9:43am Aug 6 2010 (last edited on 9:45am Aug 6 2010)
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((Oh I saw. He looks very chilled. Great pic XD)) Aven awoke to soft sunlight on her face. She opened one cornflower blue eye slowly and looked at the light that was filtering through her window and onto her face. She blinked a couple of times before she sat up on her huge bed. She rubbed her eyes trying to get rid of the sleepy feeling. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and quietly made her way over to her dresser. She looked in the mirror and bit her lip slightly at her own reflection. She saw a girl with huge eyes pale porcelain skin and dark untamed hair. She picked up her sliver brush that her father had bought after he had returned from a trip and ran it through her hair trying to tame the frizz. She put the brush down and smoothed out her waves before she got up again and made her way to small basin and through the cold water on her faces. She quickly wiped it with a towel then made her way over to her closet where she pulled out a blue gown which her mother had told her it brough out her eyes. She pulled it on slowly wondering where were her ladies-in-waiting. They were normally here every morning ready to help. But never the less she managed to get on by herself. She walked over to her window and opened it to allow the breeze in. She noticed a rather large, and loud crowd outside the gates. She chewed her lip wondering if they were here about the disapearences. She looked over at the wall where a picture of her older brother hung. And she felt her eyes get moist. She quickly looked away. The painting used to be hanging in the parlor but when he died she took it down and brought it into her room. She still found it hard, they were really close and she had been mad at him the morning he had disapeared. He wouldn't let her come, which she was now sure was a good thing. She looked back out and this time noticed General Kantu was trying the keep the crowd under control. She smiled slightly, then heard someone saying something. Next thing she knew the crowd was looking over at her window. She put on a smile and waved slightly, then she heard a knock on her door. She turned away from her window and walked towards the door. "Yes?" She said as she opened to see the maid, Cora. "You can bring it in." She said as she opened the door wider to allow the younger girl access. (( That is the longest intro I have ever written. I just looked at the character list. There are more guys then girls XD I've never seen that normally there's like two guys and fifteen girls XD. And OMG. I just realized something. Aven is Twenty, which would mean that Katrina had her when she was thirteen XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:14am Aug 6 2010 (last edited on 10:17am Aug 6 2010)
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(Girls having kids at a young age was very common back them. Juliet was only thirteen, but I'm not sure how old Romeo was. Edit-Actually if this was fully realistic, Aven and Nanriyu would already be off and married.)
10:19am Aug 6 2010 (last edited on 10:20am Aug 6 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
((Dude, Juliet was thirteen? Woah, didn't know that XD. But that sounds terrible. That young. Awkward. But then it again it was perfectly natural considering they all like died at 35 XD Edit: Oh I know. I was just thinking that. Aven would have been sent of years ago for some arrange marrige))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:22am Aug 6 2010
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(Do you want Aven to be married? I can make her a hubby if you do.XD Yup, my teacher said Juliet was thirteen.)
10:24am Aug 6 2010
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Anariyu took his sword out and looked at the blade with careful eyes.He made a low sigh and closed his eyes remembering his brother.He remembered how they would practice with their swords together.He remembered the day he was killed and he gave him his sword.The sword before him was his brothers.With still a smere of his bloodon the back of it.He opened his eyes and put the sword back on his back and folded his armas looking out at the crowd.
10:32am Aug 6 2010
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((Oh Aven married. Hmm? I don't think she'd like that very much. Plus, I think she might like the General XD Which woiuld cause Drama, I think. Weren't thay like not suppose to like marry commonors (spell fail) or they'de be like disowned?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:35am Aug 6 2010
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(That would add drama. Yes, they would be disowned for marrying a peasant or lower clas.s person.)
10:43am Aug 6 2010
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(( I like drama XD and I love your little siggy it makes me laugh XD Now, I'm not sure what to post because Inna's not on and Aven is waititng for her food.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:43am Aug 6 2010
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(You have two charas you know......You have Sais.)
10:45am Aug 6 2010
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((Oh I forget at about Jet Sais. He's a warrior right. So that like a soldier/knight whatever right? I am feeling so braindead right now. Didn't get much sleep.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:46am Aug 6 2010
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(yes, he is a warrior, and yes they are soldier/knights.)
11:31am Aug 6 2010
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((Inna slept in today when she was supposed to wake up early. D:< I brainfailed Pan. xD I brainfailed his name, too.)) Pan nodded grimly and gestured for her to come. "Let us go then," He said. ~ Cora sighed in relief and transferred the tray to both hands. She whispered something to Selene, asking her to stop singing, and walked in. "Would you like me to stay, mistress?" She asked. "Or would you like your privacy?" ((Dx I forgot what they called princesses back then.))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
11:37am Aug 6 2010
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(King-Your Highness, Sir or Sire Queen-Ma'lady, Mistress, or Madem Princess-Princess, or Miss Prince-Prince, or Sir) Katrina smiled and walked out of their chamber, and off towards the thrown room, where they usually held meetings. She motioned for a gaurd to tell Kantu to let the villagers in as they got to the grand room. She highed and walke towards the front where the two throwns sat.
11:55am Aug 6 2010
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Senshi bowed putting hid fidt to his chest respectfully and went to tell Kantu to let the villagers in.It was amazing of how many stood out there so he made sure he was alert.
11:57am Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 3,291
Kantu walked Justice closer to the gate and opened it, and moved his mount back so the group could walk in. He dismounted and gave the mare's reins to the stable hand, and started leading the peasants down the hall towards the thrown room.
12:20pm Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 7,620
Senshi was on the kings side waiting for orders and standing with great pride and boldness.He stood watching as they came in and didnt make a sound nor move an inch.
12:28pm Aug 6 2010
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(*Waits for inna to post*)
12:31pm Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 4,914
((Thanks. Dx -fail-)) Pan walked over to his throne and sat, waiting for the villagers to start rambling. ((BRAINFAIL. :D))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
4:05pm Aug 6 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Wow, sorry for poofing my dad kicked me off the computer. Said it made too much heat. Then he hid the internet wire for me. and I got a all freaked out cause the internet wasn't working but i just found it XD Will post soon.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:40pm Aug 6 2010 (last edited on 4:50pm Aug 6 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
((Well I found my iPod. So I can post now.)) Aven nodded as the girl brought in her tray. "Leave it on the table?" she said. As she went back to the window. She scanned the crowd before her eyes rested on Kantu. She hit her lip and looked away. Dont waste your time on things you can't have. She thought as she watched him begin the usher the crowd in. "Would you like me to stay, mistress? Or would you like your privacy?" Cora voice said breaking her thoughts. She turned to the maid. "It seems my parents are ready to address the people." she said in her soft voice as she looked out her window for a moment then back to the maid. "So I will be leaving. Feel free to take a small break." she said as she began making her way to the door. "Feel free to also eat my breakfast. I am no longer hungry." Then she turned and left the room. She picked up her skirts and ran down the stairs. When she entered the throne room she saw her parents were there along with her younger brother. She smiled sheepishly, her face flushed qnd stood beside her mother. She smiled at her mother and looked down at her bulging belly. She wondered when the baby would be born. Then she looked at the crowd, There was certainly alot of them. Then he eyes drifted to her father as she waited for him to speak.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.