6:33pm Apr 18 2011
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Posts: 375
Selaks looked up and blinked, "What?" Wobbly standing up, she looked at the unfamiliar wolf. "Who are you?" ((Fail. :c))
2:51pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 2,315
Lycander blinked titling hsi head again. "I... I dont know...I was just trying to be helpful..." He said, stammerign a bit. He looked at the wolf rising and smiled "Uhm...I just saw You on the ground and thought I may be of as.sistance..." He bowed hsi head and hung his ears. "I'll just go now..." He turned around and began to walk away.
6:09pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 375
Selaks looked at the wolf, "Stop." she barked. "I admire wolves who try and help." she cocked her head a little bit. ((Another fail. ;-;))
6:18pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 2,315
Lycander smiled to him self and turned around bowing his head again, in thanks. "Thank you" He said honestly. (I say wait because we dont wanna get to far ahead ^_^ )
6:20pm Apr 19 2011
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Posts: 375
3:13pm Apr 20 2011
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3:39pm Apr 21 2011
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5:41pm Apr 21 2011
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Kotu blinked. "Who are you, anyway?" He asked. He wonedered if the wolf was from Ashwood Pack.
7:42am Apr 22 2011
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12:11pm Apr 23 2011
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12:35pm Apr 25 2011
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Posts: 375
((Don't let this die...D:))
2:50pm Apr 25 2011
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(Sorryyyy i was sooo busy) Lycander shrugged. "My name is Lycander...What more would you like to know" He was slightly confused, he was only aware of one clan, and they didnt appear to be from it.
4:39pm Apr 25 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"Are you from Ashwood?" Corra came into the conversation. Her voice was slightly angry, and she glared at him. Where else would Lycander be from? She waited impatiently for his answer. "If you're from Ashwood, you'd better run," she almost said.
6:06pm Apr 25 2011
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"Uhm...No" He frowned a bit. "I dont really belong to any clan" He shrugged a bit not understanding how clans really worked.
6:40pm Apr 25 2011
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"They're called Packs." Corra corrected. "I've never heard them called clans before." She said.
3:34pm Apr 26 2011
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"I Think of them as clans I guess. My sister always called them clans before she left." He sighed a little. (What about the other wolves chasing the herd?)
4:45pm Apr 26 2011
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(Ruko yelled to see if Lea was ok, did you ever reply? If you did, I missed it.) (Nothing to post)
4:19pm Apr 27 2011 (last edited on 4:21pm Apr 27 2011)
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((guess i didnt)) Lea couldnt answer, the blood coming from her was great. She closed her eyes breathing heavily, unsure if she'd make it.
4:42pm Apr 27 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"Lea!" Ruko continued shouting. "Lea, are you okay?" He wasn't sure if the alpha was well enough to answer, however. (Wait for Bretts)
5:23pm Apr 27 2011
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