8:34pm Apr 27 2011
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((I like pie, or at least certain types ;D May I join as a Guardian?))
I\'m back.
8:39pm Apr 27 2011
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((Kate, sure. ;D))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
9:08pm Apr 27 2011
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Name: Sanae Aoi Age: 16 Gender: Female Species: Angel Powers: ... What kind of power can an Angel have? o_o Appearance: note: This was drawn for me by the lovely Gerychi [cos she loves me :U] I paid for this, and if I see anyone else using this... then face my wraith ._. Personality: Sanae, overall, has a gentle and generally kind nature. She's fiercely competitive, and always wants to be in first-place, however, and Sanae is also terribly dense, unable to figure out if she's in trouble or not. She believes in her own version of justice, and does anything she could to have it delivered. She's rather adventurous, and overly curious. Sanae's rather stubborn, and has a one-track mind. If she has her mind set on something, it will be incredibly hard to stop her. Other: Crush on Brian later? :x --- Name: Natsume Tsuyoi Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Animus Powers: Can shift into a black cat Appearance: Personality: Natsume is more of a knight than anything else. He has the stereotypical air of nobility and loyalty, and he never backs down from a challenge or a promise. Despite his all-around bishounen features, Natsume doesn't mind tormenting other people who he is not acquainted with. Because of this, he comes off as an arrogant jerk most of the time, and doesn't mind sticking with that ti tle. He's a bit cold, stiff and formal, and really dislikes childish people. [seriously, if you join with a girl that's a punk or anything, he's not gonna like her and never really will :x ] Job: ...Err... -not sure about other choices-

9:59pm Apr 27 2011
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Name~ Salem Gender~ Male Age~ 17 (Angel years, is older in human years) Species~ Angel Powers~ Uhh? He can fly and do other angel stuffs :D Looks~ 
*Plus a silver halo. Also, image is not mine*
Position/Job/Duty~ Guardian Pets~ None currently Crush~ None currently
Personality~ He is typically bubbly and happy, but is upset when someone he cares for is in trouble. His mood is influenced by the mood of those around him. He is fairly patient, and rarely does he become angry. Because he is a guardian, he is naturally protective of the one he guards. Other~ The one he was guarding recently died of unknown causes, meaning he needs another to guard. ((I hope I'm not throwing the gender ratio too off))
I\'m back.
12:03pm Apr 28 2011 (last edited on 6:10pm Apr 28 2011)
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Name~ Elias Shale Gender~ Male Age~ Appears to be 19. Species~ He's a devil. :K Powers~ He can use shadows to change his form, and can also walk through the shadows as if they were simple hallways. He can bring his shadows to life as well, and has a familliar that is a black cat that sits curled around his shoulders at all times, watching everyone with its unsettling orange eyes. Looks~
 Position/Job/Duty~ He's the PRINCE! D:< Pets (if any)~ Does his shadow familiar count? XD Crush~ Open Personality~ He's a dark, almost seductive guy. Well, I suppose he follows the general persona of your average Incubus, which is what species of demon he is. ;D He is also childishly sadistic, and likes to watch the worms (Humans) squirm whenever they have to be brought into hsi presence for performing acts against the demonic kingdom. He's also a flirt if he actually finds a girl that suits his fancy, which isn't very often. Other~ None~ Name~ Amille Morsune Gender~ Female Age~ 18 Species~ Animus Powers~ Um...Besides turning into a raven? Well, she can summon a whole murder of crows to help her along the way when she's not in her little birdy form. Looks~
 But...in this outfit:
 And yes. The hood has ears. She likes fuzzy things. xD Position/Job/Duty~ She's just a citizen, I suppose. <3 Pets (if any)~ Believe ti or not, she has a pet dove. xD Crush~ Open. Personality~ Despite her appearance of being an evil omen, seeing as she's a raven animus, she actually has a pretty gentle disposition. She's easily depressed though, and is quick to burst into tears. She hates being made fun of for being a bird, and, unfortunately, she isn't very fond of cats. Bad experiences as a youngster. ;c Other~ None, really.
Name~ Elicia Marcille Gender~ Female Age~ 17 Species~ Animus Powers~ She can shift into a white lioness, and has control over light. She likes to make colorful balls of light dance around. <3 Looks~

 Position/Job/Duty~ Princess. ouo Pets (if any)~ She has a little black american shorthair kitten named Marx. Crush~ Open~ Personality~ She's a sweet girl who is also extremely shy, despite her being a lion. She hates having to make tough decisions and would rather just be able to be a normal girl instead of a princess. She also longs for romance, believe it or not. Other~ None~

5:17pm Apr 28 2011
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((Rika, sure, you can make an Animus Princess. ;D So, Elias is the devil prince, am I correct? Oh and Tld, sure, Sanae can crush on Brian. c: And no, the gender ratio is fine. I really could care less about it, actually. xD; The rp shall start right after I make another character. ;D))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
5:24pm Apr 28 2011
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((Yup./ He sure is. <3 And hokai. c: I'll make her here in a sec. xD))
5:52pm Apr 28 2011 (last edited on 6:03pm Apr 28 2011)
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((Here comes my character! ;D EDIT: Nevermind, I changed my mind. ;c Oh and I'll start the rp when Rika posts her bio and everyone (or at least most of you) are online.))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:11pm Apr 28 2011
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((Princess posted. c:))
6:12pm Apr 28 2011 (last edited on 6:40pm Apr 28 2011)
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((Hmmm.... Should I wait for the others or start now? D: EDIT: I checked the users online. Here are the members of this rp that are currently online. ;D Sarya (me)- Yes! 8D Rika- Yep. ;o PinkParadise- Uh-huh. c: Dartmith- Nope. ;c Kate- No. D8 Tld- *shakes head* D: EDIT 2- Rika just logged off. D8))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
7:55pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 4,685
((Must... start.... D8)) Crystal fluttered her wings and took off into the air, leaving a trail of faerie dust, those little sparkles of magic, behind her. She really had no plan in mind, she was just bored with nothing to do. Eventually, after she got sick and tired of just sitting on a rock testing her magic on nearby objects, so she had decided to fly around. That sure would use up some energy, and maybe she might find something to do. "What the..?" In front of her, a giant tree had just popped out of nowhere. Crystal couldn't react in time, and ended up crashing into it and landing on her back. "Ow," she muttered, getting up and brushing the dust off herself. "Who put that stupid tree there?" She stared at it for a moment, and then looked around. No one was there. "Idiot," she muttered. "If I find them I'll rip their neck off." ~~~ Brian happened to be walking in the woods. His hand was trembling, and he was holding a gun that was meant to kill all sorts of species. He heard a rustle in the bushes, and jumped. He spun around, pointing the gun out. "You can't eat me!" he cried out without thinking, his voice echoing. A small bunny jumped out from behind the bush, and hopped away. Brian, who's face was red with embarassment, smacked his forehead hard. "I'm such an idiot."
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
8:46pm Apr 28 2011
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Salem, staring deeply into his own reflection on the surface of a distant lake, was quite upset about the loss of his guarded companion. He touched a twig to the surface, watching his image break apart as the surface was disturbed. He sighed. Who would he guard now? He wondered when the master of the guardians would give him a new as.signment. Until then, he just had to be patient, which wasn't hard for him. In a sudden flicker, he felt the distress of another, which was an instinct he had. He sprung to his feet so quick that he nearly stumbled, but he managed to regain balance. He didn't have to sprint for long before he came to a fairie standing beside a tree. She didn't appear injured, but it didn't hurt to be sure. "Are you alright?" He asked in a friendly tone, examining the farie for bruising.
I\'m back.
8:55pm Apr 28 2011
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(I was gardening. ouo)
9:25pm Apr 28 2011
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Crystal looked at Salem, and observed him for a while before answering. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said. Noticing that he didn't look like he planned to leave, she decided to start a conversation. After all, she was bored. "So.... I'm Crystal. And you?" she said darkly. She's only sweet to people she trusts, so obviously, she's not gonna smile. ((Fail post. e_o))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
9:26pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((There is a town here right?)) Paig was walking around the town a black hood over her gray ears and her hands in her pockets. She didn't look emo at all or unhappy. She had a slight smile on her face looking at all the peolpe. She didn't like being alone so she tended to stick to where alot of people were at. She was humming along to the tune of a song she had forgotten the name of but she liked the tune so she didn mind. She noded her head as if to say "Hi" to some people who would grin at her in greeting to be polite. Just because she liked pulling pranks on other people doesn't mean she can't be nice. She smalled some food not to far off. Around the corner she geussed so she followed the smell to a streetside vendor buying what he had and ate the food on the go leaving the man the 75 cens that was left from what she paid him. She noded her head to him politly before she left.
9:29pm Apr 28 2011
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((Datmith, yes. ;D And I gtg. D: Please don't go too far ahead without me.))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
9:37pm Apr 28 2011
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(Ohyeah. I wanna make my princess a brother. XD;)
9:37pm Apr 28 2011
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((aww bye and just making sure if there wasn't.....akward))
10:00pm Apr 28 2011
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"Oh, me? I'm Salem." He flashed a sad smile. It just wasn't the same as being by the side of his old companion, not by far. But this company was better than no company, so he decided to enjoy what he had. "Hey, umm... You think you'd be up for a walk to town together?" He found it odd to ask a stranger to walk with him, but perhaps she wouldn't mind. Upon closer inspection, she looked rather bored, after all. And... Empty? As if her emotions were hidden from the eyes of the angel boy. Anyway, he'd have to travel to town either way, with company or without, to pick up a guardian as.signment. He wished to himself that he'd get a kind person to guard, as he'd be with them for a long time.
I\'m back.
10:15pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Paig finished the hotdog and found a trash can to throw away the wraping in. The hot dog was tasty, the tasty one Paig had ever had but then again she hadn't had many hot dogs in her life. She walked around the town looking for something to do. Maybe there will be someone I can prank? She thought forgetting that she had lost all her prank things somewhere...she forgot where.