5:08pm Mar 30 2010
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Luna struggles to get out of Abyss' grasp but fails she almost gives up but she calls for Zork.

6:10pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Zork lunged at Abyss. Zero growled, protecting her children.
6:12pm Mar 30 2010
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Luna got up. She was injured but she still fought. "Abyss your dead!" she cried lunging at him.

6:14pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
While Zork was in the air, Darke launched his Shadow Ball, aiming a little ahead of the Pokemon so that he could ensure a direct hit, the little Pokemon bouncing excitedly on his paws before darting towards the other Umbreon, who was shielding miniature Umbreons from harm. "Funfunfunfun!" he chanted, an evil little giggle escaping his mouth as Abyss snarled again. Abyss opened his mouth, full of sharp teeth, and bit down onto the smaller Pokemon that had attacked him for no reason. ((Abyss is using Bite! :D))
6:23pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((luna or zork, they are both smaller))
6:25pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((Darke aimed for Zork, and Abyss bit Luna. Luna attacked him first, after all. He's acting in self-defense. P:))
6:29pm Mar 30 2010
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name- Angaela (Pronounced like Angela) species- Angeon gender- Female pic- personality- Very sweet and kindhearted, as well as extremely loving and loyal. <3 history- Flew here from another region. :D other- She has a fresh X-shaped scar on her muzzle that stings every time she tries to talk. She was attacked for no reason on her first day, three days ago. IT's still kinda bloody, and she's very quiet because she doesn't want it to hurt any more than it already does. She's also very tired. oWo
6:30pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((Wait are Darke and Abyss bad guys?))

6:31pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((They just have bad attitudes. P: All they did was walk out of the bush and they got attacked. xD))
6:36pm Mar 30 2010
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((Well we thought they eat baby umbreons))

7:09pm Mar 30 2010
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((They don't. owo Well, they might. I'm not sure what they eat. P: I'd say some for of meat or something. PP:)) Angaela heard the sounds of battle, but knew she was much too weary to battle. HEr wings ached, as did the scar that would be left on her muzzle forever more. She made her way through the trees, only to collapse in front of a cave full of Umbreons, her breathing ragged and uneven. She was obviously hurt pretty badly, as well as extremely worn out. ((Murr. owo))
1:16pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 5
ooc: I forgot I was in this! *embawwesed* Fill me in?
3:32pm Mar 31 2010
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Luna ran back to the cave to find a hurt pokemon. "Are you ok?" she asked.

3:49pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((Zork saw Abyss in the forest and 3/4 of Zero's eggs hatched, Abyss came and attacked when Zork and Luna were going to go out and fight him themselves, that basically where we are now)) Zero ran her cildren down the cave towards the back exit. The 4th egg hatched into a male leafeon? It has leafeon and umbreon features. "I'll call you Lee" Zero said to her. Lee mumbled"BACAZUPOO"
4:24pm Mar 31 2010
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Luna Ran back out. "ok listen up you two what are you doing here and what do you want?" Luna asked a bit mad.

4:45pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 1,713
Zork pounced on Abyss. He was tearing at his eye balls but failed to pop any out. ((guys i made another RP callled creature, hunter and protecter RP, its about hunter who want to rid the world of creatures, and protecters who own and love creatures! please join))
4:52pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((HAY. Abyss didn't attack! YOu attacked Abyss! >O<)) Abyss snarled and shook himself before reaching up to simply grab the Umbreon and pull him away from his face. The bigger Pokemon bared his sharp fangs, obviously upset with the Umbreon. "Leave. Me. Alone," he snarled, eyes narrowing. Angaela closed her eyes, panting softly as she tried to roll onto her paws, but was too tired to even move.
4:55pm Mar 31 2010
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"I will stop attacking but all i want to know is why you are here." luna said calmly as she backed off.

5:01pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 11,785
"Exploration," Abyss growled, dropping the Umbreon he held. "We came from another area."
5:09pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 5,748
"ok i told you i would stop attacking so stop growling." Luna replied.
