edited on 2:58pm May 11 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 47
A strange look came over Sabertooth like a carrier watching her sparklings; she then walked over to Leadshock and began to treat his wound. It probably shocked the others with her attitude taking a 180 like it had; she carefully cleaned the wound and began to weld the wound closed. Suddenly a menacing growl came from the nearby trees; the bot who stepped out looked to have been Praxian at one time though he was now all black with the exception of the silver chevron and green optics with Panther ears, tail, and claws; Sabertooth sighed and said "The Panther-former over there is my mate Lighthammer I am sure you can understand his agression"


4:23pm May 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 174
"Please stop..." The voice of a tiny sparkling mewled helplessly. 

The scene slowly faded into clarity. Tailwind was having the dream of someone else. He didn't remember any of this. This never happened to him. But everything was so real.

The sparkling was on the floor, mech liquid pooling from a deep gash in its leg. The sparkling's stabilizing servo was twisted in a way that couldn't be natural. Dents covered nearly every inch of the sparkling's soft armor, and blue liquid dribbled off of its chin. 

A shadowy form stood over the sparkling.

For some reason, certain parts were blurred, and some black all together. It included the faces, as well as the robotic form. 

The larger bot raised a servo, and the sparkling flinched, curling up into a ball, whimpering. The blow threw the tiny robot across the room, and it cried out as its back connected to the floor, tearing open a fresh wound. 

"S-stop hurting me," the sparkling's voice wobbled, tears streaking down its face.

"Fight back," the other robot demanded harshly, approaching the sparkling with a predatory grace. Each step was like an earthquake, yet also as light as the ghost of a breeze. Trembling, the sparkling shook its head. 

"I-I can't!"

The other bot moved like lightning, his servo clamped around the sparkling's tiny neck. The sparkling choked and gagged, uselessly scrabbling at the vice-like grip around its neck. The other bot raised the sparkling into the air.

"Fight back now, or die."

He swung at the sparkling, and a sickening crunch answered the contact. Everything went black.



A thump, a pained cry.

"You failed. Again."



5:58pm May 11 2014 (last edited on 7:25pm May 11 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 209
Leadshock scrambled to his feet and backed away after she was finished, nodding andobserving his leg. trying not to touch it as he looked the feline over and narrowed his orb like eyes.  He grumbled lightly and stretched each of his limbs to make sure they were all still there as he started walking back to the wreckage. 


7:01pm May 11 2014 (last edited on 3:35pm May 13 2014)


Posts: 2,165
((Uh... no one in the wreckage is able to speak at this point |D))

Despite the captain's words, Code Blue continued his hostile behavior towards the feline. "Ey. Shhhh." Sentry gently rubbed the lithe medic's back in between his doorwings, careful of the wounded one. It was common knowledge that a Praxian's sensory panels were among the most sensitive parts of their bodies, and he'd often have to use this to his advantage in calming the anxious CMO. Code Blue, for his part, seemed to be relaxing well enough as his back was rubbed. The hissing quieted into a disgruntled, static growl which was barely audible. " 'at's it, easy. She ain't gonna hurt us."

He watched as Sabertooth repaired their injured crewmate, continuing to stroke the stressed out medic above him to keep him from becoming hostile again. This was especially important as the panther came into the picture. Both were predatory animals, and mates; hostility might not sit well with them, regardless of whether it was truly meant or not. Sentry knew Cody would never hurt anyone, but they did not. "Sahrry, Cody's just a bit worked up is all. He don't mean anythin' bah it."


Still put off by the feline medic's presence, Code Blue continued to growl at her and the other newcomer. His hostility would continue to falter, however, if Sentry kept doing... that. The presence of the other two was still known, but the growl began to dissipate into a soft purr, optics half-lidded and wings beginning to droop downward- "AYIE!"

The Praxian stiffened suddenly, reminded of his busted wing and the reason he didn't like the other medic in the first place- he was hurt, and required attention. Code Blue moved rapidly from his place over the captain to the side, optics wide with fear as he stared up at the two strangers, deliberately leaning slightly over Sentry's wounded shoulder in an attempt to protect him. 


7:14pm May 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 47
Lighthammer saw Code Blue's damaged doorwing and began to whimper himself and look over his shoulder at the nubs where his doorwings used to be; Saboertooth looked over at her mate and chuffed to get him over to her side. He turned to look at her and nodded running over; Sabertooth purred and rubbed between the nubs on Lighthammer's back which were clearly visible to Codeblue and Sentry. Once Lighthammer laid down with his head on Sabertooth's lap she said "Code Blue I know you don't trust us but please calm down; if you must know Lighthammer here used to be a Praxian as well. But lost his doorwings when he took the ALT of the Black Panther; he hasn't been the same since. Oh I still love him with all my spark but he has told me that he feels blind without them." Lighthammer nuzzled into Sabertooth's stomach when she stopped rubbing


9:22pm May 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 174
((In no particular order. Dropping a hint- some of it is nonsense.))

Tailwind woke up in a tube.

No, it's a dream. It's one of those strange first-person dreams, where it seems like you're another person. Even though he knew it was a dream, he couldn't control it. Almost like he was too tired to, content with just letting things happen.

He floated strutlessly in semi-transparent blue liquid. His optics hurt. His limbs hurt. Everywhere hurt. It hurt to breathe, if inhaling this concoction was considered breathing. He felt like he was suffocating, but still with a sliver of air.

"He's awake"

"Dose number two."

"Yes, sir."

His vision blacked out again.


Something was being clamped onto his body. Something vaguely glinted at the edges of his blurry vision, as well as something blue, in the shape of a rectangle.

"He keeps on waking up!"

"After this one, he won't."


"No! Please! It-it was an accident!"

"We don't tolerate accidents."

"I-I can explain!"

"Take him away."


"-would be secure?"

"He is awake. We shall continue our plans later."


"It's fine, things will carry on as planned. It will activate wh-"


"Are you lost, little one? Come with me."


"Get him to wake up. And make sure he forgets."


10:12pm May 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 174
((I have posted a transformers dictionary of sorts on my Res blog, entitled 'Swapping Paint', if you guys need it~!))


5:39pm May 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 209
Leadshock gave up and returned near the cat like creatures and snorted softly, eyeing them and taking a seat, still recovering from shock wondering what they would do now, how they would repair the ship. lancing somberly at the others before allowing himself to relax until things were at least kind of in control then maybe he could start to figure things out and work a little bit better.


5:44pm May 12 2014 (last edited on 5:47pm May 12 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 96
Spinback awoke finally, looking around as the groggy feeling abated. He guessed that the ship had landed hard. Hard enough to knock him out, and out of stasis. But not enough to kill him. Small mercies.

He shoved at the restraint in his pod hard enough to break it to free himself, grumbling as he did about the incompetence of the ships captain rather loudly...

There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.

7:36pm May 12 2014 (last edited on 10:26pm Mar 28 2015)


Posts: 2,165
Code Blue's metallic warning hiss resumed as a third bot came closer. Why did everyone insist on surrounding him while his anxiety glitch was causing him so. Much. PAIN? He wanted to take off and run from the other medic, but... Sentry was there, and the captain was now his patient. Everything inside him both screamed 'RUN' and 'PROTECT YOUR PATIENT', and it was tearing him apart. He knew Sabertooth was trying to calm him. He knew Lighthammer was trying to help. He vaguely recognized Leadshock from when they'd all met before the ship left Cybertron. But...

It was irritating. He needed to complete Sentry's repairs, but he also needed to keep the other medic from separating them so they could both be repaired. There was no way he was going to let her fix him. That wasn't even a conscious thought, either. His anxiety glitch had abused the stressful situation. Normally he had much better control over it, but the crash, his injury, the injuries of his crewmates, the new beast-bots... It was too much for him. 


Sentry noticed Code Blue's condition worsening and knew he'd have to do something about it; the CMO was of no use to anyone in this state. "A'ight, yer all gonna have ta back away fer a sec. Ya're tryin' ta help, but it's only makin' his anxiety glitch worse." Pushing up with his powerful legs and one good arm, he stood on his peds, semi-repaired left arm dangling at his side, incapable of moving. He then picked up the frightened medic and set him on his peds, wrapping his good arm around the small of his back and drawing him close. The Praxian gave a startled yelp and began to struggle at first, but then gave up and buried his face in the former enforcer's chestplate.

The captain looked to the newcomers. "E's been like this since ah met 'im. Normally got much bett'r control o' it, really, but 'is medic codin's conflictin' with 'is glitch ahnd causin' 'im a lot o' pain." He began rubbing the space between the medic's doorwings again, careful of the injury as before. "Shhhhh," He bent his helm down to look at Code Blue. "'sa'ight Cody, no one's gonna hurt ya, or me."

He began to wonder what may be keeping Tailwind, and looked over in the direction of the crashed ship where he had gone. Someone was moving about in there... Perhaps he'd returned from checking on the others. 


7:43pm May 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 47
Lighthammer perked up a bit and said "Hey Sentry was it? You don't happen to know a Mech named Jazz do you cause you have an accent similar to his" Light's accent was clearly that of Praxian Nobility he was alsp hoping that his voice would help calm his fellow Praxian.

Sabertooth smiled and said "How about Lighthammer and I go away from you all a bit so that Code Blue can settle down enough; I have to scare away some of the insane bots who want to attack. If you are wandering; I wasn't only the Medic of my ship but also the captain. So I know what you are going through Sentry" as she stood to her feet and Lighthammer stood with her they waited for a responce


8:09pm May 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 174
(possible pass)


8:16pm May 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 209
((I have to pass too for school)) :I

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