8:30pm May 3 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Meh. :'c I wouldn't doubt it Tld... xD
Bump~ :3))
3:45pm May 4 2011
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Posts: 2,131
((Hey you guys, we'll start the rp when someone comes and becomes the Beta Male.))
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
9:06pm May 4 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Shadow could become the Beta Male? (Un-mated. :3) ))
2:15am May 5 2011
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Posts: 2,131
((Yeah, totally. Shaste, I give you the honour to strat this roleplay!))
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
10:19pm May 5 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((Meh. :c Shay doesn't like to start Rps... xD))
4:27pm May 10 2011
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Posts: 2,131
[[sorry to be away this long! I can't start roleplay's either! Tld, could you start?]]
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
3:54am May 13 2011
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Posts: 2,131
((I'll start.)) Sonny stood up, ears twitching. Her stomach growled, confirming what she thought was true. She was hungry. She looked around the pack territory, looking for the food pile. She padded along the track, and sought out the nearly empty food pile. Sonny gasped, when she saw how little there was of food, but soon sighed. "This is pathetic." Sonny yipped as she bent down to take a chunk out of the deer carcass that lay at her paws. After she had eaten her fill, she walked back to the pack, to wake everyone else up. "Ketu! Shadow! Rain! Glacier! Skate!" Sonny barked. "Dan! Bari! Fable! Leto, Spirit, Bane, Oak! Skoll, Bloodfire! Wake up! Now!" Sonny walked around and woke everyone up. "Leto, Bane, and Oak. We're running out of food. Go crazy with as much as you can kill. Be back in 10 minutes. Don't talk to Loners! Now, where's Spirit?" Sonny asked, sighing. ~ Dan woke up when Sonny called his name. "I'm awake!" He yelped as she picked him up by the scruff of the neck. He got up, stretched, and walked to the food pile. He yanked a rabbit out of the pile, and carried it away to his usual spot, under the oak tree. He munched it happily, thinking of his pack and how he was accepted into it with open paws. I'm a lucky wolf, he thought. I love my pack too. It's such a wonderful pack. He smiled. ~ Spirit was in the forest, frolicking as usual. She skipped about for a bit, then spotted a deer. It was standing in the shadows, near the pack's territory line. I CAN catch this. I always have, and always will. She leaped on top of the deer, and bringing it down, jumped on it's neck untill the neck bone broke, which instantly killed it. "Yes! I did it, once again!" Spirit purred. She dragged it by it's head toward the foodpile, when she heard a rabbit in the bush. She dropped the deer, and bolted into the bush, catching the rabbit in her jaws. She broke it's neck, and walked out of the bush. She stuffed the rabbit and the deer in her mouth and padded toward the foodpile. She dropped them and layed down near the foodpile. ~ Fable didn't wake up untill she smelt food. Her tail twitched, sensing that she was wanted. She opened one eye, to see that Sonny was standing over her, staring her in the eye. She got up and walked away. She layed down again and fell asleep again.
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
6:56am May 13 2011
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Posts: 5,998
Ketu prowled out of the forest, angered by his sister's bossiness. He felt like jumping and going for her throat, but contented himself with sauntering up to her menacingly. "Don't act like the boss just because I let you back into the pack, sister." Ketu snarled right in her face. He hated how she had just turned up one day, after he had worked hard to climb up the status ladder to finally obtain the role of being the leader. Turning his back on her, Ketu walked towards the wolf dens. "Leto and Oak. You go westwards. Spirit and Bane, you two will go eastwards, where the river is." Ketu narrowed his eyes. "Perhaps the fighters should contribute today. Our pack has no encountered much threat from the others." --- Skoll lifted his head and watched Dan, carrying on with his duties without a care in the world. Skoll growled under his breath. Not many wolves were sick these days. Couldn't Dan help out with their low food pile? Skoll stepped forwards when Ketu called. "I can go with one of the groups." He volunteered. --- Bari lazily lifted her head to observe the others. She really did feel sorry for the pack at the moment, sincerely. But she didn't feel up to the task of finding prey. Besides, the pack had enough members going out for hunting patrols already. --- Leto jumped up eagerly. "Will do, Ketu! And er... Sonny?" She had caught the look of pure fury from Ketu when his sister started ordering the wolves around. She sighed. Who should she follow? Leto walked near Oak, nudging him. "Well, should we go?" She asked Oak.

9:07am May 13 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Is it too late to join? ))
9:43am May 13 2011 (last edited on 9:50am May 13 2011)
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Posts: 1,016
Name: Krystal Age: 2 years Gender: female Looks: Personality: Very nice and caring to other wolves, but doesn't believe in packs. She thinks every wolf should be on their own, with no leader. Sometimes a bit talkative. Rank: Loner ~ Name: Tak Age: 4 years Gender:male Looks: Personality: Likes to be alone. He doesn't like to talk, but is sometimes grumpy. He has a soft spot for pups no one quite understands. Rank: Beta male
9:45am May 13 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[ I'm not the owner of this board, but Krystal and Tak's personalities seem a bit strange. And their pictures aren't working. Annd... Tak is missing his rank :c ]]
9:47am May 13 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,016
(( Yea... my computer's messing up. Sorry bout that. I'm trying to fix it. And I'll fix the personalities. ))
9:51am May 13 2011
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Posts: 1,016
(( Kay. fixed. ^^" That was pretty embarrassing. o.o" but are the personalities okay? ))
5:43pm May 13 2011
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Posts: 314
Bloodfire stalked out of the den, glaring at Sonny. "I'm up," she huffed. "What do you want?" She shook out her ginger fur and took a chunk from a deer in the pile, eating slowly. When she had had her fill, she stood and sat before Sonny, awaiting orders and an answer to her question. ~ Rain yawned and padded out of the den. "Good morning, everyone," she called. She looked down at the food pile, which was dwindling. "Sonny, would you like me to join the others hunting? More wolves can bring back more food." ((sorry for the short post. I'm kind of in a hurry right now, but I'll be back....mmm....say around 9PM Mountain Time?))
I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.
6:36pm May 13 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,131
((Wolf, kk I'll put your name up. Shaste, Shadow is back to being a Fighter now. There are 2 new spots, Guards. Wait untill everyone has done their intro, then we will go on.))
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
9:11am May 14 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,016
(( Thanks! )) Krystal was trotting happily through the woods as she always does. The warm summer air falt good on her pelt. Then she saw a freshly killed deer carca.ss, and went to gorge it down. She ripped off bite after bite til she couldn't eat anymore. She licked her jaws and continued her trotting, head up and chest puffed out. ~ Tak was sitting on a cool rock in the shade, panting. He watched the wolves do their thing, and watched for intruders also. He lifted his nose to catch a scent of lone wolf, but faintly. It was far away. Good.
6:55pm May 14 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,131
((Waiting for Shaste to send his intro))
Used to be Headache, dawg I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.
I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.
1:04am May 15 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,338
((Shaste is female, btw. o3o)) Skate practically growled as her name was called. Hunting? She thought. Gladly. I'll suck the life out of some pitiful animal anyday! Skate couldn't help but smile at this ugly thought. Anything consisting of pain delighted her. As long as it wasn't her pain.
The girl wandered out into the forest, not even bothering to listen to any elders. She didn't need them to tell her where to hunt. She had instincts. Duh. What else could she use those for??
Shadow grumbled out of his mid-morning nap as he heard his name called. Hunting? That was the hunters' job. Not his. Why did he have to do that? Oh wait. He didn't Shadow just stayed in his den, not even bothering to lift his head. If any of the leaders had an issue with that, he would, unwillingly, help. But until then, he wasn't going to leave the comfortable den that he called home. ((Fail on Shadow, sorry. :c))
Kyaan stumbled through the forest, smelling a tree occasionally, or maybe a rock. He was on the 'prowl' for some fresh meat. He had been living off dead deer caurcus for a few days, and he wasn't too fond of that rotting meat flavor.
Suddenly, the smell of deer hit him, right in the face. Another scent drifted his way, but he was so enthused with deer around, he didn't even bother to be catious. He walked a few yards and saw them: A small deer herd.
With a quick pounce, Kyaan jumped on a deer, clamping his jaws on the deer's throat. A moment later, he saw another wolf jump out of the trees as well. From the way it looked, she hadn't noticed him, because a moment later, she went after a rabbit in the brush. Kyaan stood silent and waited for the other wolf to pass. It seemed, as she dragged the two bodies away, that she was in a pack. That was not good for a loner to be in pack territory.
1:15am May 15 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 5,998
[[ all of my characters. Ignored :c ]] Ketu glared at Bloodfire and Rain. How could those two idiotic she-wolves obey his sister? Growling ferociously, he stalked off, only to see another wolf lazing around. "Bari!" He barked gruffy. The yellow-gold she-wolf raised her head, looking at her Alpha semi-curiously. "Why don't you hunt? The pack has no pups for you to watch over right now." With an annoyed tch, Ketu sauntered off. --- Bari rolled her eyes. "Yeah, alright, Ketu." She droned, heaving herself to her paws and padding off towards the forest. She had no hunting partner. Bari padded through the forest. It had been sometime since she had hunted. The pup-watching job was rather tiring. But Bari sniffed through all the trees and bushes, managing to catch a hare and a squirrel. As she began to triumphantly bring in the prey, Bari caught a strange scent. Prey? No. Wolf? Perhaps... But it didn't smell like one of her pack's.