1:53pm Jul 26 2011
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Fenrir turned to make sure that all of the other werewolves were behind her. They were. She let out a wolfish grin, and turned a sharp corner, knocking down a group of scientists like bowling pins. The rest of the scientists decided that it was best to just stay out of her way. Of course, if you saw a bear-sized wolf with blood on its muzzle, you would stay clear out of its way, too. She spotted the oh-so fantasized green "EXIT" sign. She let out a shaky sigh of relief. She was going to get out of there. She was going to survive. She was going to live somewhere else other than a white room for the rest of her life. She felt tears stream down her cheeks as she busted through the metal door. The sirens got louder, and more scientists came out of the rooms, flooding the hallways. She had busted slam through the door. She had knocked it completely off of its henges. If that didn't tell you how strong she was, I don't know what would. She peered over her shoulder to make sure that the other wolves were following. She couldn't see them, due to her vision being clouded with tears. However, she could smell them. Each and every one of them. With a final glance, she knew that they wouldn't have any problem getting out of there. She continued running, going about two miles before she finally stopped beside a stream. It was night time, and Fenrir stared at the moon and all its glory. It was so familiar to her. She still had tears streaming down her cheeks. When she turned back into her human form, her face was covered in blood. She leaned down beside the stream, and splashed her face with cold water. However, she wasn't only doing that to get her face clean. She wanted to make sure that it wasn't a dream. She had dreamt of this many times. It was almost as if her own mind was teasing her, making her suffer.
Love is all we need~
2:50pm Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 2:51pm Jul 26 2011)
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Krael was exhausted. For the past few minutes- It felt like hours- he had done nothing but run and run until his muscles burned and screamed for him to stop. He hadn't had any exercise in months, having been locked up in that cursed room. He wanted desperately to just lay down where he was and sleep, but he knew he couldn't stop, not yet. Instead he focused on running even harder in an attempt to keep up with a wolf who seemed to be the leader. She was an enormous white she wolf who ran at the front. Finally, she began to slow and the rest of the wolves followed suit. Krael stumbled towards the stream and lapped at the water. It was so cold it made his teeth ache, but it didn't bother him much. When he had drank his fill, Krael shifted to his human form, barely even wincing at the pain of transforming, and flopped down in the grass, panting from the exertion. ~~~ Svali, who had always been a quick runner, kept a steady pace at the front of the pack. She was tired, but the sense of happiness and relief was greater than her fatigue. She hadn't had a chance to talk to the others yet, but she was sure they all had similar stories. Her eyes welled up with tears of relief and gratitude as she thought of how the white she wolf had saved them all. She could easily have saved herself the trouble of unlocking each and every door and just escaped alone, but she risked her life by spending the extra time to make sure no one was left behind. Svali knew she would never forget this girl, whoever she turned out to be. Fairly soon, they had arrived at a small stream. Svali padded over to it to drink some of the cool, pure water. She shifted to human form and knelt, cupping water in her hands and drinking it. When she glanced down at the water's surface, she was shocked at her own appearance in the reflection. It's been so long, she thought. So long. Do I really look like that?
3:14pm Jul 26 2011 (last edited on 4:11pm Jul 27 2011)
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Xytri slowed to a stop in front of the stream along with all of the other wolves. She was amazed at the power of that she wolf who had led them all to freedom. That girl was strong, brave,and thoughtful- thoughful enough to consider everyone else. What was better, though, that girl knew what she wanted and went after it. That one girl was everything Xytri had ever wanted to be. How amazing, she thought, to save everyone instead of just herself. To save me, and I've only been here for two weeks. I wonder how old that girl is- she seems so terribly joyful; she's crying. She must have been there her whole life. Poor girl. As Xytri stared at herself in the stream, conjuring up too many questions to count, she noticed something different about herself. Some of her red features were fading.Her flaming red eyes used to make her sclera appear to be slightly yellow instead whte. Now they were dimming down into a reddish-brown. It must have been the anger. Xytri pondered. The hair on her head was as red as always, but the red in her cheeks was burning out, as well, now that she was free. Xytri gazed up at the stars surrounding the moon,a huge, dazzling picture on the blue-black canvas called the night sky. Just like that she wolf and all of us. Xytri said to herself. But what happens next?
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
4:59pm Jul 26 2011
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Sanctum followed the rest of the wolves out of the building; him being the last one to exit just to make sure no other werewolves were still trapped in their cages. There were none. With a satisfied snort, he loped off. Eventually he came to a stream where the other had stopped. The night light casting shadows over everything. Slowing his gate to a walk, he crouched near the water's edge and gently lapped up the cool liquid. Letting it run down his throat. Oh, it was delightful. It quenched his thirst he didn't knew he had. With a sigh, he moved into a sitting position before slowly shifting back into his human form. When the transformation was done, Sanctum leaned over to look at his reflection in the water. His crimson hair was in his face, obscuring his yellow eyes slightly. But the yellow of the irises was crimson around the edges. He was pale; from lack of sunlight. Ah, sh!t... The metallic collar had shifted with him and had shrank around his neck. "Great," he muttered angrily; his voice slightly hoarse from lack of use. "Just what I need. A damn collar that changes size with my shifting." Leaning back, he ran his fingers through his crimson hair. He was out of that hellhole... But... Now what?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:00pm Jul 27 2011
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After several minutes of splashing her face in the water, Fenrir pulled away. She noticed her reflection. She had matured so much since the last time she dared look into something like a mirror. Her hair had gotten much longer, and her lips had gotten fuller. Fenrir ran her hand over her face, and glared at her own reflection. She turned away angrily and looked all of the other werewolves over. Most of them were looking at her. "Do any of you have any tracking devices on you?" No sooner had she said that when she heard Sanctum speak about a collar. She walked over to him, not bothering to mind personal space. "Is this thing a tracking device?" She ran her fingers over the collar, trying to see if it had any strange feel to it that would indicate that the answer to her question was yes.
Love is all we need~
1:23pm Jul 27 2011 (last edited on 4:12pm Jul 27 2011)
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Posts: 306
Xytri lapped up some water quickly, and then shifted back into her human form. She thought she had heard someone speak while she was drinking, but she couldn't be ure. Besides, if people were trying to make conversation with others, why should she barge in if the invitation wasn't for her? She turned around to see a white haired girl- the herioc she wolf- confronting a guy with light sort of crimson colored hair and almost dandelion yellow eyes. What does he have on his neck? Xytri wondered. The white haired girl doesn't seem too happy with him. She went over to see what was going on. Now the girl was feeling his "collar". But what was she looking for? Was there something important about that boy and his metal collar? Hmm...
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
1:36pm Jul 27 2011
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Posts: 783
Tracking device? What was this girl talking about? Svali had already gotten used to the idea of being free forever, and now the girl was talking about the possibility of them being tracked? She watched as the girl- she really should learn her name- strode over to another werewolf and felt a collar that he was wearing. Svali tilted her head in confusion. Was that a tracking device? She had no idea. She just wanted this all to be over. She very well could have a tracking device planted on her somewhere, the scientists injected her so often, they could easily have put a chip under her skin. She rubbed her arms worriedly. ~~~ Krael watched the strange interaction between the two werewolves closely. His intense, icy grey eyes darted back and forth between them, wondering what was happening. The female had asked a question about tracking devices. Krael was sure he didn't have one, he would have known about it. But the others, they could all be chipped. If they were, Krael knew he would be safest if he left them and ran off on his own. He could see the worry in the female's eyes as she ran her fingers over the collar that the other wore. Krael scanned the rest of the small crowd, searching for similar devices. He found none that were obvious. However, he found something else, something unexpected. There was a girl, standing off to the side that looked exactly like an older version of... no, it couldn't be. Was that Svali? He called her name softly to see if it would elicit a response, and indeed it did. "Krael?" she called back, disbelief obvious in her voice. "Is... is that you?" she said, tears welling up in her eyes once more. She ran over to him and the two hugged. "You need to fill me in on everything that's happened," Krael said, then turned his attention back to the female leader and the male with the collar in case he was missing something important. Svali nodded quickly, then did the same.
2:03pm Jul 27 2011
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Sanctum nearly pushed her away as she leaned closer to feel the collar the scientists had slipped on him when he was wolf. But he didn't. He sort of liked this human contact, which occured everytime she moved her fingers across the collar and lightly brushed the skin of his neck. His skin tingled everytime it happened. What was happening to him...? Was he gaining some of his old personality...? "I don't think its a tracker. I think it was ment to subdue. Like a normal collar," he said gruffly, still not used to speaking out loud. "Except it won't come off." The last sentance was more of a growl as he bared his fang-esque canines to nobody in particular.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:29pm Jul 27 2011
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Posts: 282
((OOC I'll post later, I tried to post but my computer started being stupid, and now I'm pretty lazy :( ))
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
4:00pm Jul 27 2011 (last edited on 9:19am Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 306
Xytri had had enough of being clueless. She strode up to the two werewolves and asked- politely and hesitantly- " Um, what, what's going on? Do you know what that metal collar thing is?" Maybe I shouldn't have asked. Xytri reconsidered- a little too late. I don't want to get them angry. But then again, the white haired girl is treating that collar like it's really important. Xytri decided to back away, just a little bit, just in case one of those two got mad. Now I'm sure I missed something while I was taking a drink. Everyone else looks slightly worried... Endless questions kept popping up in her mind as she tried to answer others. She thought: What's the collar for? Just restraining, I bet. Has the girl ever seen one of those before? She might have. What are we supposed to do now? I guess it's up to the white haired girl. She looks worried; could that collar be something more- have some sort of potential threat to our escape? It might, that's probably what she's trying to find out. What are the scientists doing right now? Mabye trying to think about where we ran to away to. Are they looking for us? I sure hope they're not. They're most likely scared of that strong girl. Where are we, anyway? Who knows; at least we're out of that horrible place, thanks to the white haired girl. What's her name anyway? And what's that guys name with the collar? How am I supposed to know? Why can't I just stop being childish and ask some questions? They might be mean. "Ugh." Xytri finally muttered to herself. "Nevermind. Now I'm even more clueless. " She decided to simply stand back patiently and wait for a reply.
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
10:37pm Jul 27 2011
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Fenrir wanted to turn over to the girl who asked so many questions and show her that she wasn't in the mood to be questioned. When she was in the facility, every scientist asked her questions. 'Does it hurt when you change? Do you feel lonely? Do you know who your mother is? Do you know why we named you Fenrir?' They would ask. She hated it all. However, she bit her tongue, and kept herself from blowing up in Xytri's face. She took her mind back to the collar on Sanctum's neck, and said, "I guess it's not a tracking device, then." She took a few steps away from him, and clenched her fist. "Alright. I need to know all of your names. Now. I'm Fenrir. I rescued you all." She gestured to all of them. "And don't get too cozy. We're getting even further away from here in a few minutes after everything is settled." Her dominant instinct took over.
Love is all we need~
10:55pm Jul 27 2011
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Sanctum turned his crimson tinged yellow eyes to the younger female who was asking a whole lot of questions. He had half the mind to go wolf and rip her throat out. But since that fantasy only happened in his head, he snarled at her as Fenrir took a few steps away from him. "Obviously," he muttered in responce to her statement that it wasn't a tracking device. After the white-haired female introduced herself, he got to his feet and was soon standing at his full six foot four height. He was probably the tallest in the group. Oh well. "I'm Sanctum Raa," the crimson haired male growled. He was still unused to talking since he mainly kept quiet whenever the scientists had prodded him with questions. Endless questions. They drove him to a point of pissed off where he turned wolf and attacked them. Two had died. But they managed to subdue him before he could hurt anybody else.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:18am Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 9:28am Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 306
Xytri backed away from Fenrir even more. It was obvious she had annoyed her with the questions. Lowering her head, and turning to the group, she managed to stutter just loud enough for everyone to hear," I-I'm.. Xytri." She turned back to Fenrir, head down, looking at her from the tops of her eyes. "Um, sorry about the questions. I..I just didn't hear you before. I was taking a drink. Sorry.. um.." Xytri felt so weak, so powerless in the presence of the this mighty girl named Fenrir. So that means I'll just never know all of the answers to the other questions. I was right, though, Sanctum does seem mean. Xytri thought. At least I didn't ask them all the other questions. Then a scolding voice appeared in her mind. Like where are we. How would even Fenrir know that? And why would she want to worry about what the scientists were doing? She's trying to get us as far away from them as possible, so that doesn't matter. You're so stupid, Xytri. You shouldn't even have asked those two measly questions. They've been in that facility way longer then you have, and now you just had to tick them off by asking them two questions. What is wrong with you? You're going to cause everybody trouble. Just stay out of their way, and wait for orders. Just like you did with Dad back at home. Don't be annoying. Don't talk to anyone. Just leave them alone. You're useless. You're worthless to them. So don't even bother them with you.
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
10:40am Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 10:41am Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 5
(( Do Fenrir and Sanctum think that two questions is a lot? :( Because the rest of the questions Xytri was just asking herself. She only asked those two questions. Ouch. )) Sorry, just saw this and wanted to ask. Not meaning to spam.
10:49am Jul 28 2011
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OoC:// If you bothered to read the beginning of the roleplay, you could see that Fenrir and Sanctum were at the facility the longest so any amount of questions more than one might actually piss them off. Though, that is just for Sanctum; not sure about Fenrir...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:12am Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 11:14am Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 306
Neverland3times2: It's just that they were a asked a ton of questions, and they probably didn't want to be asked any more.
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
11:16am Jul 28 2011
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Posts: 5
Yeah, actually, I DID read the whole thing. And I know that, it's just that Xytri asked all of those other questions in her head, and I thought that mabye the way that she said it confused them. (Sorry, just wanted to see. )
11:44am Jul 28 2011
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((Like I said in Fenrir's bio. She's a bit insane up to a certain point. What would normally not bother people will set her off like a bomb. However, she has her moments when she's nice.))
Love is all we need~
1:04pm Jul 28 2011 (last edited on 1:08pm Jul 28 2011)
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Posts: 282
Jaleia noticed the young man who said his name was Sanctum, was tense, and seemed angry. Jaleia was very cautious about everyone, unsure wheter they would like her. She know that Fenrir was the leader of some sort, but Jaleia wondered about everyone else's rank. She stood up, at 5 foot 7 inches, much shorter than Sanctum. Jaleia cleared her throat and introduced herself. "I'm Jaleia". She said bravely. She wasn't too scared of Fenrir, but Jaleia wasn't sure about Sanctum. He was quite handsome though, maybe she should get to know him better. Jaleia shook her thoughts from her head, smiled brightly, and waited for a response.
"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"
9:42pm Aug 5 2011
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Posts: 306
Ooc; What happened to this lovely thread? Did it die? :( NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!! You can't die on me, thread! You were doing so well! You were so young.......
Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.