7:03pm Apr 11 2011 (last edited on 9:36pm May 2 2011)
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I woke up in a small cage, much too small for the likes of a wolf like me. I opened my eyes, having to squint in the bright light to see. What I did see wasn't my cozy forest, calming river, comfortable den. What I saw was torture: Scalpels, injection needles, men with crazy eyes in masks, and normal wolves in small cages. I felt a prick in my right leg, then everything went black.
It must have been days before I saw the light again. But this time when I awoke, something had changed. The cages were just as small, the injection needles were empty and the scalpels were bloody. My whole body felt sore. Suddenly, my ears pricked up, hearing the crazy masked men scream at eachother. It was hard for me to understand, but I caught parts of it:
"How do you know this one won't die?!" "I know, Maurice. The others died within hours, this one is still alive." "I don't like this... I don't like it at all. Her mutations are unlike the others as well. She seems stronger, better, and we did not expect these results to happen." "Calm down. She is perfect. I don't see anything wrong with her: The teeth elongated slightly, the wings seem to have been made marvolously -I wonder if they will fly?- and her power is immense. I've never seen such beauty in one creature before." "Dr., I swear I saw her with her water yesterday. It was... Unnatural. The water wasn't staying in the bowl, it was as if she was controlling it. This wasn't supposed to happen in the end results and you know it." "I guess we'll just have to wait and see if the others do this as well then, Maurice." The beginning was blurry, I didn't catch it. Then, the humans walked away, I couldn't hear anything after when the man last said 'Maurice'. Then it hit me, had I just heard them correctly? Fang like teeth, extra power, control of water, and... Wings?? I turned my body in the cage as well as I could have. I could see a feight outline of the wings. MY wings. What happened to me? Are there others? I wonder if I can escape? How will I survive out there now?
Plot: 'Mad' scientists capture normal wolves and inject them with this new 'super potion'; it makes them stronger, faster, smarter, have better senses, and even fly. All of these features are included in this super potion. Not all wolves survived though. This is the story of the ones that did.
I know we all hate them. :c
No Godmodding or Powerplaying Also, don't mini-mod. You may suggest things to me, but don't be the fake 'boss' here. These are super wolves, but normal things do kill them.They are not invincible. ONE power only please. :3If someone wants to play the girl in the story, they can. xDEvery person MUST play at least two characters: 1 boy, 1 girl.Once escaped and made packs, only 1 high rank per person. (Not character.)Post: 'May I join?' to join.Make your bio in your favorite color. o3o(To prove you read this. xD)NO. They have not escaped yet.Yes, there are normal wolves in this story as well.Two packs, I don't know their names yet. Suggestions appriciated.Yes, You must describe your wolf (wolves), no pictures please. UNLESS, you are a normal wolf.You notice there is no 'Crush' or 'Mates'. That is because I don't do insta crushes or such.Throughout the roleplay you will begin to develope crushesThanks to Dragon, we now have the two wolf packs' names!The 'normal' wolf pack is called the Shadowed Moon PackAnd the Mutant wolf Pack is called the Silver Sun Pack.(Ranks have to be earned later on for the Silver Sun Pack.)Yeah. b:Attention: All ranks in RED have to be played by females.All ranks in BLUE have to be played by males. -No Exceptions.-.:Bio:.Name:Age:Gender:Personality:Deion:Captured or not?:Rank: (If you were captured, cross this out)Power: (Mutant only)[1, ONE, only per wolf]Other:Shadowed Moon Pack Ranks:Alpha:Alphess:Beta: Currently Unavaliable.Betess: Allegra (Me)Lead Fighter:Fighters:Lead Hunter:Hunter:Members:Loners:Silver Sun Pack Ranks:
Alpha: Alphess:
Beta: Betess:
Lead Fighter: Fighters:
Lead Hunter: Hunter:
Loners: __________________
Captured and unranked wolves:
-Ari (Dragonstar)-
~Kyaan (Me)~
~Serpent (Dragonstar)~
~Devil (Rika)~
12:51pm May 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 322
((May I join? =D D'oh, I hate roleplaying boys xD )) Name: Skye Age: Two and a half years Gender: Female Personality: At first, Skye seems cold and un-forgiving. But she's hardly that at all, she's just unbelieveably shy and nervous(Although no-one really knows why). She will remain queit for as long as she doesn't know you, and will still be a bit quiet even if you know her. She prefers to think things through before she does them and has alo of pachience. Skye is also very sensitive about her past. Deion: Skye has bright blue eyes with small grey flecks. Her fur is jet black, and her right ear is grey. Her wings are like that of a demon with no fur on them at all. The are a deep amber where the bone structure is, and the webbing is a very pale yellow. In the webbing you are able to see the maze of veins inside if Skye was to stretch her wings out. Her top front canines are very elongated, much like a saber tooth cats, but only stick out from muzzle a little with only a quater of them being visible. Captured or not?:Yeah..
Rank: Power: (Mutant only) Skye is able to become invisible for as long as she wants. She can choose which parts of her disappear/appear. Other: Not at them moment, nah.
~ Name: Jack Age: 1 year Gender: Male Personality: Jack has a very care-free attitude to pretty much anything. He loves to muck around and play and always trys to fit a joke or two in. He has always been a jokester and finds it very hard to concetrate on something if he doesnt want to do it. He constantly trys to impress, which can lead to him being labled as big-headed, which he is slightly. Jack does has a slight serious side though, which hardly ever comes out. Deion: Jack is a misty grey wolf with a black muzzle. He has deep brown eyes and a slightly puffy tail. Captured or not?: No (Yay!) Rank: Member Power:
Other: Nope

12:56pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(May I join? :D )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:02pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Dood, this thing is old~ o3o Hehehe xD
Silent: I have never seen you around here. For pre-cautions, would you care to send me an example of your work?
Ice: I'm sorry, I don't think you have quite the literacy level that I am looking for. :c Another day, perhaps. ^-^ ))
1:08pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 3,950
(Oh... Looks like it is old. ^^'' And I'm sorry... I think I should be literate enough... But oh, well... >> )
- ☀ - hiiii. you can call me ice. bands took over my life and i laugh too hard at bad jokes. meh. x - ☀ -
1:19pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// May is join? -hopeful eyes-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:19pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Why even ask Dragon? :3 haha Sure!))
1:22pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// The rules say so. Bio will be up shortly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:32pm May 1 2011 (last edited on 7:08pm May 1 2011)
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Name: Ari Age: Three summers Gender: Female Personality: Ari is basically a very viscous wolf that has a bloodlust deep within her genes. She is fierce, aggressive, and very apathetic. Ari doesn't know any other emotion aside from the ones she already knows. Deion: As a dire wolf, Ari is huge. She is around 14Hh at the shoulder and is weighed down with a bunch of coiled muscles behind her furred skin. Her fur is jet-black, rather long and ragged on her neck, body, legs, and tails. Her paws sport some feathers at the back. Tipping her paws are black claws whose points looks like they were dipped in blood. Her body is very arrow-like. Triangular and pointed in the face, ears and paws, her shoulders are broad because of a wide chest. Sprouting from inbetween her shoulder blades are large bird-like black wings that have a twenty-foot wing span. Inbetween the feathers of the wings are five fingers like that of a bat. Her hips are skinny, but covered in hard muscle. It is because of her arrow-like form that she is an aerodynamically sound runner. Two long tails extend from the base of her spine. Both are catlike in appearance, but the rugged look makes them appear wolven. Alien crimson orbs mount themselves on the front of her canine face. Slanted slightly at the ends, it gives off the appearance that she is rather mischievous. When she experiences extreme emotions, black pupils will fade into her eyes; whether they are rounded or slitted. On her right ear, it is pierced three times with three golden hoops while her left ear is pierce the same number of times with three silver studs. Captured or not?: Yes Rank:
Power: Shadow Control Other: Seems to have been mixed with the DNA of an ancient Dire Wolf. Serpent is her only littermate so they look roughly similar. ~xXx~ Name: Serpent Age: Three summers Gender: Male Personality: Serpent is a quiet wolf that prefers stealth to working in the open. He is nimble footed and quick to flee. But that does not make him timid. Serpent is a sly wolf and some say that he has more fox in him than wolf. Deion: As a dire wolf, Serpent is huge. He is around 14Hh at the shoulder and is weighed down with a bunch of coiled muscles behind his furred skin. His fur is dark brown, rather long and ragged on his neck, body, legs, and tails. His paws sport some feathers at the back. Tipping his paws are black claws whose points looks like they were dipped in blood. His body is very arrow-like. Triangular and pointed in the face, ears and paws, his shoulders are broad because of a wide chest. Sprouting from in between his shoulder blades are large bird-like brown wings that have a twenty-foot wing span. In between the feathers of the wings are five fingers like that of a bat. His hips are skinny, but covered in hard muscle. It is because of his arrow-like form that he is an aerodynamically sound runner. Two long tails extend from the base of his spine. Both are catlike in appearance, but the rugged look makes them appear wolven. Dark crimson orbs that are cut in half by a narrow, slitted pupil mount themselves on the front of his canine face. Slanted slightly at the ends, it gives off the appearance that he is rather mischievous. On his right ear, it is pierced three times with three silver studs while his left ear is pierce the same number of times with three golded hoops. Captured or not?: Yes Rank:
Power: Earth Control Other: Seems to have been mixed with the DNA of an ancient Dire Wolf. Ari is his only littermate so they look roughly similar. [[ Blacks my favourite colour. And can I sugest the two pack names? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:24pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((-Slaps self- I knew that.... |D
Anywho, Yes, please. I am a F.A.I.L. at pack names. xD))
3:15pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// -chuckles- Two packs? Well for the regular, non-mutated wolves I was thinking Shadowed Moon Pack. And for the mutated ones I was thinking Silver Sun Pack.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:24pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Sounds legit to me! I'll edit~))
4:28pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 6,165
((Shaste! I posted on our rp!))
4:34pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Mercy, 'kay. Coming~
Dragon: *Pokes Rules* Do you intend on making a male as well? :3))
5:46pm May 1 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Yea. As soon as I can think up a deion for one. I took Ari's from one of my character's other forms.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:37pm May 1 2011
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Name: Allegra Age: 3 winters Gender: Female Personality: Allegra is the one who would gratefully die for her pack. She is very closed-minded though, only the one's she trusts are the one's that she feels have a right in the pack. If you get on Allegra's bad side, you will stay there for life. She doesn't really have a soft side to anyone or anything; even pups annoy this girl! Don't try and win her affection, just prove to her that you belong in the pack. Deion: Allegra is a larger than normal wolf. Her fur is different shades of brown: Golden brown, Honey brown, dark brown, gray-brown, black-brown, and others thrown in there as well. In the sunlight, it seems her fur has soft shades of red as well. Her eyes are Amber in color. Other than these features, the only thing that sets her apart from other wolves is the scar she has down her left hind leg. It's long, gnarly, and is shaped like the cresent moon. No hair grows there so it's really noticable. Captured or not?: Nope~ Rank: Betess Power: Other: None really~ ~
Name: Kyaan Age: 3 Summers Gender: Male Personality: Kyaan is bright and cheery, not much gets him down. He feels no hate towards anyone! Even the humans appeal to him as good people. Kyaan is loyal and trusting to everyone, no matter what they've done. It's almost impossible to get on his bad side. He doesn't like to kill or fight or maim or anything like that, which is why he is usually a grunt of a pack, doing 'Omega' style work for the pack. Deion: Kyaan's looks are about as cheerful as his personality. Since his new... 'transformation', he has become a lot like himself. His fur changed from a light brown, to a golden brown color. His wings are pure white, whiter than anything a normal wolf probably would have ever seen. His wings never seem to get dirty. Kyaan does have four black stripes on his muzzle though, and the same across his tail, just bigger. His belly is a dark gray color, his paws the same color as well. His ears look like they've been ripped in half, for they both are split all the way down straight from the middle. His eyes are also a golden yellow, which trips most wolves out when they see it. He had these strange colored eyes even before he was mutated. On his chest, the scientists left him wearing a sun-pendant. He wears this with great pride. Captured or not?: Yes. Rank: Power: He has minor healing abilities. (To be strengthened throughout the story.) Other: Nope~
Name: Kain Age: 3 winters Gender: Male Personality: Kain is a somewhat happy person. He seems hates pretty much everything and everyone. He seems to be extremely bitter and mean at a first glance, but once you decide to get to know him, he's very kind. He has delt with a lot of pain in his life, but he chooses to forget and forgive. It may take a while to get on his good side, but it's worth it. He just makes the whole 'angry and mean' wolf disguise to keep people away. He likes to keep up a wall around people: Not to keep them away, but to see who cares enough to break it down. Deion: Kain is a pure black wolf with fairly odd markings for a normal wolf. He has silver-gray paws, tip of the tail, and belly, but the rest of him is black. His eyes are silver as well. (His nose is black. :P) Captured or not?: Nope Rank: Hunter Power: Other: ...None really~
9:19pm May 2 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Bump~ :3))
9:30pm May 2 2011 (last edited on 2:56pm May 7 2011)
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Posts: 11,785
Name: Devil's Advocate. Devil for short. Age: 21 human, 3 dog Gender: Male Personality: Devil's name rings true in his personality. He is a merciless beast who obeys only himself. He is a top fighter, or at least he thinks so, because he does not hesitate when he needs to attack. Outside of battle he comes off as cold and heartless, making most others avoid him if they can so help it. History: Devil was born as a 'mutant', called so for his tiny horns and his rich red-violet fur. He was quickly abandoned and left to die on his own, which he very nearly did. A strange wolf came up to him and, somehow, imbued within him the power of a dark, mighty spirit. At that moment, iron chains appeared on him to keep the spirit's energy contained. Appearance: Devil is a larger-than-average brute with two large onyx-colored horns twisting out of his skull, right between his nicked ears. His white eyes are constantly narrowed into a glare, the black skull-shaped marking that covers his face enhancing how creepy it is. His rich red-violet coat is marred by scars from his puppyhood, and his paws are colored to look as if they'd been forever stained by the sin of his existence, colored the blackest of blacks. Devil also has heavy iron chains covering his body, starting at his paws at shackles before they criss-crossed repeatedly, whether it be between legs or across his back. He also has an iron muzzle that prevents him from everything but eating and growling. Across the front of his chest is an iron plate that keeps it all together and is inscribed with an ancient language. Crush/Mate: Pffft. Powers: His power is actually a curse. He has immense strength, but cannot unleash it all for his body would be unable to handle it. The chains covering his body keep the power sealed up within it, parts of it disappearing when he wishes to release some of it, usually starting at the muzzle. (When I find Hearts I'll add her. P: And I'll fix the bio, unless I can use it like this? Name: Icy Hearts gender: Female age: Adult looks: Heart is a very lean, built female with a sweet-looking face and very fluffed-out tail. She has a pair of silver-blue rubbons that wind all around her body to tie off into four red ribbons at her neck and tail-tip, but she doesn't mine much. They seem to grow with her. Floating around her are ice crystals, much like snow, at all times. Her fur is a dark reddish-pink, which, along with the snow, gave her her name of Icy Hearts. Her paws look as if they were dipped in metallic golden paint, along withthe tip of her tail. Her eyes are swirls of green, icy-blue, and bright red, mixing together in a beautiful array.On her muzzle she has three claw-scars from when she was a pup, the three scars on the single patch of lime-green fur on her entire body. She also has a pair of wings, the left angelic, the right draconic. The draconic wing is a pure white, while the angelic one is coal black with icy-blue and red-tipped feathers in an alternating pattern. history: She was near-death when she ot adopted and named by a female in the pack. So there. bf/gf: None yet. other: Has an unknown brother who is deceased. o:

9:31pm May 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,338
((It's fine like this! You might want to add if he's a Captured Wolf or not though. :3))
9:33pm May 2 2011
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Posts: 11,785
(He's most definitely captured. The scientists couldn't possibly pas-s him up. XD)