Wolf Mating Season-Open-Wolf Mating Season

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1:06pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 3,291


Razor yawned and trotted off into the trees to hunt. He soon had run down a large rabbit and started tearig the carcuss appart as he ate.


Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

1:11pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 2,338

Zep continued to pad through the forest humming her song. She looked around the forest taking in everything that surrounded her. She smiled to her self and decided that she was going to go hunting. She stopped humming and stood in silence for a few seconds. She heard moving not far off and decided to go see what it was.


1:15pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 3,291

Razor stopped eating and sniffed the air. He caught a new scent and began to growl, keeping his head low, and near his kill. The blood on his grey muzzle, and shiny white, now red stained, made him look even more menacing, though nothing could make him look as dangerous as he was when angry.

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

1:19pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 2,338

Zep crouched down afraid of what might lay ahead. She laid her ears back and continued to creep forward. She she was close enough she stepped out of her hiding place. she looked up and saw that it was another wolf. His muzzle was boodstained and he looked kind of scary. But really that didn't bother Zep at all. She bounced forward "Hi there!" she yipped smiling.


1:25pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 3,291
Razor growled louder. His muscles tensed, and his fangs were bared more. He glared at the new she-wolf with cold eyes, that dared her to come closer to his kill.

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

1:31pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 2,338
zep smiled than realized her had some prey, "Oh, sorry." she told him backing away. "i didn't know you had any prey with you. though i should have known with all the blood on your muzzle." she laughed. "I'm sorry for bothering you" she whispered and turned to go find her own food.


1:35pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 3,291
Razor stopped growling, and went back to tearing his rabbit appart. Once he finsihed, he sat by the bones and started licking the blood off his muzzle, teeth, and paw.

Wade Barrett Pictures, Images and Photos

1:42pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 2,338

Zep quickly took down a fawn. She ate it quickly and went back to exploring the forest. She loved the smell of the forest. She smiled to ehrself and began o hum the lullaby again


2:15pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 2:18pm Jul 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 97

Full name-Chaska


Age-Young adult


looks-Red wolf with a white stomach and a silver line that separtes th red from the white.She has whit on the inside of her ears and a black nose.She has Silvery eyes and a small bandage looking braclet on her right upper leg.She is small and slender and is very flexible.



Full name-Alexzander


Age-Young adult


looks-  He is a brown wolf with a white gray stomach.He is very tall and has gold yellow eyes.

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2:17pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 2,338
(999ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *tackles mcfris* YOU CAME!!!!!!!!))


2:19pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 97

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2:20pm Jul 28 2010

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Posts: 2,338
((look outside!! its is going to be stoming hard tonight you agree??))


2:23pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 97
(Yes!AAHH!!!!!!!I got to go.My sis is getting on.DARN YOU B!!Bye Lurve you!)

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2:25pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,338
(*cries* tell her to join this!!))

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