((Ooooooh... I get it now! OK that sounds good. POST IS ON THE WAY!))
Raven looked at Zaphir who was still standin only a couple inches away, " Well uh...yeah thanks for...yeah..." she was talking about how he had licked the blood she couldn't reach off her muzzle. Her tail flicked behind her traying not to show her slightly giddy feelings. Yes she had a slight crush on the beta male but didn't want to let anyone know for fear that someone might use it as a weakness or think she only liked him for his rank. Ugh why did things of this nature have to be so complicated?
Dustin was standing a few feet away from Raven and Zaphir and smirked a bit shaking his head slowly. They were so weird the two of them. It was obvious that Raven liked Zaphir and Zaphir, well he's a bit hard to figure out. Either he's just flirting for the fun of it or he likes Raven back. Either way it was non of his concern but Dusting loved being noesy.
Fell stood there looking down at the small white female before him. She was growling at him and explaining how this was her territory, "I would willingly leave your land O' mighty alpha." He said mockingly as he diped his head to her