11:51pm Apr 28 2011
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[[Yay xD]] Natsume sauntered through the woods, climbing up a tree and perching on a steady branch. His cat ears flicked, pricked and alert in case anyone was stupid enough to try and attack him. Natsume stared blankly into the forest. It was rather noisy, with birds chirping and bugs buzzing through the air. Natsume started wondering if he should catch a bird and have roasted bird for lunch, smirking at the thought. --- Sanae happily fluttered through the air, spinning and twirling without a care in the world. Sanae knew that she should have been searching for another person to protect, but why should she? She hadn't been assigned one in some time, and she was rather enjoying her prolonged holiday. Sanae alighted in a tree, her stomach grumbling slightly and her wings aching. "Ah, it's good to be alive today." She told herself with a grin. "HEYRABBIT!" She said when she spotted a cute rabbit. It apparently frightened the animal, as it darted off. "Hey, no, come back, bunny!" Sanae tried to chase it down, ending up crashing through the bushes and almost hitting a boy. "Uh... Hello!" Sanae said, folding her wings in case they would startle him. She had let the bunny go away, or was it the kid that scared it off?

1:25pm Apr 29 2011
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((Hurr. ouo My Animuses (Or is it Animi?) are in the city. The Princess is in disguise, and the raven girl is just walking around. Anyone can randomly find them if they want. xD;)) Elias sat beneath a tree with a slightly smug grin on his face, the split-hair-coored boy leaning back against the trunk of the tree while his shadow familiar lay curled up on his lap. He laughed softly, shifting to stroke the cat's fur, tilting his head slightly as he did. "Well, looks like we gave my guardians the slip, eh?" he chuckled. The cat meowed in agreement, purring at the attention it received. "I wonder if there are any girls I'll like out here today. I've had a hard time finding them lately," he said in a matter-of-fact way that would propbably earn him a good slap if any girls had actually heard him.
5:48pm Apr 29 2011
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Brian stared at the girl for a moment, his cheeks red. "I-I'm sorry," he said. "W-was I in your way?" He tightly gripped the gun, afraid she might attack or something. But it didn't look like it. She looked pretty kind, actually. Kind of pretty, too.... He thought. "Oh, and I'm B-Brian. ((Fail. D:)) ~~~ "Sure whatever," Crystal said. "Just make sure it won't be for long." As they were walking, Crystal heard someone talking. She stopped and listened for a while, but she only heard him saying 'finding them lately'. Finding what, his shoes? Crystal decided that she should go find that person since something cool might be going on. She doubted it, though. But hey, it wouldn't hurt to try. "Salem, I need to leave. You can come too if you want." Without even letting him answer, she took off. She slowed down, and peeked from behind a tree. She saw a demon leaning on the trunk of a tree, and observed him for a while. She quickly hid back behind the tree and slumped down. Her cheeks were red, and she was staring at her feet. What am I feeling...? she thought. I-I never felt like this before in my entire life..... I've experienced many different feelings, but nothing like this. It's like a mixture of happiness and.... something. Love, maybe? No, a crush. Wait, aren't they the same thing? No... love is probably more intense. I seriously don't know...... ((I have a question. Are those things on her back wings? I'm still not sure if they are. I'm just wondering, because I still haven't figured if they are real wings or fake wings strapped to her clothes. xD;))

Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:08pm Apr 29 2011
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((I'm pretty sure their fake wings.))
6:18pm Apr 29 2011
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Posts: 4,685
((Darn. Just what I thought. :P But in the rp they're real.))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:43pm Apr 29 2011
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Posts: 5,578
((Fine with me)) Paig walked around her hand back in her pockets. A gust of wind blew her hood onto her head. She looked up with out moving her head too look at the hood then looked back to the street. She crossed the street into the park and walked around. She took the hood off her head so she didn't look all grumpy and unhappy. She didn't like it when she looked like that she liked to be inviting. It was easyer to play pranks on people when they opened up to her. Although sometimes she didn't prank them because they didn't seem like the right kind of person. She looked around the park her head turning this way and that. There were loads of people here which she definately liked. She took a place on a bench and sat down. She taped her fingr=ers on her legs as she looks around not sure what to do exactly.
8:31pm Apr 29 2011
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((I gtg. D: One more post for each of you and then that's it until I'm on again. Sorry, but I just hate it when people go too far ahead without me. D:))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
8:38pm Apr 29 2011
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"Rejected" The blonde angel stated, watching his only company dash off to meet another. "Face it Salem, you're nothing without someone to guard and protect. That is your duty, after all." He glared into the sky, as if disappointed with his destiny. How could he achive happiness if his fate was to serve others? But that was what he was here for, and if that was he must do then he'd do it as best as he could. With confidence, he began to approach the town. When he arrived, he immeadiatly entered the office of the guardians. He stepped to the main desk, smiling politely at all his superiors, who were scattered and busy with their own matters. "I'm here for an assignment." He proudly declared. "Oh yes, Salem. It seems we have a high demand for guardian services lately, thank heavens you came when you did." The lady who spoke shared the traits of an angel, with bright white wings and a halo. She begn to search through file after file, selecting one with extreme care. "Ashame what happened to your other one, it is. I know the two of you were close." She wore an ex pression of sympathy. "Here you are." She handed the angel boy the file she had chosen. "Be gentle with this one, she is a princess. You may read through the file if you'd like, just return it when you're done." Salem stepped to the side. The woman at the counter returned to her previous work, appearing very busy. With slight hesitation, he opened the file, begining to examine the information. Elicia Marcille. Aged 17. Species: Amimus. Status: Princess. There was plenty more information such as a photo, a birth certificate copy, a deion of her powers, a family tree and so forth. The office here sure did have the scoop on anyone and everyone. But he didn't find the rest of the info of great importance, so he returned the file and soon after left the building. 'Gotta find her.' He though, nervous and excited. He felt a pull deep in his soul, almost like a magnet pulling him to her. This was an instinct for him as a guardian. He dashed eagerly around several alleys and bends, coming to a dead halt in front of the one he was seeking. "Princess." He was clearly unaware that she was in disguise. "Allow me to introduce myself." He spoke in his most calm and proper tone. "I have been sent to guard and protect you. It will be a pleasure to serve you." He bowed his head politely, lowering his wings as well. ((Sorry 'tis so long XD))
I\'m back.
8:42pm Apr 29 2011
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((Oh and one more thing before I go: Crystal has a secret that shall be revealed later in the rp. ;D))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
8:52pm Apr 29 2011
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Posts: 5,578
Paig just sat on the bench minding her own business. She was deeply bored but she didn't really like going up to people and starting a conversation although she did like being around others. She hummed along to a song she remmbered and tapped her fingers on her legs to the beat of the drums. Her head turned this way and that looking around still humming and playing the air drums.
10:43pm Apr 29 2011
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Sanae shook her head. "Oh, no, no. I was just chasing... A rabbit." She chirped. Sanae gave the gun an odd look. "That's strange. The woods are pretty safe during this time." She observed. "Because of the angels and such." Sanae curled her wings in more, careful to not reveal them to Brian. "My name is Sanae. It's a pleasure to meet you, Brian." She grinned cheerfully. "Are you a human?" She asked. --- [[... What should I do with Natsume D: ]]
8:03am Apr 30 2011
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Elias blinked once, then looked up when he sensed soneone was nearby. He stood up and looked around, deep red eyes narrowing slightly. "Alright, come out. I know you're here. It's nearly impossible to sneak up on a devil Prince." Then, he melted into the shadows, reappearing in front of what looked to be a faerie-girl. Well, his head did, at least.
"Ah, there you are. If you want to sneak a peek, you should be a bit...sneakier," he purred in that sultry little way most demons had. Especislly Incubus and succubus demons. And Elias just so happened to be an Incubus. Go figure, eh?
Elicia's eyes widened when the Guardian called her 'Princess', the lion-girl quickly moving to cover his mouth. "Don't call me Princess here. There are humans, so I have to remain in disguise!" she said softly, motioning to the fact that her ears and tail were covered at the moment. She looked around, then let out a relieved sigh when she saw that nobody had noticed, her teal eyes closing slightly as she relaxed. "Just call me Elicia, okay?"
(This looks like a decent reply on my phone. x.x)

6:39pm Apr 30 2011 (last edited on 6:39pm Apr 30 2011)
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Posts: 4,685
((Sorry everyone, but I'll be gone from res from a while. ;c A virus infected my PC. This will be my last post for a while. D8 Please don't do anything without me.))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
6:49pm Apr 30 2011
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((Should we just.... Stop?))
I\'m back.
9:26pm Apr 30 2011
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((No, wait, nevermind. I can use my laptop instead. c: I don't use it often, though, so it might take me a while to get used to it. xD I'll post in the rp tomorrow. Gtg to bed.))
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
9:37am May 1 2011
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((I fail. xD)) Crystal looked up at Elias, and her face paled. She was hoping he hadn't seen her blushing and staring at her feet like an idiot. And geez, she really does need to practice her hiding skills. She just continued to stare at him awkwardly, trying to think of something to say so that he wouldn't mistaken her as some idiot. And hadn't he referred to himself as the Prince? Crystal tried remembering what he had said, and surely enough, he did. "It's nearly impossible to sneak up on a devil prince," He had said. Now Crystal really felt like an idiot. She had no clue that he was the Prince until now. Well, no one really knew who she was, either, so it didn't really matter. But then again, she actually tried to keep her identity secret, so it isn't shocking that almost no one knows who she is. Finally, she managed to say something. "Well, you found me," she said, smiling. But only slightly, not her smile that she rarely shows. "I'm Crystal. And you are?" Her wings fluttered a bit, and stopped. She tends to flutter them when she's happy. ~~~ "Yes, I'm a human," he said, thinking Sanae was human too because he couldn't see her wings. "You're a human too, right?" He was calming down a bit, and he didn't stutter. Once he starts to get used to people, he doesn't stutter or get nervous.
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
9:47am May 1 2011
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Sanae felt part of her face twitch when he asked if she was human. It was out of instinct to hide her wings, what would he say if she suddenly unfurled them. Sanae sighed. Lying was something she was horrible at. Looking back up at Brian, Sanae tilted her head to one side. "Would you shoot me if I told you I wasn't?" She asked him innocently.
9:54am May 1 2011
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"Huh.. what?" he said, as if he had no clue what she was talking about. He had forgotten about his gun until now. Then, he wondered why she thought he would shoot her. He wouldn't shoot a human. But, wait... what if she wasn't? Her question made him wonder if he would. He thought for a moment before answering. "Well, it depends. If you planned to eat me or something, then yes. If not, then I probably wouldn't."
Don't read my sig. I said, don't read my sig. You're still reading it, aren't you? .......... STOP READING IT. D:<
10:43am May 1 2011
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Sanae laughed, shaking her head. The boy really had an imagination. "No, I don't think angels eat humans." She said, unfurling her black wings. She glanced at them. It was odd, to have an angel with black wings, but Sanae had never been accused of being something evil. She looked back at Brian. "Sorry about surprising you and everything." She said.
11:50am May 1 2011
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"Oh, I am sorry Prin- Er... Elicia." Salem stuttered, not used to calling those he guarded by their first name. He paused, examining her, and then checking his surroundings. "Come with me, Elicia." He gently took her hand, leading her into the depths of the nearby forest. When he got far enough in he glanced around, assuring that there was no soul in sight. "Why are you in disguise? Have you done something wrong? Committed a crime?" He curiously stared into her teal eyes. The angel boy already recognized that she wasn't your typical princess, and he liked this fact.
I\'m back.