8:15pm May 26 2011
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With a sharp nod Freya points her body in the direction of the field. She will prove to herself and to her alpha that she and these whelp are useful. Some small part of her, deep down inside, smiles at the energy of the younglings. Ameru looked ready to leap out of his fur. His mother would've been so proud of him. Shaking herself out of that rain of thought, Freya gives the younger wolves one last glance before taking off. "Stay close." She lets instinct, memory, and vague scents carry her over the earth, taking a moment to revel in the feeling of flight. It isn't long until they reach the herd, grazing quietly. To their luck their are a few young bucks -perhaps in a year or two old- right on the edge, making them that much easier to pick off. "So, any of you want to pick our kill? We can go in for a second, but getting one down will be enough to think about for now." Ameru remains silent, looking to Vorlos and Leto, letting them make their pick.
Alliecat is offline. (◕‿◕✿) and also (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚’✿,。・:*:❀・゚’❁
11:10am May 28 2011
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Inidgo smiled slightly at Bari and followed the scent of the deer. "I think it's a little ways away from here," He said. "We can track it though, and see how far it's gone." He began to follow the scent, then he turned back and glanced at Bari. "Should we track it?" He asked. "I'm not exactly sure how far it's gone." (fail, sorry. D:)
11:40am May 28 2011
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(( I was thinking. Could my wolf Shiba have a crush on Indigo? :) )) Tak struggled to get up and crawled out of the den. He looked around. It's one of those boring days, He thought. The humid air glared off his pelt. He ran around, checking up on his pack. He noticed some wolves were missing. Must be hunting, he thought. He leaped onto a rock in the shade and closed his eyes. He nedded a rest... ~ Shiba looked around her pack territory. It was so quiet today. She trotted around the pack territory, looking for something to do. Then she saw a bone on the ground. It had Ru's scent. She looked around, no sign of her. She grabbed the bone in her jaws and rann off into the bushes to gnaw for abit. Eh, it's something to do. She thought.
12:19pm May 28 2011
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Vorlos' quick scan made him rather careless. "How 'bout that big one over there?" He pointed at a rather large buck with his nose. "I'm sure he can make a decent meal for our pack. Ow!" He protested a little when Leto stepped on his paw. "Idiot, he's obviously stronger than four wolves!" She narrowed her eyes, indicating that Leto was also surveying the bucks. "But that one... That one has something wrong with his leg. He'll be easy prey." Leto nodded towards an average-sized male buck, who did seem to limp a few times, though it didn't seem quite so obvious at first. --- "Oh, I don't think it's gone far." Bari replied airily, bending down and sniffing along the trail. "Follow." She said, lifting up her head and then bursting into a run. Bari careened freely through the woods, zooming by trees and leaping over bushes. She stopped abruptly behind a particularly large bush, her yellow eyes peering over it. "Found our deer." She whispered to Indigo, her ears flicking towards a doe that ambled through the trees, oblivious to them.

1:47pm May 28 2011 (last edited on 1:50pm May 28 2011)
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(Sure, Demon) Indigo looked over at the deer. He started off to the right, hoping that Bari would understand and go to the left so that they could trap the deer. He was careful to be quiet, if he wasn't, the deer would be scared and run away, then the wolves would have to chase it and more than likely fail to catch it. He was so close now...he needed to be careful. Ylva sighed. "The other wolves...they all hate me. Kosovo, especially." Ru followed Kaze, but passed him and reached Ketu first. "Alpha Ketu," She barked, worried," Ashwood has been hunting on our land! Me and Kaze were patrolling....their scent...It's on Ravenwood ground!"
11:27pm May 28 2011
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[[ bump ]]
9:27am May 29 2011
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Shiba dropped the bone and looked around. Everybody was out doing something. except for her. She started to daydream. Shiba was running through the field with her packmates. She saw a male buck. Large size, pretty decent. She looked to her packmates and gestured them to go for it. Then they all grabbed onto it, and Shiba clamped down on it's neck with her jaws, and it fell. Her and her pack dragged it back to Ravenwood. She shrugged that off. That was never gonna happen. What important role do I have in my pack? She thought. ~ Tak got off the rock. He was getting bored. He saw a dead squierll on the ground and he picked it up, through it it the air, and caught it in his jaws. Then he threw it out ofhis territory.
10:02am May 29 2011
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[[ Wolfeh, can Leto later have a crush on Tak? owo ]]
2:39pm May 29 2011
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(( sure ^^ ))
8:46am May 30 2011
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[[ Bump -has no idea what to do- >-> ]]
3:02pm May 30 2011
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(Here, Tld, I will give you something to do. I will create a problem P:) Indigo lunged forward at the deer, missed, and the deer ran. Indigo chased it a few yards, but then it turned around and faced him. It reared up on its hind legs, terrified, and Indigo leapt with open jaws at its throat. WHich was a horrible idea. The deer kicked him in the head, and he fell onto the ground and was still. (DUN DUN DUNNNN)
1:18pm May 31 2011
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8:52am Jun 1 2011
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8:58am Jun 1 2011
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((i has nothing to post XD))
9:41am Jun 1 2011
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(Here, fox.) Kosovo looked over at Kazumi and Ylva, then growled under his breath. He walked past them, pushing Ylva into the dirt as he walked past."Oops." He laughed a little bit, then continued walking. Ylva lifted her head shook the dirt off her face and neck, then laid her head down on her paws with her ears flat to her head.. Then she looked over at Kazumi.
10:03am Jun 1 2011
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Kazumi looked at Kosovo and growled "I don't belive him" She growled before licking some of the dirt off Ylva. "Ignore him being a beta got to his oversized head" she said to her but loud enough for him to hear her.
4:46pm Jun 1 2011
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Shiba felt that something was wrong. Very wrong. She lifted her nose to the air and tilted her head. She got up and stretched. She looked toward the hunting grounds, where some of her packmates were hunting. Was something wrong? She hoped that she was allowed out of pack territory. She laid her ears flat on her head and ran out of the territroy. She stumbled a few times, nervous. Then she reached the hunting grounds, and saw Indigo on the ground, hurt. Then she saw an angry buck. Hunting accident... She ran in front of Indigo and posed in a defensive stance towards the deer. The deer's black eyes were full of rage. She pushed Indigo out of the way and growled. The deer charged at her but she moved out of the way. As the deer turned around, She leaped onto its back and clamped her jaws down on it's neck. Slowly, gradually it became weak and fell to the ground. It wasn't dead yet, but it will be. It'll suffer for a few minutes. She leaped off the deer's body and over to Indigo's. "Are you okay, Indigo?" She said defensivley, wondering what he ill to. He is a higher rank, and was allowed to punish her for going out of pack territory. (( Sorry, a little much... lol! But I'm in a Rping kind of mood. ))

5:49pm Jun 1 2011
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Indigo's eyes opened after a long pause. He felt intense pain in hishead and side. He looked up and saw Shiba. "Wh...what...? Shiba....how'd you get out here...?" He was extremely weak feeling, but he tried to make it look like it wasn't as bad as it really was. (demon, we should make a 1x1 wolf rp :D it would be super active)
6:23pm Jun 1 2011
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((*pouts* my posts are ignored :())
10:07pm Jun 1 2011
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(here fox) Kosovo turned around immediatly and snarled in Kazumi's face. "What did you SAY?" He snarled angrily. He stared her in the eyes, only moving to pin Ylva's head to the ground with his left front paw.