5:58pm Apr 23 2010
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She smiled and went over to Shay.Black licked Shay's muzzle in a friendly way."You may.Follow me"She said,limping towards her den.
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6:00pm Apr 23 2010
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Lycander followed walking against black so she could lean on him if needed. Shay did the same on the other side of her.

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6:03pm Apr 23 2010
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She smiled and entered her den.Two little pups ran towards her and smiled."Look!Blackstar's back!"The young female said."Everyone this is Lycander and Shay.They're new to the pack"She said."Welcome!"The pack said.
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6:05pm Apr 23 2010
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Lycander frowned on the inside. "Are these your pups?" he asked realising she might have a mate. Then he smiled quickly recovering. Both him and Shay spoke "Hi!"

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6:06pm Apr 23 2010
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"No these are not my pups"she smiled.((G2G))
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6:08pm Apr 23 2010
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((alright rmail me tomorrow when your online so we can continue))
"Alright" Lycander said immediatly relieved.

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6:56pm Apr 23 2010
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Aris left she was now grouchy and hungry...soon after leaving spotted a small deer.She stalked slowly toward it before leaping into the air and landing on its back.biting into its throut after that she ate until she was full and headed back to her den.
12:30pm Apr 24 2010
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Black smiled and leaned against Lycander.Just then a big gray and white wolf walked towards them."Lycander this is my brother Graystar"Black said."Nice to meet you,Lycander"Graystar said,smiling.
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12:38pm Apr 24 2010
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Shay looked at Graystar and blushed at the large male at a loss for words. Lycander noticed and smiled. "Hi im Lycander. and the one blushing is shay." Shay shot him a menacing look for that last part before nodding.

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12:45pm Apr 24 2010
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"Its really nice to meet you Shay"Graystar smiled.Black smiled and limped over to her rock.She tried to climb up it but failed.
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12:58pm Apr 24 2010
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Lycander padded over to her helping her onto the rock carefully besides laying on the ground deciding to take a quick rest closing his eyes lightly. shay continued to stare at her pawns and walked over to Lycander sitting on her haunches staring at nothing in particular.

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1:00pm Apr 24 2010 (last edited on 1:04pm Apr 24 2010)
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Black smiled and watched her pack and the pups.She sighed wishing she had pups of her own.Black then laid down and closed her eyes,trying to sleep.Her ears twitched as she dreamed of having her own pups.She was suddenly awaken for her sleep by a lone wolf howling.She jumped from her rock and walked out to stand in front of the den.She growled as a large male walked out of the forest.
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1:03pm Apr 24 2010
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Lycander soon fell asleep. Shay sighed and stood up again not tired. "Im going to explore" she stated before padding off towards the forest her tail hanging down in a depressed position.

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2:45pm Apr 24 2010
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Black growled and stood in her protective stance.Graystar followed Shay and smiled."Mind if I come?"He asked Shay."Leave now!"Black growled as her fur stood up."Whose gonna make me?"the large male smirked.
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2:59pm Apr 24 2010
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Shay stumbled confused. "What? you guys? Whas wrong? are you fighting?" she was extremely confused. ((i amconfus.d what ru doing i thought graystar and blackstar were friends?))

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3:05pm Apr 24 2010
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((Graystar is Blackstar's brother.Blackstar is trying to protect her den from a larger male loner)) Black growled and tried to attack the large black and gray wolf,but fell in that attempt.The large male laughed and ran towards her.Graystar saw and ran towards them,slaming into the lager male."Don't touch her!"Graystar snapped.Black stood up and growled.
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3:07pm Apr 24 2010
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((im getting very confused. so im nto going to post until i figure this out/ ill probably end up droppig out o3o)

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3:09pm Apr 24 2010
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((A larger male wolf is trying to take over Blackstar's pack but she is trying to defend her position))
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3:14pm Apr 24 2010
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((Who? since when? its just when you randomly throw another wolf into the plot it gets confusing. unles you mean lycander? idk))

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3:16pm Apr 24 2010
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((how about I just take out the larger wolf?I'll make it to where Black sees things that aren't really there :) ))
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