3:13pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 6,409
So, does anyone want to roleplay with me? I have several ideas. - Blue Bloods - Harry Potter - This one's a bit longer, and involves an explanation... Here we go: A boy finds a cat, he takes the cat home, goes to sleep, and when he wakes up, he finds out that his cat has turned into a girl. The girl can shift between her cat and her human form, and can sprout cat ears and a tail in her human form if she wants to. - Fantasy Normally, I play as the girl. However, if you want to, we can do double couples. In other words, you create a male and a female, and I create a male and a female. Everyone's happy~
Love is all we need~
3:15pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 2,023
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
3:21pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Yay~ So, did you have any idea of what you wanted to rp? I'd really like to do the third one mentioned. :D
Love is all we need~
3:25pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Yeah i was hoping to do that one as well XD
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
3:31pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Okay. Wanna do it here, or on a different thread?
Love is all we need~
3:33pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Aww, I wanted to do the thrid one D; Oh well. I was hoping to play the kitty....))
3:50pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Mercy: Like I said, I normally play as the girl, but we if we both want to play as the girl, we would do double couples. Plus, I was only looking for one Rp. Sowwy...
Love is all we need~
3:52pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 2,023
I can do it on here if you like
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
4:05pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Okay. Bio Skelly is here~ Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: History: Other?:
Love is all we need~
4:10pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Name: She goes by several names, but most people call her Mimi or Kitty. Her real name is Madeleine. Age: She looks to be around fourteen in her human form. Gender: Female, obviously. Appearance: In her human form, Kitty is a small, slim girl. Her wavy hair is a strawberry blonde color, and it trails down to her mid-back. Mimi's skin is an average tone; it isn't pale, but it isn't tan, either. Her eyes are two slightly different colors. Kitty's right eye is bluish green, while her left eye is as blue as a sapphire. In her human form, Kitty's eyes appear to have normal pupils. Kitty stands at only 5'4". Her clothes consist of a pink tank top and a pair of short denim shorts. Her feet are always bare. In her cat form, Mimi has a peach-colored fur that matches the color of her hair in human form. Madeleine has a few darker colored tabby markings that aren't too visible unless you closely examine her. Her eyes are the same color as they are in human form. Personality: She's new, so rp it out. History: She's had the average life of a cat. Other?: She can go freely from her human form to her cat form, and she can sprout cat ears and a tail if she feels like it when she is in her human form. However, in her human form, Mimi still acts quite cat-like.
Love is all we need~
5:11pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Name:Krov Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: 
Personality: I dont know he's new History: normal Other?:
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
5:35pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Mimi's tail swished from side to side as she wandered the rainy streets of some city that she couldn't name. Her wet fur clung to her figure as the rain poured down. She ducked under a person's umbrella, only to be kicked out of the way. She turned to the person, and hissed before running to duck underneath a bench. Her ears were laid back, and she looked quite agitated. Madeleine surveyed the area. She needed some place other than a bench to hide under. She wished that someone would let her get under their umbrella without them kicking her a good two or three feet away. She shivered and sighed.
Love is all we need~
5:50pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Krov ran home from school under his umbrella, his house was just 2 down from an old bench. He ran faster and faster and tripped, He looked up and saw the bench, he sighed in relief. He looked to his side and saw a cat "Aw, he there kitty you must be cold and wet." He said as he reached out to pet her, holding the umbrella above him.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
5:55pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 5:56pm Jul 12 2011)
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Posts: 6,409
Mimi stared at the boy. For some reason, he was being nice. She looked at his outstretched hand, and sniffed it before rubbing her head against it. She came out from under the bench, and walked around the boy's feet. She purred, knowing that the boy wouldn't kick her. She wrapped her tail around his ankle, and rubbed her head against the back of his calf.
Love is all we need~
6:07pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Krov smiled and looked at her "Your such a cute cat." He said as he patted her head and stood up. "Ok Kitty follow me and stay under the umbrella." HE said and started walking towards his house. He got to his front door and opened the door to let her walk inside.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
6:20pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Mimi smiled. She followed him quietly, all the while staying under his umbrella. She went inside his house when he opened the door, and shook herself off, sending droplets of water flying. She then walked around the home just like she owned the place. She walked into the living room, and layed down on the couch. She began to clean her face off by licking her paw, and rubbing it on her head. She did that for a while, and let out a meow to signify that she finished.
Love is all we need~
6:25pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Krov watched the cat "Hey, where are you going?" He asked as he followed into the living room. He sat on his knees beside the couch. "Hey you know you dont own the place right?" HE said as he laughed and patted. "Your sleeping in my room tonight, my parents wont be to proud of you just roaming around the house." HE said as he picked her up.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
6:34pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Mimi was a bit miffed when he picked her up from her comfortable spot on the couch, but she noticed that the boy wasn't careless when he picked her up. Usually, when people picked Madeleine up, they tended to squeeze her, causing her to scratch them and bite. However, Krov wasn't like that. He seemed to be a bit more experienced than Mimi's past owners. She let him pick her up with a small sigh. She flicked her tail in a calm manner, and stared out a nearby window.
Love is all we need~
6:43pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 2,023
Krov smiled and brought her up to his room and layed her down on his bed "Now you stay here while i go take a shower." He said as he walked into the bathroom. He got into the shower and smiled, he finally had someone he could talk to.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
6:47pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Mimi huffed when he set her on his bed. She made herself at home by messing up the covers, and curled up in a ball on top of them. She purred and her tail twitched absentmindedly. She yawned, and let her eyes close. However, she wasn't asleep just yet.
Love is all we need~