(( Obliviousness all the way! Short post, but eh.))
"Well, em... not be offend you, sir, but you're not very good at being a demon, are you? I mean, all the real demons I've heard of try to look a bit more supernatural, y' know? I guess you could have said you look like a wolf because, um, it represents me fighting my inner demons or something... but... you don't look very much like me."
Something had been nagging Copper for the duration of the confrontation, and the longer he ignored it the more embara.ssing it was to consider. However, there was probably no situation more awkward that one the one he was in right now, so it couldn't hurt to take a break and think. There was also the slight issue of having to dig the repressed though out of wherever he had buried it, but no doubt he'd remember before everything caught up to him.
Copper flicked his ears in what he hoped showed that he needed a moment to ponder something, and wriggled his tightly-curled tail a bit for a good measure. Then, satisfied with his communication skills, he plopped onto his haunches and tried to remember.