Name: Ember Braxton
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Looks: Ember is a dark haired girl with foggy blue eyes. Her hair falls just below her shoulders in a layered, razor cut fashion. Her bangs fall over her right eye and never really seem to move. Her skin is a creamy ivory color, but her black hair makes her look almost sickly pale. Her lips are a pale pink and slightly pouty. She’s 5’4 and rather on the skinny side, but not to the point of look starved like some girls. She’s just naturally thin. Black eyeliner always outlines Ember’s eyes, giving her that “raccoon” effect. Her style, which she used to pride herself in for being “unique”, has become the norm as of late. She usually wears dark, ripped skinny jeans but occasionally trades those in for a lighter shade of faded skinnies. Her t-shirts always advertise some obscure band that most haven’t ever had the joy of listening to. Whatever shirt she happens to be wearing is usually covered by a randomly colored plaid shirt, left unbuttoned and baggy. On her feet are usually some patterned Vans, either checkered or the kind with cute pictures, because she’s decided that she can’t be bothered with tying shoe laces any longer. All along her arms are countless bracelets that say random things or are from old friends or might even be homemade. She’s lost track by now.
Personality: After being sent to Willow Brook, Ember became rather reserved and a loner, but she used to be so energetic and outgoing. Inside herself somewhere is still that happy girl that she used to be, but she finds it a c*censored* to even smile anymore. If you talk to her, she’ll always respond, sometimes even with something insightful. She’s sweet and reliable, always around to help, but she has some trust issues. For her, trust is something that truly has to be earned, and she hasn’t given her trust out to anyone in such a long time.
History: Three months ago, Ember and a few of her friends spent the night partying, which was something they did often. They had spent the night with a band in some random club they’d found open. They were drinking, with the aid of convincing fake ID’s, and after the night was over, they all made the stupid mistake of driving. They got in a terrible wreck and Ember was knocked unconscious and went into a coma for three days. After she woke up, she simply wasn’t the same. She locked herself in her room for days on end and stopped sleeping regularly. She started claiming to see and hear people around her, even when she was alone. Of course, her parents didn’t believe her, and they were seriously concerned for her health, so she was sent off to Willow Brook.
Other: Before the accident, she had dreams of becoming a musician. She usually has her iPod on to try and block out the voices that she constantly hears. When she’s all by herself, she sometimes still sings.
Name: Vance Faber
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Looks: Tall and lanky, Vance stands at around 6’1. His hair is black, but with orange and red streaks throughout it. It’s shaggy, but not too long, and always messy. His bangs are carelessly swept to the left side of his face and droop lazily around his eye, but not quite covering it. He has mischievous green eyes that always have a sort of glazed over appearance to them. His skin isn’t too exceptionally pale, but it is on the lighter side. He has his lip pierced twice on the right side, otherwise known as a spider bite piercing, and a translucent red septum piercing. He favors wearing tight hoodies of any color and dark colored v-neck shirts over anything else. His jeans are always loose skinny jeans, either black or grey, with a bright, neon yellow studded belt. Vance wears skate shoes, ranging from Vans to DCs.
Personality: Vance is rather obnoxious, loving to butt in on any conversation that seems interesting to him. He’s talkative and loud and also quite a troublemaker. He’s witty and cunning, always figuring out ways to break the rules or get around them. He isn’t a very trustworthy boy but his quick wit can usually get him out of any trouble that he might find himself in.
History: One word: fire. Vance is quite the pyromaniac and finds immense pleasure in watching things crumble into flames. His parents knew he would be troublesome from a young age. Vance started lighting the houseplants on fire when he was about eight years old, but his parents hoped that it was a phase he’d grow out of. He didn’t grow out of it, and went on to light much more important things on fire. Once, he set his whole front yard into flames and sat on his front porch to admire his work before the fire department arrived to ruin it all. After a while, the local authorities and fire department got tired of dealing with his behavior and suggested he be sent to Willow Brook and his parents firmly agreed.
Other: While at Willow Brook he is not supposed to be in possession of any matches, lighters or even get near anything that could be used to set a fire. He secretly keeps a pack of matches around and has quite a few lighters stashed away as well. He’ll commonly sit in his room and light balls of paper on fire for entertainment.