5:12pm May 30 2014 (last edited on 5:12pm May 30 2014)
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Posts: 47
"And I thought Red Alert's glitch was bad" Lighthammer said with a roll of his optics as Sabertooth sat down looking spark broken that the Praxian didn't trust her. She tried to be friendly and help them; she didn't even budge when Lighthammer hugged her. "Now Sabertooth you know getting emotional isn't good for the sparklet" Lighthammer said hoping the mention of their unborn sparklet would trigger something in Code Blue
(yeah sorry friends forgot to mention that Sabertooth is sparked *laughs nervously*)
4:51am Jun 1 2014
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Posts: 174
Tailwind nodded stoically, inwardly smirking. Even though the other bot had laughed good-naturedly, the Seeker knew that his snide remark had ruffled some feathers. Normally he wasn't so ruthless, but the other bot was asking for it.
He flicked onto the before-mentioned channel, breaking away from the other bots' conversation. "Clouds aren't very opaque." The Vosian tossed back, taking the lead. When they met the fading daylight outside, Tailwind paused. Sensing some mischief from the other bot, over the channel, he said "And don't even think about that," before taking to the sky in one strong down sweep of his wings.
((Dramatic Tailwind is dramatic. And May or may not edit the beating wings thing if I change his design.
On a side note- I'd imagine that Tailwind is also fitted with either hidden propellers and/or anti-gravity thingies to support his flight. But of course it could be an unrealistic world and somehow wings can do things alone etc so yeah sorry bye))
1:52am Jun 2 2014
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Posts: 96
As Spinbreak followed the flier out, then take to the sky, he mutters “You won’t even see me coming” with the communications muted, then afterwards opening the communications channel to 6 and transforming into his vehicular mode to follow in an adjacent pattern on his monowheel. “So, what did the flyboys at the hangar that you hung out with call you then?” he asks over the communication channel more tersely as he zigged and zagged through things on the ground, keeping his sensor units open for anything important to report...
There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.
8:00pm Jun 2 2014
Posts: 2,165
Sentry sighed, pinching the bridge of his olfactory sensor as he reapproached Code Blue and gently wrapped an arm around his waist, bracing the other one at the medic's shoulder and tugging to get him off the door. Of course he met startled protest, but it was short-lived as he began gently scratching Code Blue's side, causing him to break out in a giggling fit and slacken his grip on the door. Carefully, he held his little friend in his arms and stroked the small of his back.
The captain didn't take Code Blue to the beast bot; he knew the medic was still too tense for that. Instead, he sat down on a berth near the door and continued rubbing his back. "Shhhhh," when a sparklet was mentioned, he looked over at the beast bots, optics wide. A sparklet might complicate things even more than they already were.
"Ehehehehe- s-stop, stop! No, no no, no! Eeeeep!" The medic squealed as he was tickled, and and legs flailing around in an attempt to get the captain to stop. "P-please, s-s-stop!" His giggling was rather loud and would be called adorable by anyone watching.
Code Blue squeaked in fear, flailing in Sentry's arms as he was pried off the door. "Nononomononon- aaaaah~" He sighed, optics half-closing as his back was rubbed again. Curse his sensitive back plating. A purr began to rise from his vocalizer.
At the mention of a sparklet, his helm turned to look at the beast bots. Code Blue felt bad about not trusting the other medic. It was times like this where his glitch did the most damage to those around him. He wished he could explain- it wasn't that he didn't like her, it was that he had a lot of trouble trusting new people.
11:10pm Jun 2 2014
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Posts: 47
"Lighthammer stay here I am going back to the den it seems I am not wanted here" Sabertooth said getting up and pulling out of Lighthammer's arms and headed towards the door; Lighthammer turned and said "Sabertooth is very sensitive; especially since she is sparked and her emotions are out of control and so is her confidence; so I hope you are happy" as he headed for the door as well
2:46am Jun 3 2014 (last edited on 9:01am Jun 3 2014)
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Posts: 174
((Ooooo Dmann, you chose a good question. 83
But srsly. When is this door wing problem going to get looked at? I was planning on getting a bunch if bots hurt throughout the RP |D))
Tailwind tensed at the other bot's question. He knew it was harmless enough and was meant good-naturedly, but it stung unlike a simple 'Designation, please?'
The flier hoped he was high enough that the other bot wouldn't notice, and decided not to bother with the details. "Tailwind." He replied in a monotone, sounding bored as he scanned the area, flipping through multiple overlays. He didn't bother asking for the other bot's name, he figured he'd probably hear it later on anyway, and only answered out of common curtesy- even though it wasn't even the correct answer.
((Just thought of a reason why Tailwind is named Tailwind. 83 Also, yes, his name IS Tailwind, but yeah. Am going to make stuff happen next post.))
6:28am Jun 3 2014
Posts: 2,165
((I was planning on solving it next turn but since Alpha's reply involves the beast bots leaving I guess that isn't happening so idk. o3o))
9:03am Jun 3 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 174
I dunno.
Go begging to Sabertooth? O3o
Also, finished editing. Might wanna read oC as well. I was going to go into detail, but bleh. It may be obvious or not. |d))
10:26am Jun 3 2014
Posts: 2,165
((Lol I think he's going to jump out of Sentry's lap and approach her. Albeit slowly and probably giving himself a bad headache in the process. XD))
12:47am Jun 4 2014 (last edited on 2:29am Jun 4 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 96
((Sorry for being so long: I am taking random ass naps, and I had a thing out today (as in on Tuesday). Also, flip a coin for what you asked Dark. Thus randomness XD.))
As Spinbreak moved, Tailwind responded with his name, in an almost disinterested tone. A moment later, he sighed, and concentrated as he crested a hill and flew over the other side, letting out a whoop over the comm as he made some air and landed about 30 feet from the top of the hill. “That was a sweet jump Windy, ya missed it from all the way up there” Spin laughed through the comm channel to break the silence properly, and to get the birdbrain to look down possibly...
There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.
4:10am Jun 4 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 174
((Omg 'Windy'?
Tailwind will not like that. XD
He doesn't like any nicknames, actually, to be completely honest.
And plz, u do the honours of coin flipping))
1:44pm Jun 4 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 96
((Can you choose which heads and tails will represent then Dark? So its not entirely my fault as to what happens.))
There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.
5:07pm Jun 4 2014
Posts: 2,165
Code Blue whimpered. He didn't mean to make the beast bot feel bad; his glitch was extremely difficult to overcome, and it insisted Sabertooth was a threat. Still, he needed his wing fixed. And he also needed to let Sabertooth know he didn't hate her. After much thought, he decided on the best course of action- no matter how bad the headache it gave him was.
He nuzzled Sentry's shoulder, hesitating for one last moment before hopping off the berth and limping as fast as he could to the door to stop the beast bot. Even if she refused to repair him after his antics, at least he could apologize for them. "W-wait... please. I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to m-make you feel bad." The medic's helm throbbed as he fought the urge to run like hell out the door. There was a pained grimace on his face as he stood there behind them.
His doorwings too, had lowered in submission- a reinforcement of his apology. The former Praxian would hopefully understand that and forgive him for distressing his mate. The right one still hurt a lot as it lowered, but he ignored it. The pain there had somewhat dulled into a more... internal pain. That had him worried about infection.
Sentry continued stroking Code Blue's back, shushing him and opening his mouth to explain more to the beast bots and stop them from leaving. Then, the Praxian nuzzled his shoulder and hopped out of his lap to limp over to the beast bots. He was... confused. And surprised. And worried that Code Blue's glitch would definitely be protesting this.
That being said, he hopped off the berth and followed Code Blue, coming up behind him with an intent to help him stay upright, as he noticed the medic swaying in place. Just at that thought, Code Blue abruptly collapsed, groaning in pain and holding his helm in his hands. Sentry dove forward to catch him before he hit the floor.
((Yay brave Cody! Until his glitch decides to be an aft and make him collapse. And... Mann you said something about heads or tails and me having to do something? I thought you and Raven were doing that. |D Also Raven I sketched Tailwind while in class today and kinda failed. But I'll scan it and do a digital doodle of it. xD))
8:59pm Jun 4 2014
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Posts: 47
Sabertooth stopped and turned just in time to see Code Blue fall and be caught by Sentry; she walked over and said "Sentry get him on one of the berths face down" Lighthammed ran to get the tools Sabertooth needed and set them beside the berth
8:57pm Jun 5 2014 (last edited on 9:18pm Jun 5 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 174
((I think Tailwind being tail is very suitable. |D
Sorry for one-day absence. Couldn't get on the iPad. :c))
Tailwind nearly fell out of the sky. 'Windy'!? What in Primus' name was that abomination? He was about to give the other bot a good glosse-lashing upon giving others unwanted pet names when something blinked over his infra-view. His dental plates clicked shut as he abruptly closed his mouth. Eyes widening, his optics zoned in on the thing- only to have it disappear.
"Huh..." Tailwind whispered, turning the event over in his processor, tapping his visor thoughtfully. Then it happened again, but this time nearly (insert long distance here) closer, and coming even more closer at a near supersonic speed. Tailwind jerked backwards out of instinct as it blinked out, and then appeared again, this time...
Tailwind cried out, as a warning or in pain, he didn't know. It was right on top of them.
((I don't even know what it is. Dmann, you can make it up. |d Just something dangerous, kept it open-ended for the results of your coin flipping xD and I suck at writing suspense :C))

10:04pm Jun 5 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 96
((It was Heads Spin, Tails Windy. And it landed on Heads.))
As Spinbreak smiled at himself, he heard an inaudible sound, then a loud scream over the comm channel. Instinctively, the small robot transformed into robot form and switched his stealth unit on, making himself shimmer and vanish into the undergrowth. What was happening with Tailwind? After switching his comms to channel 6, he activates the general alert along the channel then hisses after “Calling Sentry. Windy is in trouble in the skies, putting positioning unit on so you can find us. Send reinforcements at earliest opportunity.” After switching on the positioning unit, and putting the comms back to channel 5, he says quietly “Windy, land and meet up if possible. Otherwise, watch your tailfeathers, and stay safe.”
There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.
8:12pm Jun 6 2014
Posts: 2,165
Code Blue was still conscious as Sentry took him over to the berth. He struggled, flailing in protest of the captain's hold. His fight was short-lived though; the pain in his processor was still very noticeable and he couldn't focus on the action for long enough. Besides, he was really tired from energon loss. Giving a last nervous whine, he went limp in Sentry's arms, allowing himself to be carried over to the berth. The Praxian whimpered as his doorwing was jostled around.
He tried to move away when he was placed on the berth, but Sentry had a firm grip on his shoulders, holding him down. The medic struggled further still when he saw Lighthammer set the tools down on a tray beside the berth. His glitch caused him a lot of fear in the situation. Not to mention some of those tools had questionable purposes. He let out a whine of distress, still flailing. Then, he felt something soft on his audial. Actually, that felt really good...
Sentry took the Praxian over to the berth, unaware of his consciousness until the last second. He was startled when his little friend began flailing in his arms. "'ey, 'ey,'ey, stop that." The captain tried to get a better grip on the flailing medic as he neared the designated berth. "Shhh, 's'okay, Cody. Gonna get ya fixed up." He gently set him on the slab, firmly holding him in place as he whined and struggled at the sight of the tools. "'ey, Cody, 's'a'ight. Shhhhhh~" Still keeping a firm hold on the medic, he reached his hand over to rub at one of his wing-like audials.
That seemed to calm him down tremendously. The flailing slowly ceased and a quiet purr rose from the Praxian's engine. That was much better. He then turned to Lighthammer. "'re all these r'lly necess'ry?" Sentry was no doctor- he had no idea what most of them were or what they did, but some looked rather sharp and dangerous.
Suddenly, a message from the open comm channel caught him off guard. "Er... Windy? Wait. Nev'rmind. Tailwind, right. Not sure how soon reinforcem'nts c'n be sent; finally dealin' with Cody's wing. Pro'ly won' be able ta get out thar m'self- havin' difficulty keepin 'im down."
((Oooo, interesting twist. I wonder what's got Tailwind. I say it was a cloud that covered the sun and made it dark in that spot. xD))
10:42pm Jun 6 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 47
"No but we never know what other injuries may be hiding" Lighthammer says as Sabertooth walks up and gently begins to clean the wound after saying "this will hurt Code Blue; so try to keep him distracted"
8:06am Jun 7 2014 (last edited on 6:17pm Jun 7 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 174
((Lol if I had a better sense of humour and wanted this RP to be super funny the entire time xD Trust me, I sorta wanted to |D But I have horrible plot twists, so yeah.))
This thing was fast. And that was all Tailwind processed before the thing attacked.
The Seeker wheeled through the sky, and just in time. Something cold and hard grazed his neck, leaving a spider-silk thin scratch as the thing dove at him. Tailwind didn't see anything. It was too fast.
And then it teleported, right behind the other mech, claws raised.
((Yes, this is Tailwind screaming at Spin to get the Pit out of the way. This is Tail at his most inelegant |D Also, I like to think the thing is still somehow too fast to see or something, but I didn't know how to express that. :/))
5:17pm Jun 7 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 96
((Just so you know, Heads meant Spin gets hurt. Not Windy.))
There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.