2:38pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 423
((Hah oops. I forgot what roleplay I was in. My bad c:))
Serense watched as Toxic gobbled up the fox, then looked at the remaining bones. "I've never seen anything like that before, so it must be pretty nifty!" She said, looking around for any small animals to munch on.
3:35pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 970
Looking down at her paws, Alerava shook her head weakly. Turning around she walked off in the scary forest.
"It was nice meeting you I guess", Alerava said weakly, turning back to the other creatu.Spreading her wings, she flew away sodding softly.
4:33pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 423
Serense watched as one of the creatu left and she quickly left Toxic's company to follow the creatu. 'Hey, are you okay?" She asked, trying to keep up.
7:22pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 970
Alerava looked back at the other creatu and nodded, not wanting to talk much. Alerava had a hard life when growing up. She used to get in fights all the time and sometimes kill other creatu. Her mother and father died when she was young and had to live with her rogue brother. Her brother would growl at her to stay back or swip at her, sometimes leaving marks. Once she had enough and swiped at her brother, which set him off and he lunged at her. She could hear the words her brother said before she bite his neck and his heartbeat soften, and he died.
' Do you think you can just come and swipe me? Do you know how many creatu like you I have killed? You just don't get it do you? Your just as soft as mother was. You'll never be a strong creatu like me, NEVER!' Alerava shook the thought away and flew faster away.
8:20pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 423
Serense growled and took flight after Alerava. "can you just wait up!?" She demanded, finally catching up to her.
I never knew so many creatu out here could have their own story. I just don't want to be alone, she whimpered as she thought to herself, still following Alerava.
8:28pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 970
"Why do you care? I'm better off alone", Alerava said gloomly, still wanting to live a new life. She thought that this creatu would be a friend but she shook it off, remembering that her brother said not to trust everyone you meet.
8:33pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 423
"Because I don't want to be alone.." She said quietly, looking at Alerava. 'You don't have to be by yourself. I'm Serense." She smiled a toothy smile, her red and pink eyes glistening in the sun.
8:47pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 970
"Alerava. Nice to meet you", Alerava said, not wanting to say her name.
9:36pm Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 423
"So, why did you leave? If you don't mind me asking." Serense said, scratching her ear with her front paw, still looking at Alerava.
12:01am Jun 5 2013
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Posts: 342
Sykona, still half asleep, only picked up on bits and peices of what was going on. She yawned again and then headed off to try to find something to eat.
9:39am Jun 5 2013
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Posts: 1,667
Toxic sighed. "Why does nobody want me..." He said and flew towards Serense and Alerava. "Wait up, I dont want to be lonely." Toxic gave up and flew back onto the ground. "Never mind."
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
4:51pm Jun 5 2013
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Posts: 970
"Because, I'm not suppose to be on this planet.I came from a family of killers. Especially my brother", Alerava said, almost annoyed.
8:19pm Jun 5 2013
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Posts: 342
Sykona glanced over her shoulder at Toxic, feeling guilty for leaving. "Hey, you wanna come with?"
12:02am Jun 6 2013
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Posts: 423
Looking at Alerava, Serense felt bad. "Well that's in the past now. If you want, we can stick together. I can try to help you through it. Everything will be okay." She smiled a reassuring smile at the sad creatu.
9:36am Jun 6 2013
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Posts: 1,667
Toxic glanced over his shoulder and said, "Yeah, thanks for asking."Toxic flew closer to Skyona. "Nice to have at least one friend around here, since everyone else seems to fly or walk off." Toxic said then sat down and sighed.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
10:30am Jun 6 2013
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Posts: 342
Sykona gave him a playful nudge. "Well, then that's their loss and my gain." She started to walk again. "You like to fish?"
6:47am Jun 7 2013
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Posts: 970
" Maybe we could start a new together. Alright starting now, we stick together.", Alerava said with a smile. She never thought she would make a friend.
7:06am Jun 7 2013
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Posts: 1,667
Toxic looked up surprised. "Yeah, fishing's fun. Where could a river be?" Toxuc replied then flew up and looked around. "Can't see any from here."
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
11:35am Jun 7 2013
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Posts: 423
"Good! Now that we have each other, we'll be just fine." She grinned, looking back for Toxic and Sykona, Serense looked to Alerava. "Do you want to go look for the others?"
4:12pm Jun 7 2013
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Posts: 342
Sykona chuckled a bit. "We're not going to a river." She tasted the air with her forked tongue and then veered left towards what looked like a hidden cave. Inside it, the sound of running water could be heard.