5:21pm Apr 23 2010
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Blackstar growled and tried to defend her territory,but was quickly defeated.She laid on the ground bleeding badly.She howled again,hoping someone would find her.She laid there whimpering in pain.She closed her eyes and tried to breath normally. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Runner followed them and sighed quietly.
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5:24pm Apr 23 2010
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((join?)) Name:Aris(Air-Riss) Gender:F Mate:looking Age:(old enough to mate)Adult Looks:pure white wolf with ocean blue eyes. Pack?:no,loner. Rank:Loner Other: is not too easy to get close to but can be eased in trust.
5:26pm Apr 23 2010
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((sure ice))
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5:26pm Apr 23 2010
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Lycander reached Blackstar first and gasped. He ehard shay wquickly advancing and he ran into her to make her stop. "You dont want to see this its gruesome. Please stay behind and tell thatother wolf to wait as well" Lycander finished before walking up to black wolf and nudging her with his muzle soflty. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked his nose now smeared with blood but he didnt care.

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5:30pm Apr 23 2010
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Aris padded near the clearing running her eyes over the scene of the injured wolf.She came out with curiousity and asked"what happend?,".
5:30pm Apr 23 2010
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Blackstar lifted her head and looked at Lycander."It hurts"She whimpered.She tried to stand up but fell back down."I let them down"She said,looking away.
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5:32pm Apr 23 2010
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Lycander held black star down with his huge paw. "Stay down. moving wil make you lose more blood.." he bent down and gently started to lick the wounds clean helping them to close up faster.

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5:34pm Apr 23 2010
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((Sorry for poofing. I'm putting music on my new Mp3 player. |D))
5:34pm Apr 23 2010
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Aris moved closer"need help?," she asked Lycander.
5:36pm Apr 23 2010
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blackstar held still as Lycander licked her wounds."Thank you for helping me"She said,softly.She tensed as she heard on of her pack memebers came into veiw."Blackstar!What happened?"the young male asked."Wrinkle don't worry!I was injured by two other wolves"she said.
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5:39pm Apr 23 2010 (last edited on 5:40pm Apr 23 2010)
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Lycander eyed Aris growling quietly. "No." He said simply. Continuing to help completly ignoring the pack wolf "wrinkle" come in. He finished and stood up. "it was my pleasure helping you. Is there anything else I can do to As.ist you?" he asked his fur blowing gently in the coming breeze.

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5:40pm Apr 23 2010
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(( Join, please?)) Name: Dawn Age: Adult (Able to mate) Gender: Female Looks: http://phoenixwildfire.deviantart.com/art/Adolph-Wolf-Form-72332358 - Her pelt is lighter, and she has Indigo eyes. Personality: Usually kind, and sweet. If she is angered then she could be very dangerous. Mate: Looking History: Not important. Other: N/A In a pack: Yes If so what rank?: Hunter >:)
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:44pm Apr 23 2010
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((nono sure)) Blackstar tried standing up but fell back down.She stopped trying and laid back down,growling at Wrinkle."Go back to the den,Wrinkle"She growled.Wrinkled dipped his head and nodded,running back the way he came.
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5:47pm Apr 23 2010
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Lycander eyed her warily. "If i go get you food will you prmise to stay here? uhm never mind shay can watch you" Lycander smiled and bounded off after telling Shay to guard black. Shay walked over and sat next to her. "Hello~" Shay said conversationally ~~~~~~ Lycander came back after much searching and hunting dragging a deer with him. He placed it next to black for easy access. "Please enjoy. Me and shay have already eaten.

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5:49pm Apr 23 2010
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Dawn got up, and sniffed the air. She smelt deer, a strong smell of deer. She thought there might be a male, which of course, scared her at first, but then she ran towards the scent. There was no male, a female actually. Dawn crept closer, and silently pounced onto her meal. It dropped loudly, and she dragged the body alond the gras.s. She dropped it, waiting for others to feast with her.
Why the cloud, Sunny?
5:50pm Apr 23 2010
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Black smiled and began to eat,hungrily."Thank you.May I know your names please?"She asked,watching them.
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5:51pm Apr 23 2010
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"Well, Im lycander" he intoned "and im shay" the female said a smile on her face. ((im braindead. i apologise XD))

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5:54pm Apr 23 2010
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"I'm Blackstar,but you can call me Black"she said,smiling.She stood up slowly and limped towards Lycander.She smiled and licked the blood off his muzzle."Thank you"She said.
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5:56pm Apr 23 2010
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"Well thank you Black. and i dont mind helping an injured wolf. that was terrible.." He smiled softly. "Do you mind if me and Shay join your pack? you see were loners and its kind of dangerous.."

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5:56pm Apr 23 2010
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After no one came, Dawn decided to eat by herself. She ate the deer quickly, with large bites and had to stop many times to take breathes. She layed down, full and satisfied.
Why the cloud, Sunny?