8:51pm Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 781
"Yeah i just realized I look like a grandpa wolf", he joked. "The indian village was nice. Lots of little children, horses with paint on them, and the smell of deer cooking was delicious. it was very peaceful. I lived with the shaman. He's a medicine man. Medicin is what humans use to heal themselves with.", he responded calmly. "humans are nice...they take care of you. some of them do anyways...the Indians are the ones who respect and enjoy our presence", he answered. He looked down at the wolf and smiled back, wagging his tail.
8:55pm Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 318
I see. I still wouldnt trust the humans. Especially with how I look. I dont look normal... You dont look like a grandpa wolf, you just look like an adult. you look alot like my daddy. did. He's dead now.. and so isnt my mom.. they were killed by another wolf... Where are you going from here? Kitara knew she asked to many questions but it was nice to have someone to talk to.
I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!
9:03pm Jul 15 2011
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"Well...I'm very sorry. Maybe I can make it up to you. I'm going back to the indian village. You should come along. It's much safer there and you'll be protected. Wolves like you and I are appreciated and cared for. I'll take revenge for your parents.", he growled at the very thought of someone killing a poor pup's family. He smiled down at her in sympathy.
9:05pm Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 318
But what will the humans think of me? I do not look like a normal wolf... Kitara lowered her head to her paws a single tear making its way down her cheek as she thought of her parents.
I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!
9:08pm Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 781
Ruko stood up on the rock, knowing he could feel her pain. "Neither am I", he replied. He changed into a horse. then he changed into an eagle, and into a wolf just like her. "This is what i am. I can change forms, plus I can also control elements.", he spoke. He moved the wind her way and wiped away the tear and dried her eyes. " You don't have to be afraid. They accept us for who we are", he replied to her calmly.
9:09pm Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 318
Kitara stared at him in awe and nodded her head. are you sure sir Roku?
I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!
9:12pm Jul 15 2011
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Posts: 781
"That's Ruko to you", he smiled. "And I'm positive Kit.", she replied a sense of fun in his voice. He changed into a horse. "here get on my back and we'll get to the village must faster. I'm also one of their horses as well. Maybe his little girl will want to keep you. She loves little wolves. She was raised to believe little wolves that grew with wings could fly her anywhere", he snickered. "And it's true.", he responded waiting for the lil wolf to climb onto his back.
12:52am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 318
Kit smiled and nodded her head. She jumped onto his back and held on tight. Im ready Roku
I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!
12:54am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 781
The horse jumped up a bit, not too much, and took off back the way he came. He was moving alot quicker than most times and was glad. He could look behind and see Kit was having a wonderful time.
12:58am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 318
Kit held on tight, trying not to hurt him with her claws. She looked around and opened her wings the wind pulling her into the sky. She climbed into the sky anddove down, flying next to Roku. This is fun Roku she shouted happily
I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!
1:02am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 781
Ruko felt her fly off but didn't look back. Knowing her skill with the air at such a young age was normal for her. He looked to his side and smiled. "you're good kid but let's see you catch up to me now", he spoke. He kicked it up a notch and went zooming by lots of trees. He made sure he didn't hurt himself by running into anything. He came to a huge canyon end and he jumped into it. He then changed into a bird and flew up next to Kit. "Pretty SQWUAK !! Swell up here ain't it kiddo ?", he joked.
1:04am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 318
Kitara quickly nodded her head. This is fun. I am glad I met you Ruko. Its nice to have someone to talk to. Kitara rose into the sky and started doing flips in the air being a show off. ((Imma bring in a twist soon))
I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!
1:08am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 781
Ruko shook his head. "Kids these days...You young whipper shnappers!", he yelled at her jokingly. He kept a straight line above the top of the trees while Kit performed tricks and flips and twirls. He watched and changed into a phoenix. He lit up the sky with his beautiful feathers of fire and screeched a beautiful call.
1:11am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 318
Kit looked at Roku in awe. She had never seen a pheonix before and it was quite beautiful. Roku.. your amazing... you positivley amazing. She said with a smile. Somwhere in the distance: He lowered his nose to the ground, sniffing. He quickly got her scent and took off. He wanted to finish what he started. Kahil and Talia had put up a good fight. Now it was time for Kitara to either join him or join her parents.
I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!
1:15am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 781
Ruko smiled at her and kept a stright line towards the indian village. "Come climb on my back so you can rest. We've got a long journey ahead of us young one.", he spoke. He transformedc back into a horse and kept running. He allowed Kit to fall down onto his back, and he kept running North. The winds changed a bit so Ruko shifted slightly to the left.
1:20am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 318
Kitara nodded and landed on Ruko's back. She got comftorble and layed her head down to sleep. Dont let me fall off Ruko... she muttered as she fell asleep He ran towards the river, his black fur shimmering in the light. There was a scar running down the left side of his face disfiguring it. His icy blue eyes looked to the lake where the scent stops. He shoves his nose into the ground and starts to search again
I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!
1:24am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 781
"I promise...", he spoke softly. He used the wood to build her a carrier on the back of his spine. He held it there with the leaves and vines he collected with the control of air and earth. He felt the need to preotect Kitara. he wasn't going to let anything hurt her. He had finally reached the snowy part of the forest. He changed into an eagle, the carrier atop of his wings, and flew up over the snow instead of going through it. He estimated it'd be a roughly 20 more miles until he reached the village.
1:37am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 318
Kitara shivered slightly in the sudden change of temperature. She didnt awake but shifted a bit to get more comfortable. He growled when he lost the scent again. He picked up the scent of another male wolf. She must be with him he thought to himself. He unfurled his wings and took off into the sky climbing high into the sky
I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!
1:40am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 781
Ruko used the dirt from the ground to make a blanket for her. He molded it to the shape of her body and continued flying. "10 more miles and we'll be there Kit", he thought to himself. He began to focus on things arround him and kept a sharp eye out for danger. He looked to his right, left, below, and even behind him. He wasn't taking any chances.
7:58am Jul 16 2011
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Posts: 318
Kitara smiled in her sleep and stopped shivering. She shifted once more and continued to sleep. In her mind images of her parents swam through her mind. Daddy.... she called out He flew high into the sky, nose constantly searching for any sign of her scent
I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!