8:37am Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Dragon is always on Res unless her parents want to do something that involve the whole family.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:58am Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 783
((Hi, may I join this? Sounds like a great plot. I am semi-lit/ lit.))
12:00pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((You may join, Queen.))
Love is all we need~
12:57pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 783
((Great, thanks.)) Name: Krael Age: 18 Gender: Male Human Appearance: 
Wolf Appearance: (He is only slightly larger than a wolf. Think great dane height, but with the build of a wolf.) 
Personality: Krael has developed a reputation for hating others without reason and being cold towards everyone. Krael is unstable at best: he angers very easily and is extremely aggressive. Because he endured so much hardship when he was younger, he has become desensitized, and is now unfazed by even the most terrible things. He is actually quite intelligent, though he tends to act before he thinks. History: Krael was thrown in a juvenile detention centre when he was younger for a crime he didn't commit. They had no evidence against him and were forced to release him, but many people still hold him responsible. His life only got harder after that, what with the experiments and all. His sister, Svali, was always good to him and offered to try and help. Krael wouldn't let her, though, he pushed her away until one day she just stopped trying. He often wonders if she is even still alive. Other: Krael has a sister named Svali who, unbeknownst to him, is also a werewolf. He is amongst the first of the werewolves. ~~~ Name: Svali Age: 16 Gender: Female Human Appearance: 
Wolf Appearance: (Without the blue. If the black stripes are too abnormal, she can just be grey and white.) 
Personality: Svali has a very sweet, docile nature. She has an air of child-like innocence, and she much prefers flight to fight. She believes there is good inside everyone and is therefore quick to forgive and allow for second chances. She hates to be alone, but she is shy around people she doesn't know very well. She is usually not one for vengeance, preferring instead to forgive and forget. However, vengeance is exactly what she seeks when it comes to the wrongs committed by the scientists. She never asked to be experimented on, have her rights taken away. Now she wants them all dead. History: Pretty average, aside from the whole werewolf thing. Other: Her brother is Krael
1:04pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Accepted. Krael and Fenrir's personalities are very similar, except Fenrir doesn't hate without reason. She is just a bit... insane. Although, you can't blame the girl. She's been stuck in nothing but a white room for all of her life. XD))
Love is all we need~
2:18pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 282
((When do you think we can start?))
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
2:29pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 783
((Thanks Wolfie. And they are? Then this should be very interesting. I'll try not to let Krael get on Fenrir's bad side. He's pretty weak, she'd kill him easily xD))
2:37pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((I'll start now. It seems like we have enough characters. Plus, I don't want this roleplay to be huge, anyway.)) Fenrir's icy grey-green eyes scanned the white room that she had been held in for all nineteen years of her life. She sat in the middle of the room, her legs crossed indian style. Her eyes rested on the bed in the corner, which was also white. The room was pretty much symmetrical. There was a white dining table, and two white chairs on each side of it. Fenrir was disgusted by the cleanliness of it all. Everything was blindingly white, and seemed to be perfect. Of course, even Fenrir had white qualities about her. She had white hair, and she could turn into a white wolf. Escape.... Escape... Those were the words that constantly flooded her mind. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. It was the same old day. She never knew what time it was. She had only seen the sun once or twice in her life, and it puzzled her. The moon, however, was much more familiar to her. When she was little, she remembered the scientists bringing her outside at night and letting her look at the forest around them. She had no chance of escaping then, due to being chained like a dog. Fenrir got up off of the floor, and looked to the plexi glass observation room, which held scientists that constantly observed her. It was elevated, and very hard to get to if you were in her room, but she had gotten in there once before, and killed all of the scientists. Her mind drifted back to a few weeks ago. She had been lashed, and provoked. She shivered at the memory of the painful transformation. The only reason that it had been painful is because she was being lashed while she was transforming. And having her muscles move, grow, and shrink wasn't exactly comfortable, either. So, in the end, everyone in her room that day ended up dying. She shook herself back into present day, and glared at the camera that was watching her every move.
Love is all we need~
3:16pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 282
((I take it everyone has there own room? And just so you know my characters parents abandoned her when she was born, that's when the scientists found her)) Jaleia opened her tired eyes, and looked around, still in the same room. Jaleia had only remebered this plain, white, terrible place her whole life. The only glimpse of the oustide world she got was her dreams. Infact, she just had a dream that she was at a cozy house, with a caring family. Jaleia kept a mental list in her mind of what she wanted, but was almost sure these things would never happen: 1. Find someone who loves me, for me 2. Have kids 3. Be free to do whatever I want. Jaleia gets too hopeful sometimes, and often lets herself down. She's know that needs to escape, she was so sick of this stupid place. She then glared at the scientists that she hated so much, as they never stopped watching her. Jaleia hadn't talked to anyone besides the scientist, but screaming "Let me go!" doesn't really count as conversation. She talks to herself, for the only voice she remembers is her own. "Escaping. That's the main thought that's ever been in my mind" Jaleia explained to no one. She also has a strong faith, and prays almost every night for something or someone to get her out of this disgusting place. Jaleia then crawled onto her lumpy, and uncomfortable bed. She was going to cry, but she thought of how stupid that was. Crying over something that can't possibly be fixed. She is mentally depressed, and has suicidal thoughts everyday. Jaleia always realizes "If I kill myself, the next day would probably the time I would escape. Maybe get let free."
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
3:24pm Jul 25 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 306
May I please join? This sounds really cool.
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
3:25pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 6,409
((Trance: How literate are you? Could you give me an example of your average post?))
Love is all we need~
3:32pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 306
Actually this is my first rp that I will be active in. meaning, the other rp's either failed or haven't really started going yet. And what's your definition of literate?
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
3:36pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,310
Sanctum sat near the back of his "cage". But the room wasn't like any prison cage with the metal, criss-crossing bars. His was made out of clear plexy glass. So the scientists who created him could watch his every move. He bared his fangs at them whenever one looked his way, but he didn't think it fazed them. Yellow eyes narrowed into a cold, golden glare as he watched the move about, taking notes on a clipboard as they went. His snarl turned quickly in a sneer as he shifted his position at the back wall; which was actually a wall. If a bit bloodstained. The camera's that were watching him twitched slightly as they followed his movements and he had half a mind to flip off the guards behind the screens; watching him. The sneer shifted into an evil smile as he shook his head while thinking about it. Ooo, that would piss them off so bad! But, he just leaned his head against the wall and sighed as his smile faded into a more nuetral ex pression. Let the others figure out the emotions he had shown in the moments past. Sanctum closed his yellow eyes and an image of his him with a goofy smile on his face conjured in his mind's eye. He had been all happy-go-lucky when he was a lot younger. Before any of this wolf-stuff happened. All laughter and smiles; not growls, snarls, howls, and scowls. The scientists had drained him of his energy to do all those other things. And he had reverted to a wolf mentality while staying in this... this... Well... Prison. For lack of a better term. It was pure hell here. Peroid. Nothing else to add to that. But still, Sanctum often dreamed of escaping to join the rest of society and relearning his real personality...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:56pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 4:11pm Jul 25 2011)
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Posts: 783
Krael sat on the edge of a pure white bed, hunched over and head down. The bright, snow white walls hurt to look at, so he closed his grey eyes instead and tried to remember what it had been like to live normally. It seemed so long ago that the scientists had first come knocking at his door. He could remember men, tall men. There were two of them, they were dressed strangely and spoke in a manner that was distinctly... unnerving. Krael was only five at the time, and his father answered the door. The men were polite at first, and requested to 'borrow' Krael for a few hours to run... how had they put it, routine tests? Yes, that was it. They had fed Krael's father some bogus story about searching children for a rare disease. They said that if Krael, by chance, had contracted it, he could be cured. Krael's father was understandably suspicious and turned down the offer, saying that Krael was fine. That was when the men had slammed Krael's father against a wall, threatening to kill him if he did not comply. Krael screamed and ran forward, enraged that these men would dare threaten his father. One of the men, who had been standing quietly in the doorway the whole time, now came forward and picked Krael up, seemingly oblivious to the child's screams of protest. The other man produced a gun from somewhere within the folds of his coat. He pointed it at the boy's father, aiming for his temple. He seemed to think better of it, though, and opted to simply knock him out by slamming the butt of the gun down upon his head. Krael's father instantly crumpled to the ground. He screamed again, but the men payed him no attention, and dumped him unceremoniously into the back of a van. The next thing he could remember was waking up in this room. There he sat now, fourteen years later. Since his capture on that fateful day, Krael had only seen the outside world once, two years back when he escaped this prison. He could still remember the rage that consumed him as he killed all who stood in his way, never stopping to consider that some of his victims may have been innocent, only following orders. He justified his actions by telling himself he would only ever kill in wolf form. It seemed fitting that the scientist's own creation would be the end of him. When Krael had escaped, he didn't stay free for long. The scientists framed him for a crime and he was sent to Juvie. The dark, grimy walls were a refreshing change from the usual blinding white. But then, one day, the scientists returned for Krael, taking him away from his new prison and back to his old one. That was where he had been since. It was like a jail cell, but it was also his home now. He lifted his head, shaking his jet black hair out of his eyes, and stared longingly out the plexiglass window. Perhaps I could escape again, he thought. I am stronger now, I could survive on my own. They would never find me... he mused. But even as he thought it, he knew it was a lie. The scientists would always be able to find him. He was going to spend the rest of his pathetic life in this tiny room. He would die alone and no one would miss him. Unless Svali is still alive, said a tiny voice of hope in his head, but he pushed the thought away. Even if she still was around, she didn't care about him anymore. He was sure of it. ~~~ ((Don't know what to post for Svali o.o)) Svali lay curled up on her bed, fast asleep in a white room of her own. Ironically enough, her room was right next to Krael's, though neither of them even knew whether or not the other was still alive. Svali was currently having yet another nightmare about her captors. It was always the same thing, always running or being tortured or just being a prisoner. She occasionally cried out softly in her sleep, but other than that she was quiet.
5:00pm Jul 25 2011
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After a few long, tedious minutes that seemed more like hours, Fenrir saw the door of her room open. She immediately shifted into her wolf form, and sprinted for it. The scientists in the control room stood, and started panicking. A man in his early thirties came through the door, and began to close it, Fenrir's food in his hand. However, Fenrir mauled him effortlessly before he could even touch the doorknob. Her food tray was knocked carelessly aside, and it was soon covered in the man's blood. Fenrir bolted through the door. The alarms went off, and a loud ringing sound could be heard all throughout the facility, followed by the flashing of red lights. Fenrir was a flash of white fur, running quickly through the halls. She had blood dripping from her muzzle, but she didn't mind. She was used to being covered in blood by now. She began opening all of the cell doors, stopping first at Sanctum's, due to it being closest to hers. She chewed the lock off, and opened the door. "C'mon. Let's go. Get out of here!" She began running through the halls again, not checking to see if the boy was behind her. She opened more cell doors, and began looking for an exit.
Love is all we need~
5:14pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 5,310
Sanctum leaned forward at the sound of the alarms. His yellow eyes alert and watching as a white she-wolf knawed through the doorhandle before the door opened. "C'mon, Let's go. Get out of here!" the she wolf said. Sanctum didn't need to be told twice as he shifted into his larger, wolven form. He broke through whatever was left from his door and growled at the scared scientists before loping off after the white-she wolf. Fenrir. The first to be made; him being the second. The big black and crimson wolf slid to a stop close to a closed and locked door. He curled his upper lip into a snarl as he backed up slightly. Then, he felt somethign heavy settle around his shoulders and jumped forward, hearing the distinctive snap of a chain before spinning around. His maw opened to reveal jagged and sharp fangs as he lunged forward; ripping the man's throat out and watching dark blood gurgle out of the jagged wound to form a dark pool around the dead man. Sanctum snarled; his yellow eyes now a full crimson colour as his blood lust rose. Flicking his crimson tipped ears back, he loped off; following Fenrir's scent.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:20pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 783
An alarmingly loud sound roused Svali from her sleep. That's unusual, she thought. Is this a test of some sort? What do they expect me to do? Endless questions flooded her mind. She decided to wait until something else happened. Then, something occurred to her. Maybe this isn't the scientists' doing, maybe someone managed to break out! she allowed herself to hope, but she certainly wasn't expecting much. It was possible they were just teasing her and the other captives. If they're even still alive. For all I know I could be the last one left, she reminded herself sadly, waiting to find out what would happen. She saw an enormous white wolf, much larger than her wolf form, run past her window. Next thing she knew, her door was open and her path to freedom clear. Slowly and carefully, she stepped outside, and transformed into a grey wolf. She sprinted in the direction she thought she had seen the white wolf go. ~~~ Krael, who had just shifted into wolf form, winced in pain. The wailing alarm that had just been set off was incredibly loud even to a human, but his senses were sharpened when he was a wolf and the noise was almost unbearable. He forced himself to walk over to the window and look out of it. It was hard to hear through the thick barrier provided by the plexiglass, but he thought he heard voices- unfamiliar voices at that. The others, he realized immediately. They did it, now's my chance. I can get out. As if on cue, he saw the cell door swing open, the lock broken on the ground. Cautiously, he padded outside and heard a she wolf shouting. "Get out of here!" she said. Krael didn't need to be told twice. He bounded through the halls, following the sound of the other wolves.
8:08pm Jul 25 2011
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Posts: 282
Jaleia instantly woke up from her deep sleep, by the sound of a very loud alarm. "What's going on?" she thought. "What are the scientists planning now?" Jaleia instantly sprang up from her white bed at the sound of the doorknob in her prison room rattling. She suddenly turned into a giant wolf, a little smaller than a grizzly bear. Jaleia stood a few feet away from her cell door, snarling with foam dripping from her vicious mouth. The door sprung open and face-to-face with her was giant white wolf, larger than Jaleia, and the wolf yelled: "Get out of here, we're free!" Then the wolf sprinted away, and left Jeleia speechless. She took a second before it went through her brain, she was free! Jaleia sprang out of her room and heard loud footsteps and saw the tip of a tail from behind the corner. She also smelled the odor of a few other wolves. Jaleia sprinted as fast as she could and then saw the behind of another wolf. She turned to look behind her and saw a scientist far behind her, slow down and bend over panting. Jaleia turned back forward and continued running at full speed, the annoying alarm ringing in her ears.
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
8:24pm Jul 25 2011 (last edited on 9:22am Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 306
Name: Xytri ( Zie- tree) Age: ( just turned) 15 Gender: Female Human Apearance:  Wolf Appearance:  Personality: Xytri is very shy, but is quick to make friends, due to her playful happy nature. She loves to allow a few big mistakes- things like that happen. But she doesn't understand why anyone would do such harsh things to innocent people. Her angry thoughts sometimes cloud her mind, but she refuses to act out of rage. Xytri would never intend to hurt anyone, unless her life absolutely depended on it. Prefering to suffer in silence, Xytri is looking for anyone who will listen to her and respond. Being the newest to all of this, she is very scared of the things that might come besides what is happening in the present time. History: Her mom died in a car crash when she was four, and ever since then up to two weeks ago, she was physically and verbally abused by her father. Other: Remembers nothing about herself except her name and age. She does, however, remember her father's appearance and has slight memories of her mother. Does not even know how she ended up here.
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
8:03am Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 7:34am Jul 27 2011)
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Posts: 306
Xytri inspected the blank white wall with a confused and and troubled ex pression.Oh, what is with these people? Xytri thought. She turned her gaze over to the plexiglass.Her red reflection didn't startle her. Red eyes, red hair, even her cheeks were red. She was nervous about all of this, and that made her bulsh scarlet. Xytri stared at the smirking scientists with dissaproving eyes. The anger from being made into a lab experiment by them made her face go maroon. "What do you want?" She whispered angrily. "Money, fame, power? Ugh, you are all just SICK!" Turning to the other side of her bed, Xytri decided she had better go to sleep. The anger coursing steadily through her body was making it very hard not to go insane. If only Mom hadn;t died. If only the guy would have stopped at the red light. I could living aperfect life right now, Xytri mused as she drifted off. When she woke, she was sevenyears old, standing in the doorway of her house, with her father. "I'm terribly sorry," A scrawny man in green told her dad. "But your wife has just passed away. The car crash that happened four hours ago, the impact was very forceful, and she got glass in her neck. The doctors tried everything the could." "I see." Answered the father. " Thank you so much." With that, the skinny man walked away. Things after that were all downhill. The next day her gentle, loving dad was completely opposite. For seven more years, she was blamed by her father for all of the problems at home: when her dad got fired, it was Xytri's fault. When Mr. Charles next door died, it was her fault. One day seven years later, she decided that she was better than all of that. Xytri ran away from home, not knowing where she was going, but just going. She ended up in a meadow, a clearing of some sort, and stayed there for two weeks, somehow managing to find enough food and water to survive. On the night before her birthday, Xytri decided to go to sleep a little earlier than usual so she could wake up early on her birthday. However, when she awoke, she was in this wretched place, and half wolf! A surprisingly noisey alarm jolted Xytri of dreamland and back into reality. " What's going on? What's happening?" Xytri barely had time to think about it before someone opened the door to her cell and motioned for her to follow. " Good enough for me," She mumbled. " I'm already sick of white." Xytri quickly changed into her wolf form and bolted out the door, hoping to escape to freedom.
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.