12:27pm Jul 22 2013 (last edited on 12:36pm Jul 22 2013)
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Posts: 11,785
It has been many millennia since a threat has last passed over our lands. We've lived in peace since the shadows had been put to rest within a sealed cave, our present ensured by a single prophesied wolf who gave himself to seal the evils away. However, he didn't go quietly. Before he left us, he passed on the prophecy that one day, another like him would be born and would save our world once again. We would know him by the strange markings that littered his pale blue pelt. His eyes would be pale, and he would be assumed to be sightless, but he will indeed have vision. He will see what we cannot, but not until he is ready will his true potential be unlocked.
We were told to raise him once we found him.
A couple years ago, our pack stumbled upon a lone male with no recollection of who he was or where he'd come from. His pelt was pale blue, and his eyes the color of the clouds. We'd assumed him to be blind, but in fact he saw us clearly. His pelt was littered by strange symbols none of us, even the ancient elders of our pack, had ever seen before or since. The prophecy has come true, and darkness is beginning to seep into our peaceful land once again. We are not to tell The Chosen of his place in what will likely be his first and last battle. He is to find out who he is in his own time,though by the time he recalls who he is it may well be too late for us.
Our fate lays within the paws of a single young wolf.
Will you follow the prophecy? _________________________________________________________ RULES
1. All members of the pack are to speak clearly and properly.
2. There has been peace for hundreds of years within this land, and it will not change within a day.
3. Romance is alright, just be aware The Chosen may not survive the end of his journey.
4. Nobody must ever tell The Chosen who he really is. Failure to comply is punishable by banishment.
5. The Chosen must be treated with no special attention. Until he recalls who he is, he is just like us.
6. The leader's word is law. Do not test him.
7. The Prophecy is what stands between us and extinction.
___________________________________________________________ Tell me, who are you?
What are you called?
What position in our pack do you hold?
Tell me, are you a male or a female?
Have you a mate?
Explain to an old, blind wolf what you look like?
Tell me child. How do you act?
Will you follow the Prophecy?

12:27pm Jul 22 2013 (last edited on 4:44pm Jul 24 2013)
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Posts: 11,785
The Chosen Jiryn
Alpha Male Keritel
Alpha Female Must earn Keritel's heart.
Beta Male
Beta Female Pradapti
Pup-sitters Jiryn Aurora Sovak
Prowlers Shatari Shasta
Omega Wren
Loners Shadow
Explanation of ranks:
The Chosen: Wolf of which the prophecy speaks.
Alphas: Leaders of the pack, and though in a true wolf pack they would be the only ones to mate and have pups, over the last several hundred years that limitation has been dropped.
Betas: These members of the pack keep the lower ranks in line and make sure nothing goes wrong within the pack.
Pup-sitters: As the name suggests, these wolves watch over pups while their parents explore the land to find food to feed the pack.
Prowlers: These wolves are the hunters, given their name by the way they prowl through the trees.
Omega: The omega is the lowest rank in the pack. The job of this position is to keep morale within the pack high, be it by being a bundle of fun or merely allowing the others to take out any frustrations on them. Since peace fell over the land, the need for venting has lessened to the point where it will very rarely, if ever, happen.
Loners: These wolves do not belong to us, but will often travel with us for food and protection from the elements.

12:27pm Jul 22 2013 (last edited on 12:48pm Jul 22 2013)
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Posts: 11,785
SETTING AND TIME OF YEARWe live in a large forest that, at one time, held many other packs besides our own. We are the last surviving pack, but we have grown numerous and we kindly accept travelers that have come from far away to seek a place of belonging and fellowship. The first snow of winter has fallen recently, meaning several of our Stalkers will be unable to hunt successfully due to coat color. Those of us who have white coats will be the best off and will be in charge of the main portion of feeding our pack while I, as the Alpha, take care and be sure that our pack, our family, remains well and warm, even in this harsh time of year.We must remain strong, my brothers and sisters. Spring will be here before we know it, and with it the time of new beginnings. The Chosen will be that much closer to unlocking who he truly is, but until the time comes we must wait and make survival our priority. Do not meddle, my beloved pack. Carry out your tasks as you always have and pay no attention to any of the shadows. We are strong, and we will survive.

12:27pm Jul 22 2013 (last edited on 12:50pm Jul 22 2013)
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Posts: 11,785
First off, that snowy forest scene picture? That's mine. I took it myself while hiking through the woods. You steal it and there will be serious repercussions. The bottoms of my pants up to my knees were soaked and almost frozen. :I
Now then, I have the right to accept or deny anyone for any reason, as well as the right to kick you out if you do not meet my guidelines or if you have an attitude I do not like towards other members. Your wolf will be swallowed by shadow and never be heard from again.
Do not try my patience, please. I'm a nice person, but I'm not going to let anyone step on me and take advantage of that.
I am the Alpha and The Chosen. Why? I don't trust people with that much power, no offense. I've seen how people act when their characters are powerful. So, yeah.
I want semi-literate at the very least. A good-sized paragraph, something everyone can work with. Spelling and grammar as well.
If I ask for an example of your role playing, it is not optional.
ALSO. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT GO ANY MORE THAN ONE PAGE IN MY ABSENCE. I will not be left behind on my own role play.

1:00pm Jul 22 2013 (last edited on 1:04pm Jul 22 2013)
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Posts: 1,274
Ooc; Hopefully this is alright. I haven't roleplayed in a a loooong time. If needed, I found an image reference sort of matching my deion. [http://i40.tinypic.com/51ts7k.jpg]
Tell me, who are you?
I am Shasta. I was named after my father's sister, who died a long time ago. What position in our pack do you hold? I am a prowler. I've always wanted to hunt for the pack. Tell me, are you a male or a female? I am female. Have you a mate? No, I do not have a mate. One day, I would like to have one. But that is not my priority currently. My priority is to serve the pack in every way I can. Explain to an old, blind wolf what you look like? I have thick, greyish white fur with dark colored fur on my ears and top of my nose. My fur turns lighter in the summer, and will usually have a thin coat of fur in warmer seasons. My fur then turns darker in the colder and harsher seasons. I have a long, lithe body, but it's hard to tell in winter, when I have such thick fur. I have golden brown eyes, and a black nose. My teeth are a sharp as my temper, they say. My body is meant for stalking and hunting, not for gruesome battle. Luckily, I have not yet had to fight in such gruesome battles. Tell me child. How do you act? I have a temper. I usually will do my best to keep it from flaring up. If provoked I will not be afraid to let my temper show. Most times I am docile, however. I am loyal to a fault, though I usually have trouble making acquaintances. Will you follow the Prophecy? I will follow the prophecy. If our alpha says so, I will. His word is law.

2:23pm Jul 22 2013 (last edited on 2:23pm Jul 22 2013)
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Posts: 2,713
Tell me, who are you? My name is Shatari, sister of Sovak. I am named after my mother's mother. What position in our pack do you hold? I am a prowler; I love exploring our pack's territory and hunting. Tell me, are you a male or a female? I am, and always have been, a female. Have you a mate? I have no mate, but hope for one in the future. Explain to an old, blind wolf what you look like? I have russet fur on my back, but my belly is a dark cream color. My right front paw is black, as are my ears and the tip of my tail. My eyes are bright green. Tell me child. How do you act? I generally have a calm temperament. I do my best to soothe riled pack members and whiny pups. However, when provoked, I will fight fang and claw. Will you follow the Prophecy? I believe in the Prophecy with all my heart, as does my brother, Sovak. We will defend the Chosen One with our lives if necessary.
Tell me, who are you? My name is Sovak, brother of Shatari. I am named after our father. What position in our pack do you hold? I am a pup-sitter, as I am not yet old enough to hold any other position. When I am, I hope to become a prowler like my sister. Tell me, are you a male or a female? I am a male. Have you a mate? Don't be silly. I'm not old enough for that! Besides, girls are weird. Especially Shatari. Explain to an old, blind wolf what you look like? I have stone grey fur, four white paws, and a black mark over one amber eye. Tell me child. How do you act? I am generally very laid back, but I am also very protective and loyal. I have my grumpy days, like most wolves, but it doesn't take much to cheer me up. Will you follow the Prophecy? Of course I'll follow the Prophecy! I was raised to believe in it.
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
4:29pm Jul 22 2013 (last edited on 2:55pm Jul 25 2013)
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Posts: 1,752
Tell me, who are you?I am Pradipti, named after my father's mother. She is long gone. What are you called? I am simply called Pradipti, I have no nickname really of any sort. What position in our pack do you hold? I am a Beta, I keep the lower ranks in line and make sure nothing goes wrong within the pack. Tell me, are you a male or a female? I am a female. Have you a mate? No, not yet. I have no mate as of now, but hope for one in the future. Explain to an old, blind wold what you look like? I am a deep black color with creamy flecks on my paws. My coat tends to change to a lighter color during the winter, and my eyes are a deep green. I stand at a normal height and I am a normal length. I am also rather fast. Tell me child. How do you act? I am a calm tempered wolf who tries to make sure everything in the pack is ok. If you anger me I can get a little tempered, but am overall a fairly calm wolf who doesn't take things to harshly. I try to handle things correctly, and I am rather sweet. Will you follow the prophecy? With all of my heart.
5:05pm Jul 22 2013 (last edited on 12:13pm Jul 25 2013)
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Posts: 9,781
(Some of her looks. Ignore the wings.  )
Tell me, who are you? I'm Shadow What are you called? Shadow or Loner What position in our pack do you hold? I am a loner. Tell me, are you a male or a female? Female,of course,but some mistake me for a male due to my deep voice and muscular build. Have you a mate? No,I have no time for that. Life is hard enough on my own,let alone with another wolf. Explain to an old, blind wolf what you look like? I have fur black as a night with no moon or stars and my eyes are silver like the light of the moon. I have many scars,but the most noticeable is the deep one over my right eye. I have a few blood red markings here and there and my fur covers my left eye. I have a muscular build with no fat on it and am often mistaked for a male. Tell me child. How do you act? I have many personalities. I often hide my depression and anger issues with a happy and fun mask. I am considered insane and,due to depression,inflict harm to myself. Normally I laugh at my own pain and am a tomboy,but still like guys. Under my happy,fun and tomboy mask you would never guess my true personality. (Rp the rest out.) Will you follow the Prophecy?
Lets wait and see.
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
2:08pm Jul 23 2013 (last edited on 2:14pm Jul 23 2013)
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Posts: 10,925
Tell me, who are you? I am Aurora. I was named for the way my mother thought my fur shone in the sunlight.
What position in our pack do you hold? I am a pup-sitter, and I am more than content with this position. I have wanted nothing more than to be a mother since I was young. One day, I hope to have pups of my own.
Tell me, are you a male or a female? I am a female.
Have you a mate? Not currently, although I wish to find one in the future.
Explain to an old, blind wolf what you look like? My coat is pure white, to the point where it does indeed slightly glow in the summer. However, my fur is tinted a cream color on the tips of my ears, paws and tail, my chest, and my underbelly. My eyes are an icy grey-blue, the color of a river in the wintertime. My build is rather fragile and feminine; most wolves look down at me for appearing weak.
Tell me child. How do you act? I, living in solitude for quite some time since my immediate family died long ago, have grown used to being alone. I rarely speak, and when I do, I find it hard to communicate my feelings or thoughts well. However, this does not mean that I am not clever, or that I am timid of others. Believe it or not, as an adolescent, I loved getting into trouble and often tried to find the humor in every situation, which is much like what I do now, although most do not expect this due to my mostly silent nature. I am fiercely loyal to my pack, for I feel that I have no one else. I long to once again have a family of my own.
Will you follow the Prophecy? Of course I will.
I am Wren.
What position in our pack do you hold? I am an Omega, with large dreams to become a Beta. However, I know this is unlikely.
Tell me, are you a male or a female? I am a male.
Have you a mate? Not yet.
Explain to an old, blind wolf what you look like? My father used to call me a mutt, for I am several different colors. My fur is mainly alternated between black and grey, and I have several russet brown spots. My paws and the area around my muzzle is white, although my muzzle itself is brown. My eyes are as green as budding leaves in the spring. I have lots of fur, which makes me appear larger than I really am, although I am quite muscular in build. (( http://tinyurl.com/l4m5l25 ))
Tell me child. How do you act? Quiet and introverted, as my mother describes, I don't typically have much to say to anyone. In an attempt to be more well-liked, I try my hardest to do anything that anyone asks of me. I find that I have a hard time saying no to any favor that gets asked. Because of this, others in the pack tend to take advantage of me, or so I have been told by friends. Even if I am usually taken for granted, I genuinely believes that I'm doing the right thing. I am very knowledgeable and pick at the little details in things often, though I rarely voice them. I consider my mind to be a very intricate place.
Will you follow the Prophecy? I am quite skeptical of the Prophecy, actually. I believe that the only way to save our pack is if we unite all of our strengths- I do not like the idea of my pack's fate resting in the hands of a stranger. However, I will never speak these ideas aloud. I fear that I may be looked down on if I do.
((I haven't RPed wolves in so long, but this rp caught my interest too much to turn down. <3))
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:14pm Jul 23 2013 (last edited on 2:25pm Jul 24 2013)
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Posts: 11,785
Tell me, who are you? My name, dear elder, is Jiryn.
What are you called? By several members of the pack, I am simply known as Ji.
What position in our pack do you hold? (Chosen) I hold a position of pup-sitter, as my coat does not allow for me to blend in with our surroundings to be an effective fighter.
Tell me, are you a male or a female? I am a male, sir.
Have you a mate? I do not.
Explain to an old, blind wolf what you look like? From the beginning I have known I was different. My coat is a pale, soft blue like the sky you once saw, dear elder, and my eyes are the colors of clouds. Strange markings the color of shadow litter my pelt, and when I am in distress they sometimes glow like the firebugs in the warm weeks after the sun has gone down. I see perfectly clearly, despite appearing blind.
Tell me child. How do you act? I am a quiet member of the pack. As I was not born here and I am different from all of the rest, I feel often that I do not belong, that I should not be here. I will often space out stare out at nothing for extended periods of time until I finally snap back to reality.
Will you follow the Prophecy? I am very uninformed as tho what the prophecy is, but I will follow my Alpha's orders and wishes to my death.
Tell me, who are you? I am the Alpha, known as Keritel.
What are you called? I am called Alpha, or if you are a dear friend, Keri.
What position in our pack do you hold? I am the Alpha. I make sure our pack remains together and we work as a family.
Tell me, are you a male or a female? I am male, dearest elder.
Have you a mate? I have not, elder.
Explain to an old, blind wolf what you look like? I am not much in the way of colors. I am simply a soft, smoky grey with hints of black here and there. I have a single white paw and a white blaze going up my muzle, but beyond that I have no special colorations, dear elder.
Tell me child. How do you act? I am a calm, just leader and I treat all those below me as well as I can. I will not hesitate to put thoe who need to be taught a lesson in their places.
Will you follow the Prophecy? I will, with my heart and soul.

3:34pm Jul 23 2013
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Posts: 9,781
(Bios done. If looks aren't accepted,please tell me an I will change it.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
4:03pm Jul 24 2013
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Posts: 11,785
((Okay everyone is accepted so far. ovo))
12:29am Jul 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
Sorry my computer wont copy and I don't feel like writing all that the way you did I hope that is all right.
Name: Catori (means spirit in Hopi) What am I called: Catori close friends call me spirit Position in pack: Prowler, I am an excellent huntress Male or Female: I am a female Do I have a mate: No I have not found someone to share my days with My appearance: I have a fluffy dark colored pelt with wisps of silver throughout it, my chest is silvery white then fades into my dark pelt. I also have ice blue eyes which stand out quite a bit. How do I act: I am laid back and wise. I am also very loyal and will stand by my pack through anything. My pack comes first and I would gladly die for my fellow pack mates. Will I follow the prophecy: Well I'm not quite sure what that is but if Alpha says so I will gladly do so.
1:41am Jul 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((Fox do you believe you can keep up with in and post at least a well-written paragraph per-post?))
12:13pm Jul 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 9,781
(Added the What are you called? section to my bio.)
I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
12:38pm Jul 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(Yes I do, oh by the way I'm going to be gone from today to sunday evening I hope thats alright)
12:39pm Jul 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
((I'm gonna be gone tomorrow so that's fine. ovo))
4:48pm Jul 26 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 827
Tell me, who are you? Elder, I am known as Po.
What are you called? While those only know me for my position call me Omega, my family calls me Runt. However, most, respectively call me Po.
What position in our pack do you hold? I hold the position of an Omega.
Tell me, are you a male or a female? A female, kind sir.
Have you a mate? No, sir. Nor am I peculiarly interested, mister.
Explain to an old, blind wolf what you look like? I am quite small, a runt as you may deem fit. My stature is quite short seeing as my fall orange eyes only reach the snout of an averaged sized wolf. As for my pelt, well it is nothing extravagant and not out of the ordinary, for it is a simple cream color with no color variation.
Tell me child. How do you act? To tell you the truth, elder sir, I am quite the free spirit. My position has allowed me more opportunities than I could have asked for. Since I don't really fit in anywhere, I am allowed to let my effervescent personality shine. I have learned to cope with other's teasing me, and with that I have built up restraint and can easily say that I have no temper what-so-ever. Though, I should probably warn you that I have been told that I am an air-head and I have a tendency to day dream, however, I assure you that I can be serious and attentive during important matters.
Will you follow the Prophecy? With every ounce of my being, I will follow the Prophecy, for I am in no position to go against old beliefs and our Alpha's word, sir elder.

6:53pm Jul 26 2013 (last edited on 6:55pm Jul 26 2013)
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Posts: 698
Tell me, who are you? I am Fallren, named after my father's father and the season which I am born.
What are you called? By friends and allies, dear elder, I am simply Fall or Ren.
What position in our pack do you hold? I am a Prowler, sir.
Tell me, are you a male or a female? Dear Elder, I am most certainly a male.
Have you a mate? No, sir. I have hope that I will find one in due time.
Explain to an old, blind wolf what you look like? Dearest Elder, my pelt is unremarkably smokey, with varying greys, the tips of my fur across my shoulders are dark almost black. My eyes are a clear crystal blue and my build lean and long. In the winter I have a thick coat to protect me from the harsh wind and snow, in the summer, my pelt is lighter and much closer cropped. The front of my chest is pale grey, and the tip of my tail white. My fur is much darker on my back, but it lightens in winter for camouflage.
Tell me child. How do you act? Sir, I have a temper to be tamed, but I try my best. I am loyal to my pack members and fierce when a threat is aimed. I will fight fang and claw, but I will not speak unnecessarily to anyone. I am quick to react, dear Elder, but I sometimes lack the knowledge to respond correctly. I am proud, fierce and I will defend my loved ones with my life.
Will you follow the Prophecy? Yes. I will follow my Alpha's wishes to my death.
5:09pm Jul 28 2013
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Posts: 11,785
((Accepted. ^^ will edit later. xD))