5:04pm Feb 12 2011
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(( i wanted the 100th post. xDD I'm playing with Cleverbot.)
9:23pm Feb 12 2011 (last edited on 9:54pm Feb 12 2011)
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Madi took the sandwitch and smiled. Then she heard a howl and froze. She chuckled when sher relized who it was. Zak. She set down her sandwitch next to Corrid and walked towards the door. She opened it and saw Zak, in wolf form, sleeping in the green gr*censored*. She shook him awake, and walked to the doorway. "Zak...come in. They're nice. Stop being a baby!" She said, gesturing inside. Zak stayed where he was and growled. "Oh, you do NOT growl at me you little pup. Get your butt in here RIGHT NOW mister!" She yelled, trying to look like she ment busness. Zak sat down at the doorway and refused to budge. Madi was furious. He wouldnt shift back, and he wouldnt come inside. She wanted to kick him. Instead, she grabbed him by his soft fur and dragged him into the living room. "Well, people, this is the jerk who left me stranded and almost got me killed by a vampire, Zak. He's being a big baby right now and not shifting back." She turned to him. "Zaky...please? For me?" She said sweetly. She saw him nod slightly and then Zak was standing before her. She smacked him in the arm. "You little jerk! I can not believe you LEFT me there! Do you see this?" She said, pointing to her forehead. "Yeah, that was caused because of YOU!" Madi glared at him, and sat down on the couch taking a bite of her sandwitch. She turned to Rein. "Thanks. For, you know, the whole bandage thing." She glared at him. "Oh, andI dont sound like that twit. So next time to try to impersonate me, do it right. Yes, I heard. I'm not stupid or deaf!" --=-- Zak burst out laughing. Madi actually said thank you. He turned to Rein. "Cherish that moment. She NEVER says thanks. Ever. Even though she dissed you there at the end." He smacked her and she let out a surprised gasp. "Thats for hitting me. And it's your own fault for complaining. I try to teach you and you have to go and be all witchy to me." He stood there awkwardly. He had no idea what to do. He ran his fingers through his hair. >.< fail. mostly for Zak. poor shy soul. Lawl.

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12:24pm Feb 13 2011
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((Bump!! >:D))

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5:51pm Feb 13 2011
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Rein released a noise that sounded like a snarl from the pits of his human throat. He stood abruptly from the sofa and glared, "Oh, Pardon me...let me try again." he scowled in annoyance. He cleared his throat; "Oh look at me, I think I'm so pretty...so I am going to pretend like this hideout is my real house and I'm actually FRIENDS with the people already here and pretend that I am better then them. I'm so perfect I'm sure they already like me; but then again...its impossible NOT to like a high maintinence princess like me." he said in the same tone he used before to immitate the pestering and foolish girl. He glanced at Corrid, who took the hint. Corrid stood from his seated position and jumped up; retaking the part of Rein. "Oh, don't worry... but someone needs to teach a little princess like you that this is the real world; and its not party all night long... some people need to work" he said; rolling his eyes in a way that was much like Rein. Rein sneered...his eyes going to the ground in fake innocence before darting back up in fake anger..."Shut up you Twit; I don't do that stuff." Corrid continued, "Oh I'm sorry...so you're just naturally overly cocky and rude?" he said; clutching his chest in fake surprise. Rein released a high pitched laugh; pretending to snicker like Madi..."You're funny... but then again, I am probobly just blinded by my own stupidity to realize that you don't like me."
Corrid sneered, "yes. You are utterly idiotic. And this Zak charracter? He protects you because you are to weak to fend for yourself?" he asked, running his fingers through his hair in a matter of fact way. Rein released the same obnoxious laugh. "Pretty much! I am just so perfect I don't want to get my hands dirty!" he said in a feminine cheer. Corrid snorted and rolled his eyes. Both boy's faces suddenly sank from a cheerful beam from their skit to a deathly scowl as they each shot glares towards Madi...then Rein drifted to Zak. Rein spoke to the newcoming boy, "Control that wrench." he spat in disgust, pointing a finger towards Madi. His eyes full of utter disdain. Corrid rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in annoyance as he grabbed Rein's arm and dragged him into a bow. "Thank You for watching our very life-like play." he stated expressionlessly, turning on his heel and going across the room. Rein glared one last time at Madi. "As a matter of fact...you were supposed to hear the first one." he growled, quickly following Corrid without another glance backword.
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6:38pm Feb 13 2011 (last edited on 6:40pm Feb 13 2011)
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Madi felt tears in her eyes. She blinked them away. She had never heard anyone be so mean to her. Yes, she was bratty, and did have a fear of dirty things but she wasnt that bad. She called out to them, trying to understand how those two could do that to her without even knowing her. "What..what makes you so much better than me? You don't know anything about me. I don't think the hideout is my house, I don't think everyone is my friend, or that I'm perfect. I'm sorry if it seems that way. Yes, I'm bratty but that's how I cope. I had my whole family taken away from me in a couple days, like many others out there. I had to watch my six year old sister get eaten, screaming for me to help her. I had to watch my mom and dad get slowly bleed out in my house, and I was helpless. Zak saved my life when they were slowly torturing me. He's teaching me to hunt vampires and werewolves because I don't have a killing instinct. But I'm learning. I don't want people to end up like me, with no one left. I'm not stupid either. So don't judge me if you dont know a damn thing about me. So really. Tell me. What makes you so much better than me?" She looked at them. She wasnt a bad person, she was just...demanding. They didnt even know her. At all. And they judged her. Madi clenched her fists. She really wanted to beat the crap out of them. She felt the angry tears well up again, and she wiped them away. They didn't deserve it. She was being nice for once and she gets mocked. By two guys acting like babies. "Besides." She continuted, curious. "Why do you hate me? What have I done to you guys personally? As far as I recall, I haven't done anything to you guys." Madi wanted to know. No one has hated her that much. No one. She just wanted to met someone decent for once. Someone who wont hurt her. Because that skit, it hurt. It was like taking a knife and cutting Madi up. --=-- Zak watched Madi closely. He knew she could get...violent. He glared at the to guys. What Madi said was true. They didn't know a damn thing. They had no clue. They were no better than her, mocking her like that, and acting like they were so much more than her. He didn't say anything. He knew that it would only lead to a fight and he really didn't want to hurt anyone. They were on the same side. Zak sat down on the couch and closely watched them. They were worse than a bunch of middle school backstabbing girls, and they were acting like children. He studied the girl in the wolf pelt closely, to distract himself.

This is Bob. Bob takes care of my posts. I <3 Bob. (:
6:54pm Feb 13 2011
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Calyx shifted unconfortably in her seat. This was getting out of hand. Though, she couldn't help but think that it was Rein's fault the fight had started. She looked dissaprovingly at him before pulling over her her hoodie. She moved her hand up to pet the ears on the wolf skin. Who know death could feel so soft. She let out a cough, then she had the wierd feeling someone was watching her. She looked up to stare at Zak. She knew someone was watching her. Again, she shifted unconfortably in her seat, her hands in her lap. -fail-
9:35pm Feb 13 2011
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Corrid finally lost it; he whipped around and dodged the hand that flew out from Rein to hold him back... He jumped so that his breath could be felt on Madi's skin... he jabbed a finger at her. "Don't. Don't you DARE complain to me about losing your family. This just goes back to you caring only of YOURSELF. You may think Rein dosn't know you. You may think I don't know you. But I know your type. You're just as scared as the rest of us. You just try to hide it with a crappy attempt for a powerful exterior." he spat in digust; his teeth clenched tightly as his eyes were like daggers against the girl. "I watched my family slaughtered only about 11 hours ago. 11 hours 22 minutes and 13, 14, 15, 16 seconds..." he was pacing now; his fury taking control. "A baby! An infant of the age of 2 months... devoured by a vicious leech! Twins. Twins of 6 years both consumed by a monster that was overpowering. A young woman...turning 18 in only 2 hours; drained of her blood, as her limbs were split from her torso. What a wonderful birthday gift! The shatter of the bones still rings in my mind; each child seeing much to few seasons! Pointless blood spilled; a pool of the deepest crimson forming about the streets; the screams of the people echoing. The aroma of blood with each inhale. A mother of five's flesh being stripped from her bones as she screamed out in pain for her only son to come and help her. A father being forced to watch his family mercilessly killed. Devoured. Murdered. And where was the son? The son could do NOTHING." his breath was escaping him in short gasps now as he ran his trembling hands through his hair. "A son who is unsure why he was left alive." he said in a near whisper; his hands clenching so the whites of his knuckles showed. Rein looked towards the ground. He was about to speak when Corrid kept going. "Alive because a wolf-boy saved the son's as.s before a vampire could return to finish the job." he growled; he tried to cry but couldnt. He couldnt. He wasn't sad. He wasn't in pity. He was angry. Angry at Madi and Zak. Angry at the girl in the wolf pelt. Infuriated towards the killers. Angry with Rein. Furious at himself. He breathed in. And pushed past Rein and disappeared into the next room. "Dam." Rein cussed under his breath. His eyes narrowed towards Madi. "Here's the difference between you and him." he growled; pointing his head in the direction of Corrid. "The vampires would have come back for him... but you? Your soul was not even worth taking. They were in no mood to chase you. No mood for such an easy fight." he growled. He paused for a moment; "And my dear, I don't think I am better then you... your over-egoed mind just puts it in that way to make it seem like I'm the bad guy. I don't disagree...but it is time to stop blaming others." At this point he was angry with himself for being obnoxious. "You know what? I KNOW I was obnoxious. And you know what? I'm angry at myself. Angry at myself for one reason." he glared towards Madi. "Angry that I didn't leave you to die." he growled; jabbing a strict finger towards Madi. "And you!" he growled towards Calyx. "You can perish with both of these imbossels." Rein didn't follow Corrid. He didn't glance towards the others... instead he shifted into a wolf...and quickened his pace...disappearing out the front doors to the hideout. Into the brisk windchill. Where? to the city. He was going to see for himself the slaughter that took place.
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9:36pm Feb 13 2011
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((omg! Who's queen of meanie-faises? OMG FUNNEH IS :DD Look at my list.... Jerk? Zre= Check Moug= Check Rein= Check Corrid= Check ))
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4:27pm Feb 14 2011
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Calyx watched as the two fought, wincing every time they're voices raised to a certain level. When he turned to him, she flinched and stared at him round-eyed. What did she do? She let out a whimper, folding the hoodie over her face and holding her legs close to her body. ((Mega brain-fail. D; ))
8:32pm Feb 15 2011
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((where is skies? D:))
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11:17pm Feb 15 2011 (last edited on 11:38pm Feb 15 2011)
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((Under a pile of homework. Lol No more mean! No more! *sobs* No...more. *rocks back and forth*xD)) Madi looked defiantly at Corrid, but slowly lost it under the pain. She knew what he felt like. She had heard and saw everything that happened, but was helpless to stop it. Madi wanted to look away but she couldnt. She wanted to apologize, but she couldnt find her voice. She was just lost in the anger and pain that he unleashed in his words. But when Rein started to speak, she got angrier with ever word. She put up a hell of a fight when they tried to kill her last. She didnt know why, but she did. Madi didn't have an over egolistic mind, it just seemed like that was what he was implying. She flinched slightly at his last words. She felt he was right. Madi knew she was probably the most horrible person to most. When he turned to the girl in the wolf pelt, the girl shrunk back, and then Rein left. Madi was shaken inside. Her mind was blown. She had never taken so many blows to her self image then in that whole conversation. She wanted to cry. She wanted to tell Corrid that she was sorry, that she understood, on some level what it felt like to wonder why they survived when the rest had not. More than anything, she wanted to go home. But Madi knew that it wasnt home anymore. It was just a white and blue house at the edge of the city with blood coating the walls, and bones flung everywhere. A horror house. She looked down at herself and murmered "I guess I should go take a shower." If she was going to go apologize to Corrid than she might as well clean up a bit and give him time to cool down. Madi wandered around the hideout until she found the bathroom. She took a nice hot shower to relax her shaking hands. Afterwards, she found some bleach and bleached her tank top white again. She wandered around the huge hideout again, cursing how big it was, looking for Corrid. Madi finally found the room he was in. She stood outside the door, nervousness eating away at her stomach. She didnt want to be verbally attacked again. She shifted her feet and finally spoke. "Please hear me out. Dont say anything." She paused and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Sorry that I was selfish, sorry about what I did to make you mad in the first place and really sorry about bringing up my family. I'm so sorry about your family Corrid. I am. I understand what you feel, at least a little. Except you had more to lose than I did." She let out a bitter laugh. " I think I'm going to go take Rein's advice and wander til I get eaten. I'd probably be a better meal than a person." Madi choked back sobs, realized she felt what she said. She just hoped he wouldnt be angry. She turned and started walking away. ---- Zak looked away from the girl and watched the converstations. Rein stormed off and Corrid went in the next room. He sighed. Why couldnt Madi just be nice for once? Bratty little princess. Zak stomach rumbled and he looked longingly towards the door. He could hear the shower going. He'd just go hunting for a little bit, and come back. Zak shifted and walked into the forest, hopeful he'd find something. He found a deer and was munching on it happily. He debated from going back to the hideout and traveling around. He'd take a little side trip that's all. He wonder all around, smelling Rein's scent a couple of times. Zak was curious,and wanted to follow it, but he figured that Rein had anger issues and he didnt want to get into a fight. So Zak went to the city again. -Epic. Homework covered. Fail.-XD

This is Bob. Bob takes care of my posts. I <3 Bob. (:
3:52pm Feb 16 2011 (last edited on 5:29pm Feb 16 2011)
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Corrid held his tounge; his eyes were narrowed darkly...he resisted the urge to spit his words in derange fury. He resisted the urge to throw a fist, resisted the urge to continue the fight. He resisted the urge to say what he thought of her...but believed Rein already crushed her spirits enough. He inhaled deeply and ran his fingers threw his dark locks. His cheeks were still flushed red from his boiling anger, but they were beggining to return to their pale state. "No. Madi..." he began, his eyes closed as his fingers pinched the bridge of his nose. He slapped his leg and rolled his eyes before grabbing her shoulder and pulling her to face him. "I'm sorry. I was immature. And jealous that you had Zak to look after you while I had nothing. I was obnoxious and stupid, and allowed Rein's anger to feed my own. I pity your loss... but you know nothing of my pain." with that he pushed past her and returned to the main foyer where Rein and himself first became friends...he spotted the girl with the wolf hood... her name was? He smiled apologetically before retaking his seat on the far end of the couch. He looked at the door; half expecting Rein to return. Without thinking; he threw himself to his feet and raced out the hideout's door... he stumbled and finally pushed his way threw the woods; and managed to reappear on the city's streets. His eyes widened in horror as he watched the bodies of those around him. He looked to a far building...reconizing it as his old home; and the place of slaughter for his beloved family. His breathing was quickened and he managed to come to the townhouse of brick. He pushed the cracked door open and came into the wood; instantly welcomed by a pool of blood. He clenched his fists and held back tears and jumped the puddle...the door creaking shut behind him. Rein stalked across the terrain and eventually felt his paws at the city streets... the scent of slaughtered blood rolled into his nostrils. He had to admit... his temper was lowered and he lowered his head in saddness. He regretted the way he spoke to Madi...there was no need for that maddness. Why did he speak in such a way? He instantly regretted his actions and felt guilt sting gthe pit of his stomach. He growled lowly and turned, debating whether to go back
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3:52pm Feb 16 2011
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((there was my homework failxD))
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5:26pm Feb 16 2011
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(( Note--No one knows Calyx's name because she can't say what it is. P: ))
5:28pm Feb 16 2011
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((oh really? Hmm *goes to change*))
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5:31pm Feb 16 2011
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(( Yupp. ^^ She fails so hard. ))
8:59pm Feb 16 2011
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((lol xD *waits*))
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9:43pm Feb 17 2011
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Madi let out the breath she was holding when her grabbed her by the shoulder. The next thing she needed to do was the get new clothes. She couldnt walk around like this forever. There was only one thing to do. Madi needed to go home. She didnt want to but she needed to change or something. She walked over the girl in the wolf pelt. "Well, I'm going back to my house to change. Wanna come with? My house is-or was awesome." She smiled. Her house was huge with an enormous garden in the back. ---- Zak wandered the city for quite a while, jumping from building to crumbling building, feeling contempt. He jumped off the building onto the street, landing perfectly. He smelt a familar scent, one he recongnized as Corrid. And the stench of blood-it was so strong, it made him growl. It was old, however, so Zak kept walking. Searching for something, but not really knowing what it was. -Fail.- ((The iluvus are hiding from me :/ xD))

This is Bob. Bob takes care of my posts. I <3 Bob. (:
3:53pm Feb 21 2011
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This is Bob. Bob takes care of my posts. I <3 Bob. (: