9:19pm Feb 11 2011
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((I was last to post xD I don't want to post again xD))
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9:25pm Feb 11 2011
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(( My character interacted with Madi but I was ignored. xDD I have no idea what to do with my characters.))
9:28pm Feb 11 2011
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((zre and moug are being creepers. Corrid and Rein are chatting in the hideout.
Moug: Foul mouthed mortal! Zre: *glare* Rein: LOL Corrid: ... O.O
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9:31pm Feb 11 2011
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(( Calyx; -nom- Kohaku; -sleeps- Calyx; -glares then kicks in balls- Kohaku; -wakes up screaming like a little girl into wall- Random persun- Dat bad. Calyx; *thinks* Shut up befor I treat you like my random wierdo in my basement. ))
10:39pm Feb 11 2011 (last edited on 10:47pm Feb 11 2011)
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((Zo:I'm sorry, I didnt see that! Lol Prolly sleep deprivation from a school project :/ ...0.0 I'm in the same boat but I'll try..after this Lol: -Zak near flight of stairs- *Madi creeps up behind him* Madi:*Yells*...I wanna see your peacock. (btw it's from a song) Zak:-Jumps and falls down stairs. Madi:-walks down stairs where Zak is- -Kicks him then shrugs and pulls out cookie from his jacket- *noms*I love Katy Perry. )) Madi was met by silence. She yelled again. "COME ON PEOPLE! I NEED SOME BANDAGES OR SOMETHING!" Nothing. There was no one here. Why would they call it the hideout if there wasnt anyone there? Madi saw black spots appear. She knew she was losing blood quickly. She hated fainting and p*censored*ing out. It made her feel like a stupid princess or something. She stumbled around, trying to find someone, or some medical supplies or something. Her vision became black, and she hit the ground, unconscious.

This is Bob. Bob takes care of my posts. I <3 Bob. (:
10:48pm Feb 11 2011
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((wait...are madi and zak trying to protect the humans?))
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10:56pm Feb 11 2011
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((Yes.I think....no, yeah they are.))

This is Bob. Bob takes care of my posts. I <3 Bob. (:
11:12pm Feb 11 2011
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((okay...so they're already aware of the hideout?))
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11:28pm Feb 11 2011
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((See, Zak is like the lone fighter for the humans. He has heard of the hideout, and told Madi because he knows that she might need to know about it one day. He's never actually been there because he's never needed to be. Madi is pretty new at the whole thing and has stumbled into it by mistake. That explain things pretty well?))

This is Bob. Bob takes care of my posts. I <3 Bob. (:
11:50pm Feb 11 2011
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((alright^^ Let me try to scrape up a post)) "...and THAT is the reason why you are here now." Rein finished in a deep breath. He smiled warmly towards Corrid, who was now mesmerized by his tone and his tale. Rein's smile instantly faded when he heard the startled movements and calls of a girl outside the hideout. The scent of rust rolled into his nostrils; releasing the dim aroma of blood. He rose to his feet; ignoring Corrid's stunned ex pression. "Where are you-" corrid began, his eyes darting towards the door in which Rein was already approaching. Rein pulled on his cloak. "stay here." he commanded, pulling the hood over his face and disappearing into the darkness; the night consuming his form. Corrid stood and raced towards the door; coming to an abrupt halt as Rein's warnings echoed in his mind "The hunters can smell your blood as it pulses through your veins. Even when hidden." This thought made him stop. He swallowed and backed up a few steps... his eyes watching the door intently as he awaited Rein's return. He hated this. He felt so useless. So childish. Rein faded farther into the blackness, following the sound of the girl's voice...eventually finding her scent. He remained in his human form; an unwise move...but the girl seemed in need of help... she would need to trust him. And it may be difficult to trust a large wolf. He crept foward, and came to a halt several meters away..."SHHH. Silence." he breathed in a tone that was loud enough for the screaming girl to hear, but low enough so no onlookers could hear. It was then he realized she was unconcious. It was then the wind blew; and the scent of Zre and Moug drifted into his nostrils... No... he thought; fear gripping his throat. He sniffed the air Several miles away. They are not on the hunt now. this allowed his heart slow a bit as he returned his eyes towards the girl who was now unconcious. His gaze whipped around; trying to find a trace of anyone who might be able to help her. With a discomforted groan; Rein crept foward; stripping his cloak from his body and encasing the bleeding girl in the folds. He pulled her into his arms gingerly and stood to his feet; hesitating momentarilly before taking off and entering the hideout in a quick pace. He was not surprised to see Corrid waiting anxiously. Corrid's eyes widened..."What happened...?" he asked; his eyes widened as they watched the girl who was wrapped in the cloak. Rein was quiet. "Fight with a vampire. Young leech by the looks of it." he replied; carrying the girl over to a mattress that was on the far side of the hideout's wall. He placed her down gently; slowly unwrapping the cloak from her body. "Corrid, in the top shelf in that cabinet, there is a first aid kit. Get it please." he stated, pointing in the direction of the said storage. Corrid did as he was told and returned with the case. He clicked it open and placed it on a stool; sliding it over to Rein. Rein nodded in appreciation as he pulle dout a soft cloth and wiped down the extra blood. "This will drive the newborn leeches mad." he growled; throwing the now blood-soaked towel to the ground and pulling out disinfectants. Corrid wathced the unconcious girl. He cocked his ehad and watched Rein. ((Is that okay? If not I can change it))
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12:06am Feb 12 2011
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((Totally fine[: I'll post tomorrow, it's 10:06 in my time and I'm exhausted(; ))

This is Bob. Bob takes care of my posts. I <3 Bob. (:
10:29am Feb 12 2011
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Calyx wasn't very happy with the other human ignoring her. Sure, she can't talk, but who doesn't notice a small girl with a wolfie-hood? She was about to turn away when she noticed the vampire. She felt for her bow and arrow, then hissed. She had left it at the Hideout. If she left to get help, anothe rleech could show up and finish her off. So she stayed, silently followung the girl. Ha! I knew my stalking-skills would come in handy. She covered her nose to block the bold smell of blood, her face scowling. Then she heard other voices. Two, by the sounds of it. One human, another werewolf...? Mabye he was a recsuer, too.....Then she noticed that she was at the Hideout again. This human had lead her all the way back here. She shrugged, sitting down by Madi in the shadows. When someone came to take her, she lt out a slight hiss, then she remembered that he had another human, too. She covered her mouth, determined not to be noticed. her wolfy-tail dragged along the ground as she silently followed them. Her eyes turned to Corrid. She was right, there was anothe rhuman. Now what? she thought. She had to get there attention.....mabye she could help....She slithered over to a wall and knocked down a can of pencils. Then started to hiss. How amusing.
2:30pm Feb 12 2011
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Madi was having a wonderful dream about the mall. She had tons of money and was spending it on male strippers and lip gloss. She slowly started to wake up to an abrupt sound of clanging. She wanted to go back to sleep but the sound of hissing made it impossible. She sat up and stretched, but quickly decided against it because of the pain from her elbows, knees and forehead. "Ouch." She murmured, rubbing her bandaged elbows. She remembered the vampire but everything after that was a blur. Wait, where was she? She looked around at a strange boy, and the source of the noises, a girl with a wolf pelt over her. Madi felt her eyes widen. Woah. Creepy. She did a half wave to both of them, and let out a small smile. She pulled out two ribbons from her pocket and used one to put her blonde hair into a ponytail. Madi looked down at her attire in disgust. She wanted to go home-badly. She needed a shower and to change. She looked back at the girl in a wolf pelt and cocked her head. That wolf jacket thing she was wearing was so last century. Madi slowly got up and walked over to the girl, ignoring the boy, and said "That wolf jacket thingy is so last century. Seriously. But somehow, you make it work. Somewhat. Your a bit too skinny and maybe need a little bit of make up. Ohh..maybe I can do your hair! It's so pretty and my ribbons match your eyes! Oh, and my name is Madi, if ya didn't know." She smiled a bright smile. Then she turned to the boy. "Hey. Whats up?" She might as well be friendly until she knew what side they were on. You'd never know. --=-- Zak realized that the blood was leading him to the hideout. Atta girl!He thought. He knew she was hurt but had enough sense to go the one safe place here. As he walked to the door, he paused. He didn't want to go in because then he'd have to explain a lot. Zak didnt want to get between Madi and the people she pissed off in there either. She was known to be that witchy. He sat down and wagged his tail in the luscious gr*censored* and howled. He then curled up with one eye on the door, waiting.

This is Bob. Bob takes care of my posts. I <3 Bob. (:
2:40pm Feb 12 2011
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Calyx stared in horror at the girl. Mabye she's a little wacko, she thought. And what was she talking about? Makeup? Someone, get her to shut up! All these things were swarming in Calyx's brain. She took a step back. Her wolf-hood flapped down over her head, behind her back. She continued to stare at the girl in bewilderment. Hell. She thought. She reverted her eyes to her body. With the creatures and all, she didn't really payed attention to herself. Was she that odd-looking? She shook it off. Her stomach growled, making her cheeks flush red. Whoops. -fail-
3:55pm Feb 12 2011
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Madi looked at the girl in confusion, waiting for her answer but getting none. Whatever. She heard the girls stomach growl and the girl blushed. Madi was caught between being nice, and being nasty. "Listen witch, I dont care, dont talk to me. I'm trying to be nice, but it's hard for me so you dont want to set me off. I'm going to go make something for us to eat, although, I doubt we'll find much here. " Madi turned and tried to remember where Zak said the kitchen was. She twirled a piece of hair around her finger and sighed. Whatever. She'd have to wander around to find the kitchen and that could take hours. She was practicly starving! Madi pulled out a piece gum and popped it into her mouth, letting out a relived sigh. She loved gum. Madi held out a piece to the strange girl and said "Want one? It'll keep you at least a little full until I find the food." -Epic fail xD-

This is Bob. Bob takes care of my posts. I <3 Bob. (:
4:03pm Feb 12 2011
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Calyx frowned. Idiot, she thought. Though, she reluctantly followed Madi. She pointed to a door to the left, but was ignored. She sighed. The gigl could find the kitchen by herself. When Madi offered her some gum, she shook her head 'no'. Sugar only made her even more hungry. Again, she raised er hand to point to the door. She then walked over to it, and opened it. She stepped aside to show the kitchen. -ubber fail-
4:46pm Feb 12 2011
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Rein scowled darkly...dropping the gauze he used to bandage Madi to the floor. "Oh! Thanks so much for saving my life! I really appreciate it!" he growled in annoyance; saying each word in a representation of a feminine tone; pretending he was Madi. To his surprise, Corrid came to his side and joined in. "Don't mention it. I'm glad I could help." he beamed in a deeper voice; taking on the part of Rein... bowing his head in respect as Rein did when they first met. Rein continued with a smile; "Oh! Well I have to thank you...or else my blood would have attracted other vampires who would suck me dry." he said; his eyelashes batting in taunt. Corrid continued; "Ah. I am glad you are so wise, miss. This fact is true and it was such a relief that I found you when I did." Rein and Corrid both chuckled simutanuously and Rein's eyes narrowed in amusement; low fiving the human boy behind his back. With one last scowl towards Madi he drifted across the floor and popped open the fridge...."Corrid, water?" he asked, realizing that he was beggining to think of Corrid as a...friend. Corrid beamed; "Hit me up wolf-boy." he joked taking a seat on the ground where Rein and him first sat when he was being updated. He felt his mood brighten when he heard Rein smile and toss him a bottled water. He caught it and opened the top...taking a sip before putting it beside him. He noticed the girl in the wolf pelt shroud..."Umm..." he was trying to think of a polite way to ask who the girl was.
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4:51pm Feb 12 2011
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Calyx came out with three sandwiches and plopped right down next to Corrid and Rein, her wolf-tail making a patting noise as it hit the floor. She crossed her legs indian style and offered Rein and Corrid a sandwich. She turned around to Madi and held up her last sandwich. ((Brainfail. >.>))
5:03pm Feb 12 2011
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((I just realized how immature Rein and Corrid were xDD Post coming))
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5:04pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 5:05pm Feb 12 2011)
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