1:54pm May 1 2010
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Black pounced on Lycander again and giggled.She nuzzled his chest and licked his nose,smiling.
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2:20pm May 1 2010
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Lycander rolled growlingin her face and nipping her ear.

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2:22pm May 1 2010
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Black growled back at him and jumped off.She ran away from him,wanting Lycander to chase her.
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2:27pm May 1 2010
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Lycander just lay there staring after her smiling. ~~~~~~ Shay continued to head towards the camp her tail inbetween her legs nervously.

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2:33pm May 1 2010
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Black stopped and looked back at Lycander.She smiled and walked over to him.She laid beside him and smiled,putting her nose against his. Graystar walked,with his head held high,next to Shay,smiling."You okay?"He asked,softly.
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2:35pm May 1 2010
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Lyce smiled licking her. "Tastes like squirrle" he joked. ~~~~~ "Uhm yeah!" she said smiling walking in on Lycander and black. She quickly took a few steps back. "I dont think we should interrupt them.." she said laughing quietly.

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2:40pm May 1 2010
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"Hey!"She giggled,licking him back. "Yeah"Graystar said,walking over to his bed.He kept a watchful eye on Black and Lycander.
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2:43pm May 1 2010
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Lycander smiled again before standing up and stretching. "im tired... where can I sleep?" Shay just wondered back out int the forest tears on her face. She sound a tree and dug her nails in pulling her self up onto a thick tree branch. She settled and lay there her head on her paws. Her tears hit the gras.sy ground as she let her mind water to nothing in particular.

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2:48pm May 1 2010 (last edited on 2:49pm May 1 2010)
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"Wherever you like"She said,standing and stretching also.She walked over to her rock and climbed up it,then laid down.She watched her pack and smiled. Graystar looked after Shay and sighed.He stood up,walking over to Black's rock.He then climbed up it and began to speak quuietly with her.
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2:54pm May 1 2010
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thats cool  tle="Cool" />
6:12pm May 1 2010
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Lycander curled up in the shadows drifting off carfully to sleep. ((can we help you flare..? just randomly posting thats cool is kind of confusing..))

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6:40pm May 1 2010
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Black growled at Graystar."stay out of my business"She growled. "I'm just telling you"Graystar said,jumping off the rock.
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6:43pm May 1 2010
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Lycander looked up at black. "What was that all about?" he whispered.

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6:48pm May 1 2010
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Black looked down at him and smiled."Nothing"she said,jumping off her rock.She walked over to him and laid beside him.
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6:50pm May 1 2010
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Lycander rolled his eyes and walked away lieing down far away. He refused to be nice until she told him.

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6:53pm May 1 2010
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Black sighed and followed him."Graystar is worried about me starting to like you.He thinks you should like Shay,not me.He also thinks your the most flirty wolf in the pack,but I don't care.I like you,Lycander"Black said,nuzzling his side.
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6:56pm May 1 2010
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Lycander stoof up again sighing. " Pleas estop it. He just doesnt understand my relationship with shay." He sighed again before wandering off into the forest.

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7:00pm May 1 2010 (last edited on 7:04pm May 1 2010)
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Black watched Lycander and sighed.She ran the opposite way into the forest.She then ran into the same wolf who had attacked her.She howled and glared at the wolf.Soon it was over,Black was laying on the ground again,bleeding.She got up and limped back to the den.
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7:03pm May 1 2010
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((Gosh your an attention seeker aren't you?)) Lycander kept walking through the forest finding shay her head hung. He walked up behind her his ears pressed to his head. He nuzzled her softly. "Shay.." Shay growled menacingly. "Go away..." she said her voice choked by her tears. "I had no idea you liked me" he said trying to look her in the eye. "I don't Lycander! I just miss you as a friend..." "Well I apologise..Friends?" he asked forcing her to look at him using his nose. Shay just frowned. "i dont forgive so easily. lemme think about it." "okay..." Lyce said reluctuntly.

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7:07pm May 1 2010
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Black sighed and limped over to her rock,crawling up to the top.She turned away from her pack and started crying,softly. Graystar watched Black as she turned away from her pack."Me and my big mouth"he said.
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