8:00pm May 3 2010
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Xavier smiled, "Zane, just who I wanted to see." his smile disappered, "A pup from Agrado pack somehow got to out lands day before yest. I chased them off, though. I'm sure that next time you will notcie so it is not a warrior or an alpha wo drifts here, yes?"
2:40am May 4 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Arlori sat up straight and flicked her ear in greeting. "Hi, daddy!" Arlori beamed at Xavier. Family was family, and even though Xavier was protective of Arlori, she always behaved informally in front of Xavier, such as calling him 'daddy' instead of 'father'. Ignoring his reaction to seeing her and Zane playing, Arlori put on a face of astonishment. "Those Agrado wolves have to teach their pups to behave!" She said. "What if it was an aggressive wolf from our pack next time? The poor thing would be killed."
2:58pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 6,800
Xavier smiled. "Yes, Arlori." he blinked his icey eyes and glanced to Zane, then his eyes pulled back to his daughter. "They should definatly thank the Gods the guard, though not needed-" He chuckled, "Is not agressive." His tail batted at a small bug. "I am going hunting, I saw some deer just near the woods. Would either of you like t come?"
4:01am May 5 2010
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Arlori's gaze hardened when she thought her father disliked Zane. Then her eyes softened when he offered to hunt. She gently nudged Zane. "Come on, let's go hunting!" She howled, and sprinted off. No matter how much she loves both of the wolves, Arlori always had a competitive streak running in her blood.
3:20pm May 5 2010
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Xavier nudged Zane with a chuckle. "Go on, go after her. I hapen to know she would like you to." He smiled, and slowly padded off after his daughter, then stopped and waited for Zane to follow.
7:45am May 7 2010
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Posts: 5,998
Arlori sneaked around the trees, her eyes bright and curious. She barely hunted deer before, especially large ones. She crept quietly amongst the gr*censored*, until she came across a small meadow, perfect for grazing deer. In the middle, stood a rather large herd of deer. Arlori's sly eyes quickly saw a small doe straying from the herd, intent on a rather sunny spot. Creeping slowly, putting one paw in front of the other, Arlori silently slinked across to where the doe was standing. She was barely three wolf-lengths from the doe, and the foolish animal didn't even notice her. Arlori smiled. 'This is going to be easy.' She thought.
6:04pm May 7 2010
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Posts: 6,800
Xavier snuck up behind her. "Careful." He wispered. (Braindead. :x)
6:47pm May 7 2010 (last edited on 4:00pm May 12 2010)
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Name: Dawn|| Dusk|| Kismet
Age: Mid Adult|| Mid Adult|| Young Adult
Gender: Female||Male|| Female Pack / Rank: Huntress, Ziver|| Guard, Ziver|| Betess, Agrado Crush / Mate: Open||Open||Open. XD Family:Dusk is Dawn's brother|| Dawn is Dusk's sister|| Only child, the rest died..... History: Her mother was a huntress, and father a stray. Her mother was kicked out of the pack after they found out oabout the stray, and she had her pups (Dusk&Dawn) They let the pups live in the pack || Same as Dawn's|| Her mother had a litter of only 4 pups, and the other 3 died from lack of food. :C Looks:  click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')">
Why the cloud, Sunny?
6:02pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 304
((Sorry :x My sister recently got back from Japan...I have yet to see her in 4 years so...)) Zane huffed, he could feel the disdain coming from Arlori's father. It made him uncomfortable, and jiddery. "Uh, I guess I will go..." He got up and trotted towards the forest.
9:47pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 6,800
Xavier chuckled, watching Zane. As he slipped up behind Alori, he wispered: "Carefull."
5:37pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 6,800
7:44pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 304
BUMp *fails* 8c
3:49pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 5,512
((joinage :D))
4:10pm May 12 2010
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Posts: 2,185
WANTED: Adult Zenirix - blonde{X} Adult Zenirix - amber{}
6:02am May 14 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Sorry for not talking :x Had to go on a school trip for the weekdays]] Arlori nodded her head quietly, and struck at the doe. She aimed a leap at the neck, and brought the unsuspecting doe down quickly, clinging onto the deer's neck until the struggles grew weaker. When the doe was still, Arlori triumphantly sat up, and wagged her tail.
7:32am May 14 2010
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Posts: 5,406
((goldeh can i join because you love meh? and snoweh 0,o <---- ofl hehehe))
6:41pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 6,800
Xavier smiled to himself, padded towards her, "Good job," He stated mindlesly. He stared down at the female dear, and looked back at Alori. "A clean kill. Almost never happens on a first try."
7:08pm May 15 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3
Age: 6 months
Gender: female
Pack / Rank: Ziver / loner
Crush / Mate:looking
Family: dead
History: she does not remember She is pure white with ice blue eyes. http://adrielhampton.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/wolf-dog.jpg
7:14pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 3
Emi hid in the tall gr*censored* watching the wolves hunt. She wanted desperatly to join but she had no idea what to do, or what to say for that matter. She saw one of the wolves turn his head back and she crouched even lower before slinking off under a rock waiting for them to leave.
7:20pm May 15 2010
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Posts: 6,800
(Who turned their head..?)