why is my life so depressing? (teen rp with powers)

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3:29pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Amh, Dusk could be her sister.))

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3:30pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Kanariya sighed as she wondered the city.She used fire to make a creature that looked like a cat and held it.Nekoru w*censored* in wolf form and was by her side.They were related along with anarionu.She smiled at him made the creature disappear"its so deserted"

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3:35pm Jul 19 2010

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name- Arya
gender- female
age- 16
personality- rp it out
power- the power to put things together with her mind.
other- anas older sister.


3:36pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((you arya and ana could all be sisters))


3:37pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 2,713
((Um... *can't think of an entry* D:))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

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3:38pm Jul 19 2010

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3:40pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 2,713
((Why are you laughing? D: I really can't think of how to start.))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


3:46pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 6,948

Dusk lifted her powerful wings and flapped twice. She opened her mouth and shot out a burst of sound. It was so high pitched that only she and dogs could hear it. Not even bats could. She heard the vibrations of the sound bounce of a small dear. She smiled and dove as silently as she could. She sliced her claw down the Deer's spine and it fell to the ground. It hadn't felt a thing. She cursed herself for not being able to breathe fire and sighed.

Finding a rock, she slid it against another stone for a few minutes. When she got the fire started, she roasted the deer on a spit and sliced it into pieces. She smiled, it should be enough to feed her, Ana, and Arya. She sniffed the meat and flew back to their hideout. As she landed, she shifted to her human form and thrust the bag of meat into Arya's hand. Dusk was the oldest after all...

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3:48pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 12,418
Akila got her some breakfast. Her Beagle, Kristen, Jumped on the couch next to her. Her and her brother have a ranch. Any one can ride their horses, except no one can ride her horse, Black Heart, and Shane's horse, Star.

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3:55pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 2,338

((sorry.. i am ashamed. *looks at feet*))

"Ummmm, thanks" Arya muttered.she walked over to a table that had a broken leg and the top was cracked. "hmmmmm..." arya muttered to herself. She waved one hand over the broken table and it was fixed. she found a few cracked plates in a cupboard and set them on the table. Arya dished out the food. "ana! food!" ana appeared next to her. Arya jumped "you really need to stop doing that. maybe you should try walking sometime" she suggested to her little sister. She shrugged. "here." she said handing a plate to ana and dusk and keeping one for herself.


3:57pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Kanariya sighed as she kept walking she wondered where her othe brother was(9brain fail))

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3:59pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((lolz its okay. this isn't a literate rp so you can post as much as you want))


3:59pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 6,948
Dusk grumbled a bit about her being the one that always had to catch the food because of her power and then gave up. She moved her hand and water appeared in the palm of it. She spread her hand ofver the table and closed her eyes, althoguh it didn't matter, she saw darkness either way. She let out a high pitched echolocation nose, sensing where th gl*censored*es were and then concentrated. The water poured out like a fountain into the gl*censored*es of Arya and Ana...

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4:01pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 7,620

((thanks your pretty nice*wags tail*))


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4:04pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 12,418
Akila went to feed the horses. She loved horses. Black Heart ran up to her. The White Stallion was beautiful. Running in the sun just made Akila's heart melt.

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4:07pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Anarionu was walking caustiously through the streets of the broken down city.He looked up at the sky and smiled he always loved to look at it.The sun broguht him hope in a way.

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4:08pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 2,338
"thanks dusk" Ana smiled to her sister. "oh yeah, i found this sword so i'm going to go hunting tomorrow." she told them taking a drink of the water her sister had provided.


4:09pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 6,948
"What does the sword look-" She started to say and felt her side. She breathed a sighed. Her sword was still in place and her staff was still strapped to her back. "Let me teach you how to use it first." She said in a warning tone of voice...

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4:15pm Jul 19 2010

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"no," Ana said stubbornly "i already know how to use it. i sometimes watch you so i taught myself from what i learned form you" She told her.

Arya looked at Ana. "you taught yourself?" she asked. Ana nodded.


4:19pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 2,713
((Could Kasu be their sister as well, except she ran away?))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram

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