The girl felt the whip hit her back hard, and she yelled out, "I'll kill you all!" She was being punished for attacking the men who brought her food.
The man reared back with the whip once more, and lashed it onto the girl's back, which was bare other than the white crop top that she was wearing. You could hear the fabric rip, and the metal-tipped whip tear through her skin.
The scientists in the control room laughed. That girl thought that she could kill them all. That was funny. They didn't worry about how much the whip hit the girl, and how deep it cut. It would take much, much more than a few lashings to leave scars on Fenrir, the girl.
The man reared back one last time, and Fenrir looked up, an evil smile upon her face. She let out a gutteral growl before you saw her body shake, and quiver. Her bones creaked, and she yelled out in pain, her muscles shifting so that she could turn into her other form; a pure white wolf the size of a grizzly bear. The chains that were restraining her fell to the ground, broken into pieces.
Fenrir growled at the man who had whipped her, and pounced onto him, tearing at his chest with her teeth. The man yelled, but soon he was silenced when Fenrir ripped into his throat. She then turned around to face the three men in the control room. With a loud growl, she lunged at the glass.
It is 2050, and scientists have genetically engineered a species that had been extinct for years, hunted by man; Werewolves. They are kept in a top secret facility in the middle of the forests somewhere in Canada. Their first successful subject was a baby girl named Fenrir. She is nineteen now, and is the strongest one of her kind. She plans to escape, and to bring all of the other subjects with her. It won't be easy, but if anyone could pull it off, she could.
We're starting off at the facility where the werewolves are kept, which is a circular building. There are rings of holding rooms that hold the subjects. Each one is large, about 100x100 feet. In the center of the building lies a circular room, which holds Fenrir. Beside each of the holding rooms is a small observation room. The one that is next to Fenrir is a bit larger, due to her being the first sucessful experiment. All around the building is thick woods.
- Ask to join before you post your bios.
-Be literate. And by literate, I mean at least a paragraph or two with proper grammar and spelling. A few typos are acceptable, but if I can't understand what your post is talking about, I will notify you of it.
- Keep the gender ratios even. If you join as two females, you will be forced to make a male character.
- We are only playing as the werewolves. The scientists will be NPC's.
- No gay/bi/lesbian characters.
- Fenrir is a bit stronger than all of the other werewolves, since she was the first of their kind.
- I am going to roleplay Fenrir.
- If you really want a plot twist in the middle of the rp, r-mail me. Don't post it here.
- Romance and violence are strongly encouraged, but don't go overboard with it.
((Bio Skeleton))
[Erase messages in brackets, please.]
Age: [15-19]
Human Appearance:
Wolf Appearance:
Personality: [Optional]
History: [Optional.]
Other: [No pets. The scientists won't let you have a parakeet, or a little Zhu-Zhu hamster in your holding cell. Sorry.]
Male to Female Ratio: 2/3
Fenrir- Wolfiebelle (Pg. 1)
Santum Raa- Dragonstar (Pg. 1)
Jaleia- cooperstella8 (Pg. 1)
Krael- queenkira (Pg. 2)
Svali- queenkira (Pg. 2)