WildClan--Friend or Foe?

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12:13am Mar 15 2011

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Fleetpaw wanted to freeze just as he had when he had seen the real Blackheart. But he was Fleetfang, no longer a scared little apprentice. He let out a fake hiss and lunged at Blackheart. "You'll pay for all the trouble you've caused WildClan, you red-eyed disgrace of a cat, won't he, Wolfstar?"


12:24am Mar 15 2011

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The she cat hissed and playfully clawed at Fleetpaw. "You'll never be able to capture me!" Deathstripe scrambled out from under "Fleetfang" and ran around them, laughing.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

12:29am Mar 15 2011

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"Get him!" Fleetfang yowled. He rammed into Blackheart once more, trying to knock him off his paws.

Sunstar watched the cats play. From a distance. She didn't want her cats messing around, but when they played like this, at least they were practicing fighting skills.

Tigerhawk was watching now.

Duskfire purred with amusement as the cats pretended to fight.



12:37am Mar 15 2011

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"Blackheart" smiled, then pushed back with all "his" force. "Aaagh!" The attack actually did more damage to Deathstripe, and she stumbled backwards.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

12:40am Mar 15 2011

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Fleetfang returned to Fleetpaw and stopped his attack. "Woah, are you okay?" He asked to Deathstripe.


12:47am Mar 15 2011 (last edited on 12:51am Mar 15 2011)

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"Oh, yeah." She said, regaining her balance before completely soaking herself in mud. She laughed at herself for such foolishness. You really shouldn't act like a kit, Deathstripe. She said to herself.  I know, but it's just so fun! I can be whatever I want to be. An eagle, a bat, a mouse, or Blackheart. Her imagination and brain argued, Fun isn't always the best choice. Who cares!
The conflict between her own self stopped, and returned from her weird trance. "Naw, im okay. Just a li'l dizzy, is all."

Why the cloud, Sunny?

12:49am Mar 15 2011

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Posts: 3,371
"Oh, I thought I hurt you for a second." Fleetpaw admitted. "Are you still going to be Blackheart?" His ear twitched.


12:56am Mar 15 2011

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She twitched her tail and thought, "Well, I do need practice for when I have to fight for this clan..." She grinned "I guess I will." She transformed back into Blackheart, the red-eyed  ruthless monster that seemed to only come in nightmares. "Watch out, Wildclan, for one day, you will be destroyed!" She screamed and stood on her two legs, rasing her up, it looked as if Fleetpaw was only an apprentice.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

12:59am Mar 15 2011

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Fleetfang crouched down, then leapt into the air, jumping up almost as high up as Blackheart was. He ran quickly all around the 'red-eyed cat.' "Try and catch me, mouse-brain!"


9:57am Mar 15 2011

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Goldshard purred, nuzzling the other warrior. "Yes, fine....Just a bad dream, is all." She mewed quietly. Her pads were sweating, and her tail was fluffed up. She groaned, and began to pick her pads gently.

Silverwhisp watched both the apprentices and the warriors play. Looking back to make sure the Med. cat was asleep, she limped out of the den and hobbled over to them. "Rawrr!! I am Killerstar, the leader of DeathClan!" She yowled. "Feeeaaasrrr meeee!!"

Wolfstar was just about to bat Blackheart's ear when Silverwhisp, of should I say Killerstar yowled. "Fleetfang! Blackheart was braught reinforcments!!"


10:53am Mar 15 2011

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"Yeah, I understand. Ever since the clan had that encounter with Blackheart, I've felt a little shakey." He admitted, blinking away the slight embaras.sment. He closed his eyes once more and listened to the Warriors play outside.
Cloudpatch opened his eye slightly to see Silverwhisp limp out of the den, but said nothing. She needed excersise.
 Deathstripe smiled, she looked over to Silverwhisp, then back at Fleetfang and Wolfstar. Deathstripe snarled and lunged quickly at Fleetfang, lightly scraping his side. Shelaughed and pounced at wolfstar, hissing and batting at he ear. "You'll never be strong enough, Wildclan!"

Why the cloud, Sunny?

10:57am Mar 15 2011

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Posts: 17,364

Killerstar let out a low purr at the sight of the apprentice's imaginations. She batted at Wolfstar. "You'll never be able to defeat deathCan! We shall rule the forest!" She yowled, playfully tackling the young apprentice. Wolfstar mewed helplessly, her paws flailing around. "Fleetfang! Help meee!" She yowled.

Goldshard stood up with a grunt. "Want to get sdome fresh-kill?" She mewed.


11:02am Mar 15 2011

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Snowpelt's stomach growled at the word "Freshkill". "Yup." He stood up slowly, stretched out with a yawn, and padded out of the den.
Deathstripe, or Blackheart, ran towards Fleetfang and punced on him once more, keeping him doqn this time. "I've got your deputy, Wolfstar! No one can help, now!" She hissed.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

11:06am Mar 15 2011

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Posts: 17,364

Goldshard's stomach growled also. She padded over and selected a plump mouse. "Wanna share?" She asked, nosing the mouse his direction.

Wolfstar threw a fit. "No fair! We don't have any reinforcments!" She wailed. Goldshard looked over at them, then giggled. She gotr a running start before lunging up and tackling Silverwhisp, making her let go of Wolfstar. Wolfstar immedietly ran over to help her deputy.


11:24am Mar 15 2011

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Snowpelt stared as Goldshard tackled her sister, playing with the other warriors. He quickly swallowed some of the mouse and leaped over next to the group of cats. He hissed playfully, batting at Deathstripe. "You'd better let go of my deputy!"
Deathstripe rolled off of Fleetfang and exposed her stomach, closed her eyes, and stuck out her tongue. "Im dead." She whispered.

Why the cloud, Sunny?

11:27am Mar 15 2011

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Posts: 17,364

Wolfstar went into a fit of giggles. "WildClan wins!" She yowled, prancing about. She picked up a pigeon and plopped it down infront of her 'deputy'. "You deserved it!" She mewed, smiling.

Goldshard giggled as Silverwhisp rolled over as Deathstripe did. "I be dead too." She giggled.

Silentsong walked out of his den, yawning.



11:29am Mar 15 2011

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Posts: 3,371

Fleetfang hissed. "I'm too strong for you even when I'm not trying to fight back!" He smiled, then gently batted Killerstar's muzzle. "We don't need reinforcements, Wolfstar! We could defeat them alone!"


11:30am Mar 15 2011

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Posts: 17,364
(( Teh battle be over. :P ))


11:31am Mar 15 2011

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Posts: 3,371
( I know. Fleetpaw does not realize that.)


11:32am Mar 15 2011

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Posts: 3,002
Deathstripe leaped up, even though she had lost, she thought she had fought well. She walked over to Silverwhisp, he was twice her size and declared, "You fough well, Deathclan leader." She giggled and walked over to the fresh-kill pile. She sifted through the pile and picked out a small mouse. "Mmmm..."
Snowpelt plopped down at the fresh-kill pile. He looked at the few animals they had left. "Who wants to go hunting?" He asked, gesturing to the tiny heap of prey.

Why the cloud, Sunny?
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