Where There are Shadows, There Must be Light (Transformers: Prime RP)

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4:15pm Jun 15 2014

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Posts: 174
((is Code Blue fixed yet. >:C

cuz this is taking an awfully long time |D And I don't think Dmann or I can think up more space-fillers. |D))


4:48pm Jun 15 2014


Posts: 2,165
((Idk. I was trying to have it finished quickly cause he was fighting it for so long but Saber's taking a while. xD))


4:59pm Jun 15 2014

Normal User

Posts: 47
((Now don't blame Saber; or me I am new to playing the medic position. And I will have him finished soon; even though I am good at coming up with stuff off the top of my head I would be better if someone would give me more to work with. like what the wound looks like; and whether it was at the top of Cody's doorwing or at the bottom. Things like that; would make it easier for me. And I am sorry for seeming short in this post; I have been assuming that the wound is at the top. and if it is at the bottom or near the hinge I will have looked like a fool))


5:01pm Jun 15 2014 (last edited on 5:02pm Jun 15 2014)


Posts: 2,165
((I'm not blaming you. ^^ The wound is at the hinge/joint and along the bottom of the wing. The joint is snapped and dislocated, and the bottom is scratched up. Hope that's a little easier to fix now that you know what it looks like. xD Sorry for not telling you earlier.))


5:05pm Jun 15 2014

Normal User

Posts: 174
((I'm not blaming either, I was just hoping it would be alright to omit the details of the repair, and then just say 'All Done!' 8D

Just kidding. And I will edit witih post.))


5:21pm Jun 15 2014


Posts: 2,165
((LOL some details would have to be included though, but I get what you're saying~))


5:56pm Jun 15 2014 (last edited on 6:29pm Jun 15 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 174
Tailwind had felt something fly over him, and risked a glance- an eagle? Lighthammer identified who it was, and Tailwind would have expressed his gratefulness for his savior if all systems weren't completely focused on lifting something that was far, far heavier than he was.

They rose insanely slowly, and Tailwind could feel his internal temperatures rising even though he was already panting like a dog. It was so close...


Seeker and Mercenary shot forward. Tailwind had hooked onto a heavy updraft of wind he had previously determined on their scouting trip, one that lead back towards the Explorer Delta. The closest point to the ship was, however, still far off- but the updraft would lead them high enough that they'd be able to glide over without too much trouble. 

The only problem now was holding onto the heavy cargo and getting off at the right stop.

The ground was a blur beneath them as they sped across the ground they'd covered. It was nearly impossible to see anything at the speed they were traveling, and the fading light wasn't helping much. Tailwind felt his insides clench uncomfortably in fear, but he bit it down with the sense of duty.

And a white fleck whizzed by underneath them. (assuming the Explorer Delta is white... "D)

Now Tailwind was panicking. He'd become distracted, and had missed the Explorer Delta. He broke out of the updraft, only to have a red message appear on his visor screen. 


He was on top of a thermal.

The Explorer Delta was still in sight, and would have only been a ten second flight for Tailwind alone at full speed. But he was now twice as heavy with the bot in tow, and could not fly at top speed now that his dynametal fibers were frying. They were only (insert appropriate distance here) form the ground. It would be a close call, but makeable.

Tailwind dove.

For the second time in one orn, he was ripping through the air powered only by gravity. He unfolded the tip of his left wing, angling slowly towards the ship. It felt like his wings were going to tear off. They had eight more seconds.

His visor was locked on heat-sensing mode, and everything was scorching white. Five more seconds.

Nothing was visible on his visor anymore. He'd have to trust his memory. In three, two, one-


Tailwind's wings dislocated. He'd managed to flare them and slow down their descent, but the pressure proved too much for his roughly-used appendages, and had sent them cartwheeling. He couldn't see where the ground was. Tailwind protectively held the bot that he was to bring. And just in time. The flier cried out as his backstruts slammed into the ground, forcefully causing his wings to re-locate themselves. He abruptly let go of the other bot, the only rational thought that made its way through the overload of pain was that he'd probably burn the bot if he held on for any longer. He pushed him off of himself, and then flopped his arms onto the ground, drained. The ground was invitingly cool. He tried not the think of the Tailwind-sized singe mark he'd leave on the grass.

Tailwind flipped his com onto the main channel. "Medical Attention for Idiotic Bot."

((HOMG that was long. omg. omg. idiotic bot = spin. this was too long not edited bye))


9:08pm Jun 15 2014

Normal User

Posts: 96

Spin was still out for the count. All he knew was a sense of speed that wasn’t normal, then more pain as he went tumbling.

“Owwwwwww” was all he could groan as he finally worked out they had moved. He couldn’t move either, despite this revelation, and it felt like he was losing mech fluid. But, despite the compromised position he was in, he knew he was safe...

There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.

8:10pm Jun 16 2014


Posts: 2,165
"R'lly? Huh. Ah wonder if Cody's glitch comes fr'm somethin' bad th't happened." It would make sense; the glitch had worsened severely over time. When they'd first met, Code Blue had been very open and friendly. Some bad things happened, though. Things that wouldn't individually have much effect, but as those unfortunate circumstances became more and more frequent, he... changed. Especially after what his former friend did to him.

Catalyst chirped at him from his perch on the halftrack's shoulder, nuzzling the side of his face. He felt Sentry's thoughts through his EM field, and wanted to take his mind off Code Blue's glitch for a moment. However, it did not take his mind off the medic's current condition. "'ow long 'till 'e's up 'n runnin' again?" The captain asked, concerned for both his little friend and their other friends still out there with communication shut off.


Code Blue gave a tentative sigh of relief, feeling the pain ebb away. He knew he'd have to direct the beast-bot to the affected area, as it was a bit difficult to see at the bottom. "N-not to assume you don't know w-what you're doing, but it m-might make it easier for you to finish quickly so w-we can figure out what happened to S-Spinbreak and Tailwind if I told you e-exactly where the injury is. 

I-it's mainly at the joint, a-and the bottom. I-I can't feel it anymore, b-but I know where it is." He hoped his help didn't agitate Sabertooth; he just wanted the repairs over with and their friends brought back safe. Plus, being this vulnerable around bots who were rather unknown to him made him uncomfortable.


9:07pm Jun 16 2014 (last edited on 9:10pm Jun 16 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 174
((Is it creepy that I kinda imagine that the 'security' that Spin is feeling is Tailwind just sleeping on him? |D))

EDIT: ((And Cody is stuttering a lot now wow))


9:39pm Jun 16 2014


Posts: 2,165
((He's really nervous cause he doesn't want Saber to yell at him. uwu))


9:46pm Jun 16 2014

Normal User

Posts: 174
((I didn't say anything was wrong, Ratchy. xD))


1:39am Jun 17 2014 (last edited on 1:40am Jun 17 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 47
"Thanks Code Blue" Saber said and grabbed a welding torch and began to work on fixing the wound; starting with the broken support strut then moving on to the wires and sensors then finally the outer armor "There just let those wends settle then you can get up but DO NOT try to move the wing till the welds finish settling; that could cause them to open back up and then I would have to fix them all over again" she added

Lighthammer headed back to the Explorer Delta after subduing the Griffin brothers; once he got there he saw Tailwind and Spinbreak laying unconscious near the ship. He sighed and got out his med kit and began to stabilize them for moving them into the ships Med Bay

((Ok guys if I seem to forget about this RP again I do have Yahoo messenger with the handle demonathegr8; buzz me on there and remind me))


5:06pm Jun 17 2014 (last edited on 5:07pm Jun 17 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 174
((Since when did everyone have med kits? |D))

EDIT: ((Also, Tailwind is not unconscious. He's just lying on the ground, being very tired but not sleepy in the least xD))


5:09pm Jun 17 2014


Posts: 2,165
((Logically everyone should be carrying a medkit for emergency repairs. In case there's no medic around. :D))


5:13pm Jun 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 174
((Ah, overlook again |D I guess Tailwind's ignorance and un-medkit-carrying-ness is rubbing off on me xDD

But on a secondary question- where did all of Saber's and Lighthammer's medkits come from? Seeing as they have been marooned on this 'unintelligent' planet (pointing to how all the bots of lost their processors) for at least a number of vorns (gleaned from a RP post somewhere) and probably having sustained a couple of injuries (seeing as, well, its a hostile planet and possibility of getting attacked every once in a while, multiplied again by the number of vorns they've been around) I'm rather surprised they either a) have a gigantic supply of med kits or b) know how to manufacture supplies themselves. |D

But that's just me rambling and attempting to bring in math to an RP, so uh yeah))


6:06am Jun 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 96
((Why hasn't Raven posted a post yet?))

<<Maybe the birdbrain is lounging around, getting a tan.>>

((Spin, no insulting Raven.))

<<Who said I was insulting the writer?>>

((...Uh, if Spin and Tail get into fisticuffs over this, can we please get a referee to make the fight fair. And maybe popcorn, to eat while watching the entertainment?..))

There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.

10:26am Jun 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 47
<<His character is weakened right now and can't move>>

((yeah what Sabertooth said))


4:57pm Jun 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 174
((No, I'm not posting because I'm waiting for Alpha to edit her RP post a bit. |D Tailwind is not unconscious, he is awake. But in Alpha's post, she says that Lighthammer finds the BOTH of them lying there unconscious. So yeah. I know it's a little thing, but she also says that Lighthammer carries the both of them inside, and, er, well, Tailwind wouldn't have allowed that if he were awake. and so on))


9:59pm Jun 19 2014 (last edited on 10:18pm Jun 19 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 174
((Screw this. I'm posting, and just going to disregard parts I don't agree with. |D and plz correct me if wrote something wrong.))

Tailwind detected Lighthammer's signal before he saw him.

There was a intense burning sensation throughout his body, and especially at the base of his wings. While the entire ordeal hadn't been enjoyable, having his wings automatically relocated costed him less time, and as long as he was able to use them, he was good with it. 

With a shuddering intake, Tailwind sat up. Lighthammer had already stabilized the bot. But what Tailwind saw caused his insides to clench.

He was in horrible shape. The bot had gashes criscrossing his entire structure, mech fluid steadily leaking from each wound. And Tailwind was the blame. He hadn't been able to detect the gryphons before they came, and was unable to fend them off- or even give the both a fair warning. And he was sure if it hadn't been for Lighthammer, they wouldn't have been able to make it out alive- thanks to his weakness. He hadn't bothered checking to see if his hold on the bot hurt him. Those wounds could already be infected, and he couldn't tell and couldn't bring him here fast enough to have it looked at and treated had Lighthammer not come, also sustaining injuries securing their escape.

And what about him? Not a scratch.

He hadn't even bothered to defend the other bot. Or even to ask his name.

Tailwind got up, ignoring the pain that flared up every time he moved. Lighthammer was probably exhausted from fighting off the two beast bots. "I'll carry him."

((If everyone is alright with it, Tailwind drags- I mean, carries Spin to the med room. Pretend that happened in this post if that's okay with you guys. |D The self-bashing starts now!))

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