why is my life so depressing? (teen rp with powers)

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4:22pm Jul 19 2010

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"Ana, I need you to come with me then." Dusk snorted. "I don't want to getting hurt and if anything happens, I*ll be there." Dusk pushed up her sleeve to show a long scar from an angry stag...

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4:23pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((sure! the more the merrier!))


4:25pm Jul 19 2010

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((Can Akila and Shane be their cousins?))

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4:25pm Jul 19 2010

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((The more, th more confusing it gets and we can't have everybody be related. Maybe Dusk could be a sister they adopted because she was alone?))

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4:26pm Jul 19 2010

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((Or Kasu could be the sister they adopted?))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

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4:26pm Jul 19 2010

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Ana snorted. she hated being watched all the time. she started to follow dusk but vanished behind her back. she was in a forest near by. she looked around. she close her eyes. a bear was walking through the forest not far off. ana transported herself to a tree with her sword on her back.


4:28pm Jul 19 2010

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4:31pm Jul 19 2010

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((It'll be Dusk because I haven't posted her historym, but she never had any siblings.))

Dusk growled as she felt her sister leaved and shapeshifted into her dragon form. She sent out clicks and finally found her sister. "You don't kill a bear on your first hunt." She growled at Ana, knocking the bear unconcious with a blow of her claw....

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4:32pm Jul 19 2010

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Kasu sat with her back pressed up against some abandoned building. There were probably people living in it, but whatever. Not that she cared. She sighed as she idlely pondered where she was going to get her next meal from. She probably shouldn't have run away from her "sisters", but then again, Kasu wasn't known for her planning skills. She tossed a bit of rubble from hand to hand as she scanned the thoughts of those around her. Poor girl... Da.mn that boy... Where's William... Kasu sighed again and tried to block out the invading thoughts.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


4:33pm Jul 19 2010 (last edited on 4:34pm Jul 19 2010)

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Posts: 2,338
((crap i read that wrong i didn't say anything))


4:33pm Jul 19 2010

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((Then Kasu'll be one they adopted, too, because she never had siblings either.))

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


4:34pm Jul 19 2010

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ooc: Amh, I didn't knock out Amh, I knowed out the bear.

bic: The bear growled slightly and awoke, growling at Dusk. "Now's your chance." She whispered to Amh. She didn't want to be mean, but Ana had wanted to tackle the bear...

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4:35pm Jul 19 2010

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Akila walked the streets. She knew everyone. She read people's minds She saw Kasu. Hey, Kasu. She said in her mind.

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4:38pm Jul 19 2010

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Ana jumped on the bear stabbing it. she killed it instantly for she had stabbed it in the heart. she knew where most parts of most animals were. "hey, guess what? i may be eight but i am good at hunting. i can hunt on my own. so next time leave me alone." Ana scowled at Dusk. "can you help me drag this somewhere?" she asked


4:38pm Jul 19 2010

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Kasu's sightless eyes fixed on where she imagined Akila to be. What do you want? she asked warily. She didn't mean to sound rude, but she was trying to protect herself in any way possible. After all, it wasn't like she could use sight to defend herself.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

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4:40pm Jul 19 2010

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I was just saying hi. She said.

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4:41pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 6,948

 ((Nevrmind, Dusk in their real sister.))


"Ana, I*m not letting you and your transport power doesn't work on mem I*m a dragon, remember?" Dusk snorted and a puff of cold air blew out of her nose. "Your not going to do it alone. Your going to listen. You can't even carry prey back on your own, you need help. I*m coming with you until your 14  because then I will be by your side and there if you are in trouble...

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4:43pm Jul 19 2010

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Sure, drawled Kasu sarcastically. And my shoes are made of gold. She wiggled her bare feet. What do you really want, Akila?

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


4:44pm Jul 19 2010

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Shane's been acting weird. Do you know why? She asked.

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4:45pm Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 2,713
No, Kasu said, surprised. She'd known Shane for a while, and had never known him to act any different from his normal self. How is he acting weird?

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram

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