3:18pm Apr 16 2011
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Posts: 375
Selaks let out a small growl. "Yes we can go hunting now. Get the other pack members." Turning around, Selaks went into the den to go and groom herself. I am so hungry. Why didn't I think of going hunting? After she was finished grooming, she came back out of the den again. Malik slowly awoke, he glanced around. Exiting the den quietly, he went for a short hunt. Coming back with two hares, he crept back into the den. Walking over to Lea, he dropped the two hares at her feet before curling up and going back to sleep.
6:42pm Apr 16 2011
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(I'm going to make some wolves to be 'defaults' that anyone can rp. They will not have any importanty ranks, they will just make the packs bigger. :P) Corra nodded, then went and got the rest of the pack. "We should hunt by the river," she said," There is probably some prey getting a drink there." She sat down. Ruko sat in the meadow, then stood up when he realized that there was a rabbit not too far away. He jogged toward it, and when it ran, he sprinted behind it, trying to catch it.
7:57pm Apr 16 2011
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Lea stood up heading towards the mouth of the cave, a cool breeze ruffling her fur. (Ps what season is it, and whats the general habitat? the forest right?) Lycander stalked out of his tiny cave, squeezing through the narrow opening. He blinked his eyes, his ears twitching as he heard some birds near by. Not the easiest target but you cant be picky these days. He stalked towards the noise.
10:27pm Apr 16 2011
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(It's winter. And yes, the forest.) Ruko caught up to the rabbit, then leapt at it and caught it between his teeth. He shook the small animal until it went limp. I'd better take this back to the pack.
10:27pm Apr 16 2011
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Posts: 375
Selaks perked her ears. "I think the river or the fields would be a good idea." She stood up again, fur ruffling through the wind. Watching the sun rise she added, "We should go. They will be leaving the river soon." Beginning to run, she exited the area where they slept. ((Fail, I didn't know how to say ,clearing, without being too warriorish.))
10:36pm Apr 16 2011 (last edited on 10:44pm Apr 16 2011)
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(Default Wolves: Name:Teya
Age:Young Adult Gender:Female Pack:Ashwood Rank: Pack Member Looks (pic, please): Personality:Sweet, Caring, but she can be harsh, and she hates Ravenwood, beleiving that Ravenwood wolves are evil and stupid and disgusting, etc. etc. etc. Also she complains. A lot. History: Normal Crush: Open I guess Other:none Name: Drev Age:Young Adult Gender:Male Pack:Ravenwood Rank:Pack Member Looks (pic, please): tle="Gray_Wolf" width="300" height="187" /> Personality: Hyper. He has too much energy, talks way too fast, and does everything quickly. He also tends to stammer when speaking because he tries to make sure everything he says makes sense. Which works. Usually. He is good at hunting, but a horrible fighter. History:Normal Crush:Open Other:none
10:39pm Apr 16 2011
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Corra nodded. She ran after Selaks with the rest of the Ravenwood wolves following her at a fast pace. They were hungry. Corra knew the pack needed to eat, and she also thought she was acting a little too much like the alpha. She had been the one to suggest hunting. She had been the one to suggest where they hunted. She had been the one to gather the wolves. She felt like she was either doing everything, or Selaks was doing nothing, but she didn't mention that.
10:55pm Apr 16 2011
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Lea loved the feeling of the cold snow between her paws. She could hear a large herd of deer to the south, and knew it was a rare occurance. She howled into the cave, and bounded off in the direction of the noise. She hoped it was enough to awaken her hungry pack. They hadnt eaten very well in ages. This could be to amazing an oppurtunity to miss... Lyce(lycander) sniffed the ground, searching for food. He smellef rabbits, faintly. He growled not in the mood. He headed towards the dense trees, hoping to find some bigger game. He needed food, desperatly. Hopefully the packs hadnt already headed out, or he would be outnumbered. Food was already scarce, making the clans more bitter every day. Fights broke out often and he was not strong enough to fight. He couldnt handle any wounds, especially during the harsh winters of the forest.
11:15pm Apr 16 2011
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Ruko took the rabbit back to the pack, just barely in time to see Lea leaving. "Hey!" He ran after her. "Where are you going?" He had heard of wolves not being able to take the stress of leading a pack and leaving before, and he thought that it might be what Lea was doing, but he doubted it.
11:45pm Apr 16 2011
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"I hear a large herd of deer...To the south" Leas breath came out in a fine mist against the cold. "Our pack is near starving, and I thought I'd go check it out" Her tail raised a bit as she heard the pack come closer.
11:58pm Apr 16 2011
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Ruko nodded. "Are we going to hunt?" He asked. "I just caught a rabbit, but I know that it's only enought to feed one wolf.." He said.
12:18am Apr 17 2011 (last edited on 2:17am Apr 17 2011)
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"Of course" She snickered and raced off in the direction, slowing down when she got close so as not to scare the herd. She crouched in a bush counting the number of deers and bucks. There were more then she expected, more then she could take by her self. She waited for Ruko, licking her muzzle hungrily.
10:33am Apr 17 2011 (last edited on 11:21am Apr 17 2011)
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Ruko was soon beside her. He crouched down. "There are so many..." He whispered. He heard Teya-one of the pack members- coming up behind him. She stood to his left, and he stood next to Lea. He scanned the herd of deer for a weak or sick deer, but in the winter, finding a fawn was unlikely. H watched the deer. "I think we need to chase them," he said," and then whichever one runs the slowest or stumbles we could go for." He paused. "Your choice though, Lea." (I think we should wait for Bretts. And also, I thought about one of the rules. The 'if someone makes an alpha female, alpha male is closed until she chooses someone to be alpha male and 'one important rank per person' do not go well together, since all three of us made a wolf with an important rank. I need to change it to 'one important rank per person, unless your wolf is chosen by a wolf with an important rank. So it's just going to be 'one important rank per person to start out with.' Seem fair?) (One more thing: I made two new characters for myself: Sabine (Ashwood Pack Member), and Kotu (Ravenwood Omega.) I also made a lot more defaults.

11:29am Apr 17 2011
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(Seems fair :3 and okay i'll just answer his question real quick here) "I say we should herd them towards the cave, perhaps sneak around to the other side, so we could prepare an ambush. That way we can take out more then...four?" She guessed knowing she could take down at least two on her own. Lycander heard the howling of a female wolf in the distance. She had already claimed the deer herd as her own. He growled in anger and started heading that way anyway, in case he could pick up any left overs they might miss.
12:32pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 375
Selaks crouched as she neared a lone deer, a buck. Glancing to make sure no others were near, she bolted towards, it locking her jaw onto it's flanks, trying to take it down. Not realizing, the buck had kicked her, sending her sprawling back, letting out a yelp. Malik stayed at th back, waiting for one of the pack members to make a move on the herd.
1:02pm Apr 17 2011
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Lea stalked around to the other side of the herd, so she could se their cave in the distance. She lowered her self to the ground, her haunches prepared for a leap, her mind excited for the run. She hoped her pack members were ready to take down plenty of deer.
1:13pm Apr 17 2011 (last edited on 1:17pm Apr 17 2011)
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Ravenwood "Selaks!" Kotu barked. He ran over to her. "You okay?" The omega waited for her to answer. Corra turned and saw Selaks, and snarled at the buck. She leapt at it and locked her teeth onto its back leg, refusing to let go. Ashwood Ruko saw a weaker looking deer, and signaled to the other wolves to let them know. He crept toward it slowly. Sabine waited for someone to give an order.
1:24pm Apr 17 2011 (last edited on 1:25pm Apr 17 2011)
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"Go!" Lea snarled launching her self into the herd. The deers and bucks panicked rushing away from the female wolf. She bounded after them, a few fast ones loping away from the cave, she quickly took them down, leaving there dead bodies for her pack members to handle, continuing to herd the rest towards the wolf cave.
3:19pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Sabine nodded, then went for a small female deer. She drug it to the ground, snarling, but it managed to fight her off and stand up. The deer kicked Sabine in the side, and she tumbled into the dirt. She yelped. She forced herself back onto her paws, growling furiously. "You'll pay for that!"
3:36pm Apr 17 2011
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Posts: 2,315
Lea tackled a large buck to the ground hoping she could take it. She had been raised to fight off larger opponents since she was a pup. She sunk her teeth into its neck feeling it thrash and kick underneath her. It kicked her hard in her flank and she yelped managing to hold on despite the sharp burst of pain it caused. She was weakened from hunger. She delivered a finishing blow, and it died, giving a sharp kick to her hind leg. She collapsed on top of the dead buck whimpering loudly, her leg bleeding, and bent in an unnatural way.