11:18pm Oct 5 2010 (last edited on 11:20pm Oct 5 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,648
Angela ran for cla.ss her locker was at the top and of the left side of the school and her cla.sses were mostly at the bottom right side as she ran for cla.ss she saw a girl with her hand on the wall walking, probebly tring to feel the viberations."Hey um you need somer help"she asked."Cla.ss is about to start soon, I saw how rude that guy was to you, lets just say he had a nice trip" she said snickering.She pulled on Danyells arm so that she was'nt late as she knew the girl was in her next cla.ss.Hi i'm Angella, and you are she asked the two other girls.