Lyza stretched herself out, yawning softly before spreading her wings to take to the sky, flying rather gracefully through the air.
Nosferatu was currently feasting on an elk's blood.
Grave stalked through the trees, his wings folded tightly against his body as he licked fresh blood from around his muzzle. He had just killed and eaten a bull elk, and it had been quite....delicious.
Darkwind looked around himself, blinking his pupil-less light blue eyes before huddling up, murmuring something to himself as he flattened his ears.
Issen lay on his back, staring up at the sky, tail twitching lightly.
Polaris was laying on his stomach in front of a pond, one paw placed within its cold, clear waters, ears pricked as eh watched the ripples.
Oki sat by himself, eyes closed, almost as if he were trying to fall asleep sitting up.