10:28am Aug 10 2014
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Posts: 426
Triss knocked and losoed, knocked and loosed arrows. Purple slime dripping on the ground by her feet, she watched as one of the goblins placed its hand on Freedoms side. She growled through clenched teeth,jumping from her position closer to where Freedom was. She was ready to pull the string taught once again, when she glanced at the elder Goblin, his image wavered for a moment but just a moment. Something wasnt right, this was some trick."We have to head to the Iron hills." She pointed for a dark road, nearer to the mountain path, the soil was obsidian and foul. The magnetic force from the metals in the earth did not set well with most, and most importantly not the Goblins. She carved a quick deflecting rune in the trunk of the nearest tree between herself,Freedom, and the Goblins..this would buy them some time leaving the Goblins momentarily confused when they crossed the path of the runes magic.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
4:27pm Aug 15 2014
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Posts: 520
(Sorry I haven't posted for a while... I was being overwhelmed by college >~<)
Sapphire heard the warning and instruction in their change of direction. She shuddered inwardly, she didn't like the Iron Hills, but if Triss thought they could escape from the horde of goblins, she thought that she could bear it.
6:37pm Aug 15 2014
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Posts: 698
"Got it! I got your backs, go!" Freedom growled looking from Sapphire and Triss to Allia, placing her swords infront of her protectively, waiting for the others to go ahead. Suddenly seeing the elder Goblin watch them as they spoke, her growl got deeper and she pulled her lips back into an intimidating snarl, showing large, sharp canines. "You will harm no others with your army of disease filled rats" She whispered to herself as she gave a dead look to it but held herself back from slicing its face, no matter how much she wanted to.
1:29pm Aug 16 2014
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Posts: 426
"C'mon," she shouted to the others. Running towards the Iron hills, whilst still loosing as many arrows as she could manage. She kept eyeing the elder Goblin in-between, watching the image flicker in and out, a pair of red glaring eyes in between shifts. Triss' eyes widened as she began to understand, it was not a Goblin elder, it was much worse. It was rumored the kings Sorceress could take any form, Triss had really hoped it was just that. "Free!, thats not a Goblin!" she really hoped her voice carried over the disturbance in the forest. Her foot slid over the first pieces of darkened soil,as she felt the magnetism from the ground travel up her body.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
3:02pm Aug 16 2014
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Posts: 698
Faintly hearing Triss's comment over all the commotion Freedom looked at it she saw a glow of red seeping through it's eyes and realized just what this 'elder Goblin' was. "You foul-hearted, failure of a mystical being!" She snarled in a curse between breaths as she couldn't hold herself back any longer and leaped across the clearing, summoning magic from the essence flowing around them and smirked as her swords began to glow with magic running off it like mist from a waterfall. The Sorceress's eyes narrowed as Freedom's blades made contact, making a metallic, burning sound as they sliced through making dark blood ooze from the cut she placed in the Sorceress's skin. With a hiss she disappeared leaving a small mist of dark magic where she had been, the Goblins gave shouts of anger with there ear piercing voices and Freedom realized they are starting to realize it was a trick. Swiftly she ran towards the fowl path of which Triss was standing, bumping the others as she ran past them letting them know to follow.
5:57pm Aug 16 2014
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Posts: 426
Triss hissed through clenched teeth, as she watched the others approaching. They all looked a bit worse for wear, but it seemed the runes would soon be wearing off as well. They had better get a move on she thought, looking at the large rocks on either side of the path. Great obsidian boulders enclosed the path that led into the mountains on this side of the Iron Hills. She placed a charcoal palm against the nearest one feeling the vibrations coursing through the rock. It was almost as if they were living, like an odd sort of breathing through the minerals that even gave off a faint hum. Triss took a look down at herself, a shallow wound on her thigh and a few scrapes but nothing major to be concerned with. She waited for Freedom and the others to reach her,looking over them with ice colored eyes. "How do you fare friends?" She must admit, even the Kitsune had held her won in the fight, a surprise to Triss.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
6:02pm Aug 16 2014
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Posts: 520
Sapphire panted a bit to catch her breath. "A few bites and scratches, nothing too bad. How about you?" she asked Triss. Sapphire could tell that the Dark Elf still didn't like her entirely, but she couldn't really blame her, after all Sapphires best power would injure Triss.
1:23pm Aug 18 2014
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Posts: 698
Looking down as she felt the strange earth below them, Freedom grinned "I'm fine, just a slight burning in my side but I'm sure the Sorceress is hurting more than any of us" she was not completely proud for not being able to control the hate that was surging through her when she saw the Sorceress's tricks but shaking it off was the best thing for her now. "Any of you need some water or something to stop the bleeding?" She asked grabbing her canteen and offering it to the three.
7:43am Aug 19 2014
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Posts: 426
Triss eyed them closely seeing they had no life threatening injuries. Well, that was lucky she thought to herself. She waved a hand away at the canteen and offer of medicinal assistance. Grabbing her satchel she dug in it swiftly bringing out a small stone jar, she pulled the lid off to reveal a bright breen almost slime looking substance. She dipped her forefinger into it gently and smeared the salve over her cut,using just the tiniest bit. The wound immediately closed and scabbed,though did not fully heal. She wasnt sure how agreeable Drow healings were with other species, but she gestured the container out to them.
She scanned the area, noting the dark colored almost soot like earth beneath them. The trees were stunted and jagged, blackened and warped as though the wood were petrified. The whole place hummed and pulsed with magnetism, few crows cawed at them as they stood. "Well, I think we'll need camp here." she said eyeing the setting sun. "Well, or we can venture on,up to you." she looked at them.
✿by Lake ✿by Sage
12:02pm Aug 19 2014
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Posts: 520
Sapphire slightly wrinkled her nose at the jar of slime. "Ill pass thanks." she said politely. She also turned down the canteen. She began to lick her wounds as Triss asked for their opinion. "Well, either way we are stuck in these obsidian mountains. It doesn't matter to me either way." She didn't like the ill feeling that the rocks were giving her, but she didn't say anything. She didn't want them to think that she was a coward.
10:29am Aug 23 2014 (last edited on 10:30am Aug 23 2014)
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Posts: 426
Triss shrugged, "Suit yourselves." she closed the container and dropped it back into her satchel. She gazed at the vast expanses of the hills, they were not really hills if truth be told. Just some dark tone lands filled with boulders here, rocks there, maybe a gorge or two. Not really any rollings hills like one might imagine. Triss really didnt think this counted, but she wasnt around for the naming so...thus the Iron Hills they were. They lead the long way around the moutains to old Talons roost. Their work was cut out for them now, it seemed their task would not be a simple one, they would have to earn it. "Well best head on before the manitcores come out tonight." she sighed and marched onward.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
✿by Lake ✿by Sage