Cora stared after her. "But, miss.." Aven was already gone. She shrugged and took a piece if bread from the tray and put it on the table. She broke a piece off and fed it to Selene, pocketing the other.
((Dx Wooow. Cora should get fired.
It's Bulging. :D))
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
Katrina looked up and smiled as her daughter came in and stood next to her. She placed her hand on her stomach as she watched Aven look at it, then she turned her head to look at the villagers, "We know you're all worried about your children and livestock, but we're doing as must as we currently can." She said calmly.
Anariyu looked at his sister with a smirk then back at the crowd.He still had his other brothers sword straped to his back but didnt realize it.It was well hidded so noone really noticed it.