5:21pm Jul 7 2014 (last edited on 3:02pm Jul 12 2014)
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Posts: 698
Currently NOT accepting members! if you have any concerns or would like to join if you have not already, please be sure to rmail me xXStormyXx or Calltherp~
Once upon a time, There was a large kingdom with humans and magical creatures living and working together in peace and harmony, an old, gentle and kind wizard king by the name of Orzbur who ruled over them, making sure peace stayed in the kingdom, and that all would be safe. As kingdoms go there is always someone who wants more power, more territories. A human king by the name of Calleb invaded the beloved kingdom of magical creatures and took over, killing its wizard king who had become old and sickly. King Calleb ordered his men to kill all the magical creatures, for he hated there joy, and innocence, long ago a psycho dragon killed his family, leaving him a poor, lonely orphan with nothing but a dream of ruling and destroying all magical creatures. His men soon after captured and killed many of the mystical beings, and extended the kingdom with the help of a dark sorceress who serves the king. There is still hope for the little magic left, for there are still some magical beings left who have banned together to overthrow the evil King Calleb.
All Res rules~ No cursing or nudity~ Play nice~ No godmodding~ If your going through an argument with someone, please do not bring it up on here, but take it to rmail or forgive and forget~ You may have up to two characters~ Respect other RPers~ There is no killing another's character unless you got permission, and if you want to kill off one of your characters, please rmail me or Calltherp about it and we can work something cool out~ I expect violence and blood, but please do not get to graphic~ Romance is encouraged~ Follow the way the bios are shown to be set up~ And most of all, have fun~
Bio; Name: Gender: Age: Creature: (Pictures are nice) Appearance: Personality: History: (Optional) Other:
We respectfully ask that you all do not choose the same creature but instead find your own, we understand if a few people have the same creature and that is fine, but we do this so not everybody is the same. And please do not make your creature overpowered and invincible for wheres the fun in that? Please keep a maximum of two magical abilities.
Remember Calltherp is just as much in charge of this RP as I am, and I expect the same respect. If you have any questions or concerns, please rmail Calltherp or I about it, and we will work on it ASAP. There is no posting order, Follow the rules and have fun~<3
People in RP; xXStormyXx~Maker~Freedom~Ookami Calltherp~Maker~Triss~Drow Silverstream94~Sapphire~Kistune Maybell~ Allia Merriwether~Witch
6:33pm Jul 7 2014 (last edited on 7:01pm Jul 7 2014)
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Posts: 698
Bio; Name: Freedom Gender: Female Age: 17 Creature: http://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z432/RainbowDinoDuckies/Neko%20Anime/NaNa.jpg
Appearance: she is 5'6, she has yellow eyes and her hair is the same as the picture above.
^ that is what she wears. (Aw yis Assassin's Creed ftw) Personality: Strong, fearless and sly, she's the type to take charge, or the first to volunteer for a dangerous task. She doesn't allow people to slack off and will easily face death if it means defeating King Calleb. History: RP it out Other: She has all the abilities of a wolf, such as running, jumping and so on, but she is able to connect with spirits, spirits as in the dead, and past lives. She also has a wrist blade and duel blades.
6:34pm Jul 7 2014 (last edited on 12:30pm Jul 13 2014)
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Posts: 426
Name:Triss Arkenghym Gender:Female Age: over 400 years Creature: (Pictures are nice) Drow Obsidian skin with pale white/silver hair and bright blue eyes about 5'4'' 130 lbs a long lean physique that is toned and slim.
Personality: History/Other: Triss has common abilities of the Drow race.. A tremendous resistance to magic, and power of/over darkness. Though Triss is vulnerable to light, she can cast a dark shadow over herself that eases her discomfort, since she saught the favor of Corellon. Triss also is skilled in poisons,and protective glyphs. Her weapon of choice is the bow,crossbow,etc. Like all elves Triss does not sleep but enters a meditative trance, with full awareness of her surroundings. Triss has had to overcome her natural want to distrust all others due to the mad kings desire to rid the kingdom of all mystic creatures. Triss has joined others in the good fight, going against her nature,race,and upbringing.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
11:03am Jul 8 2014 (last edited on 2:53pm Jul 13 2014)
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Posts: 520
(Bookmarking so that I can join when I'm on my laptop.)
Edit: Bio; Name: Sapphire Gender: Female Age: Teenager Creature: http://www.chickensmoothie.com/oekaki/image/image.php?id=2001137&size=large&format=auto&rev=1404846281 (Yes, I colored it but credit for lineart goes here http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=2139804 ) Appearance: She is a marble pattern Kistune, with three identical tails. Personality: She is fairly quiet, but once you get to know her, she is actually pretty friendly. Anyone who becomes one of her friends, can count on Sapphire to be loyal. She Will never let a friend down, but if someone uses her, they will never be forgiven. History: I dont remember much from when I was really little, but I know that I lived in the kingdom and forest off and on my entire life. Other: She wears a necklace with an amethyst, turquoise and a lightning ridged black opal. All three pendants are about the size of a medium strawberry.
She can also take the form of a human teenager, although her ears and tails still show, (shes working on that.) and can, to some extent, produce and control fire. But, when she is using it, it glows blue like her eyes.
2:40pm Jul 8 2014
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Posts: 3,265
Name: Allia Merriwether
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Creature: Human/ Witch
Appearance: Allia is a little over five feet tall with straight black hair that stops around mid-chest. She holds it back with a dark purple sash she uses as a headband.
She dresses in dark colors, typically shades of black and purple, which are traditional for those of her kind. Normally, she prefers a loose, long-sleeved purple shirt with a black vest and skirt.
Allia carries a gnarled staff made from some dark wood to both fight and cast spells with.
Personality: Allia is very loyal, and cares about her friends to a fault. She can be rather timid at times, however she does her best to put on a brave face. (Sometimes it comes across as more pathetic than brave). She will do anything for her friends, even if it means risking her own life, limb, or happiness to help them.
History: (Optional)
Other: Allia is most skilled with defensive magic and debuffs, but she can use offensive and healing magic.
4:20pm Jul 8 2014 (last edited on 4:20pm Jul 8 2014)
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Posts: 426
((oh yes, join us excellent))
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
4:21pm Jul 8 2014
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Posts: 698
((Both accepted~))
8:43am Jul 9 2014
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Posts: 3,265
((Cool! When are we starting? =3 ))
8:57am Jul 9 2014
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Posts: 426
((we figure if we have no more takers by thurs/friday we will begin ^_^))
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
11:04am Jul 9 2014 (last edited on 11:04am Jul 9 2014)
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Posts: 520
(Yay, thank you for accepting me ^w^ I forgot to add a couple things to Sapphires bio though... The lineart I found, only had one tail, but she has three and her ears and tail still appear when she shifts to her human form. Is this still okay? If so I will edit my other post, if not, Ill leave it as is :) )
11:38am Jul 9 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 3,265
((Ahh, mmk! Looking forward to it! ))
8:26am Jul 12 2014 (last edited on 8:00am Jul 13 2014)
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Posts: 426
((I apologize for the suck, tried posting from mobile, have at it yall this Role play has commenced))
Triss sighed as she looked out over the trees, the breeze through her hair in cascades over her shoulder. Currently she was perched on the middle branches of an oak tree, the moon had just taken over the sky. The stars has barely began to litter the blackness, but one or two prevailed to twinkle in the distance. She stared and the expanse, smoke could be seen in the very far distance. Triss sunk her head back below the leaves, a few catching in her snow colored tresses. She made no sound as she snaked her way through, grabbing her bow as she went.
Landing on the ground in a crouch, her bow extended out on her left side the soil shifted beneath her. She stood up in one lithe movement, the griffin feathers that she wore shifted in the light breeze. The summer air was thick with heat and magics in this part of the wood. The castle could not even be seen across the expanse, and that was saying something for an elf. This is what her people and so many others had been left with, hiding the the farthest reaches of the kingdom. Rising Triss smiled as someone she had expected moved into the moonlight.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
11:51am Jul 13 2014
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Posts: 520
Sapphire was leaping from treetop to treetop enjoying the cool night air. Her fur blended in quite nicely with the night sky, and as such, this was her favorite time. One of her three tails snagged on a branch and she made a disgruntled sound mixed with slight pain as some fur parted company from her tail.
12:04pm Jul 13 2014
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Posts: 426
Triss cringed as she heard someone injuring themselves amongst the trees,the moonlight glinted off a multicolored pelt. Her gaze shifted as she spied what appeared to be a Kitsune clamoring about the foliage,a single piece of fur fell to the ground,Triss watched it as it floated to the earth.Elven eyes were keen but being a dark elf made even the most minute detail in moonlight so much clearer. She watched the other with her ice blue gaze,never having met this particular female she swung her bow up and watched her down the shaft of a poisoned arrow. Her right arm was locked, the bow string taught..a glint of purple could be seen to those with keen elf sight covering the barbed end of this particular arrow.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
12:11pm Jul 13 2014
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Posts: 520
Sapphire sensed something was watching her and she searched the ground for a figure. What she saw first was the moonlight glinting off of an arrow tip. Her hackles rose involuntarily and her ears swiveled back in fear. She crouched against a branch in an attempt to hide herself, but it was a feeble attempt at best.
(my activeness for the next hour or so will be a bit spotty, because I have a rough draft of an essay due tomorrow, so I need to work on that XD)
12:26pm Jul 13 2014 (last edited on 2:20pm Jul 13 2014)
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Posts: 426
((totally fine, just trying to get this thing rolling no pressure))
Triss let out a long lingering breath, her arm and stance seemingly frozen to where she stood. She watched as the creature attempted to hide itself, true the attempt was futile , Triss could see for leagues especially in the darkness. She however took note that the female made no attempt to attack, she just layed there trying to shrink itself into the tree. Triss' sight flickered about their surroundings, she slowly lowered her bow..
Vel'bol qu'ellar phuul dos? Triss rolled the drow language off her tongue "From which house do you hail?" she called. Her bow still taught and drawn towards the ground.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
1:08pm Jul 13 2014
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Posts: 520
Sapphires voice quivered as she responded, "I'm a kitsune if that's what you are asking." She was slightly less afraid now that the bow had been lowered, but she could tell that it was still drawn taught. She couldn't quite make out the figure that had been aiming at her even now.
2:16pm Jul 13 2014 (last edited on 2:20pm Jul 13 2014)
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Posts: 426
The Drow race wasnt much for laughs and Triss was no exception. However any other beast may have had a hearty laugh at the Kitsunes response. Triss could plainly see the creature camped out in the boughs, she has simply wondered what house this one was from. More importantly a house that was for or against those rebelling against the evil king, this would be a deciding factor on how Triss' evening played out. She huffed out a quick breath of air disturbing a lock of her silver white hair, the moonlight caught it for a quick moment.
"Ahh of course I can see the beast you are, what surname do I have the pleasure of meeting this night?" She stepped from the shadows, though her skin was pure and even obsidian, Her hair was silver white and flowed over her shoulders and back like a crystalline waterfall. Her garments were a mixture of purple and deep blue griffon feathers, a bow a quiver flung over her back and a satchel swung against her side. Ice blue orbs pierced through the She stood tall though her stature was only about 5'4" she was clearly unafraid.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
2:51pm Jul 13 2014
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Posts: 520
Sapphire let out a small sound of recognition as she saw the creature for what she was. "No wonder you could see me." she muttered and then continued, "I don't know for sure what my surname is, but," she stalled momentarily, she knew that this next comment could get her killed or tortured, "I fight for the freedom of everyone." she waited in trepidation, half expecting the dark elf beneath her to be a spy and fire an arrow at her.
3:00pm Jul 13 2014
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Posts: 426
Triss nodded as she listened to the Kitsune speak, it was very important to listen these days. The most important aspect of this conversation was for which side the female declared, lucky for her she had choosen the right one. Or perhaps she had just been smart enough to save her hide, Triss could never be too sure. She almost dissapointedly removed the arrow from her bow and stored it back in her quiver. "Then we are well met, i have the pleasure of being Triss Arkenghym." She bowed holding her arms out,before rising and pressing her index finger to her mouth her pinky raised in a sign that she was a friend to those who fought the good fight. "Come down, I should look upon you properly"
✿by Lake ✿by Sage