"I', poppsies, or that is what all my friends call me" Sparks, as a protecter wanted to keep Angel as he did with Nilly, Bell, Kito, and Ele.
"I'll call you Angel,Maybe you will evolve to be a vaporeon" Sparks picked up Angel and led her into the cave.
"Who Tat?" Nilly asked. All the babies gathered around.
"Angel," Sparks told him.
"Angl, i sow you m woom" Bell said toddling over to a corner with her picture on it.
'Angel, Bell har nme is ANGEL not angl" Kito said taking charge.
"Hey, Kito, I'm in charge and Bell is young she CAN"T say Angel," Sparks joked.
He looked at Angel who was patting the wall with her nose. Bell came over and started pawing it too. Nilly joined them.
"Whats with the wall?" Sparks asked.
"Dont now, its fun!! he ehe ah ah he hoo" Bell giggled.