4:10pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 8:15pm Jul 30 2011)
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Members; - Detneth106 [Det] - shadowfax [Shad] - LadyNightFyre [Fyre] - emeraldwing [Em] - Tld [Tld] - winterisis [Isis] - Dragonstar [Dragon] Rules; No god-modeling or powerplaying. Please follow all Res rules here. This is a semi-literate to literate role-play. At least two paragraphs, both over four lines. Post your bio to join. Ages 15 - 18. Only Europeans and Lungs are riding dragons. You role-play both rider and dragon. We begin the role-play with the new riders getting their eggs. Feel free to make teachers. They use the same bio. Human Skeleton; Name; Nickname; Dragon; Age; Gender; Appearance; Personality; Crush; Other; Dragon Skeleton; Name; Nickname; Rider; Species; Age; Gender; Appearance; Personality; Other; Dragon Species; Western Dragon; The typical Western, or European, dragon closely resembles a dinosaur or quadruped lizard. They had large, usually horned, heads, four powerful legs and wings large enough to carry their body weight. Fire was a common breath weapon among them and they come in a variety of colors. They reach a size upwards of 45 ft. long and height of 17 ft. - green
- red
- blue
- gold
- silver
- white
- piebald (asymmetrical spotting of typically two colors -black/white)
http://tinyurl.com/3td39rt Eastern Dragon; The typical Eastern, or Lung dragon, appeared to look like large serpents. They had flowing manes which typically stretched down the length of their back and a long sinuous body. Though quadruped like Europeans they do not have wings, but fly with the aid of magic. They do not have a breath weapon and tend to come in two colors or more. They reach a size upwards of 40 ft. long and 15 ft. high. - gold & red/blue/green (color applies to scales or mane)
- black & red/blue/green (color applies to scales or mane)
http://tinyurl.com/3f5e75w Lesser Wyvern; Lesser Wyverns look much like the European dragons, but they are bipedal. They have two muscular hind feet that support their small horny bodies. Instead of arms they have bat-like wings that are typically double their body length. They can spit acid but have no breath weapon. Their colors tend to be dull. They reach a size upwards of 7 ft. long and 5 ft. high. (Note: they are letter carriers and house pets, not ride-able) - green (any shade)
- brown
- black
- gray (dark or light)
http://tinyurl.com/6bjmzw5 Knucker; Knuckers are skinny and long creatures that do not much resemble other dragons. They have stunted wings that are too small to allow them to fly and whiplash tails that make up almost 3/4 of their body length. They do have a venomous bite but no breath weapon. Their colors are dull. They reach a size upwards of 30 ft. long and 6 ft. high. (Note: they are wild dragons, not ride-able) - dark brown
- dark murky green
- dark gray
http://tinyurl.com/5v2982o Amphithere; Amphitheres are similar to Lungs in their snake-like appearance, but that is where similarities end. They have scaled serpent bodies and large feathered wings that sprout just above their shoulder blades. Amphitheres have no legs. They tend to have feathered 'manes' and have a European-stylized head. Fire is their only breath weapon. They have a mixture of dull and bright coloring. They reach a size upwards of 45 ft. long and 10 ft. high. (Note: they are wild dragons, not ride-able) - orange and white piebald (feathers are black)
- white and black piebald (feathers are red)
- green and dark brown piebald (feathers are black)
- red and white piebald (feathers are black)

4:10pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 3:27pm Aug 2 2011)
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Wyvern Acres; Wyvern Acres is a large plot of land in the middle of nowhere, quite literally. The nearest town, which is almost too small to be called that, is about a seven hour drive away. Wyvern Acres sprawls over 3,000 acres of fields, forests and even a lake. Most of the buildings are located towards the north, next to a large lake and a small forest. It consists of a large main building where the students eat, sleep and take lessons not requiring their dragons. To its left is a large stable that houses all the dragons, as well as a smithy, leatherworker and farrier. This opens out into a large field that is used for training beginning dragonriders. Beside the stable is the hatchery, where all unclaimed eggs and claimed dragonets live. No one but trained staff are allowed in here. Students may enter if permitted and accompanied by a teacher. To the right is the forest, which is used for battle and agility training, due to the large amounts of imps and demons in there. The rest of the plot is open land, where intermediate riders are allowed to fly around during free time. Wyvern Acres is surrounded by a magical barrier that keeps out all outsiders. Teachers; Headmaster Fabian; a stern and strict woman who has lived with dragons for thirty-eight of her fifty years. She is known for being a hard taskmaster yet the best teacher any dragonrider could ask for. Headmaster Fabian was once a great at the competitions but left after an accident to manage Wyvern Acres. Diana Ross; Diana is the second-in-command next to Headmaster Fabian and in charge of the daily lessons, chores and anything that needs doing. She is known to be kind, but serious, and treats dragons as if they were her own children. She doesn't approve of mistreating any creatures. She also leads the opening tour for all new riders and gives them their first eggs. Dragons and Aging; Dragons, as many of you know, are powerful creatures capable of standing up to many of today's weapons as well as any creature that dares cross them. However, just like any other animal dragons must reproduce, and from that comes dragonets. Dragonets are somewhat like horses, able to walk and run within hours of birth. However, fleeing will not keep them alive. Therefore dragons, though they live longer than even humans, are known for having a very short aging process. Basic Reproduction & Growth;
When a female dragon is ready to mate she will often be very selective, choosing not only the strongest male but also the most intelligent and the hardiest of them all. A year after mating a female dragon will have what is known as a clutch of eggs, typically holding up to ten to sixteen eggs. This can vary from species to species, but this is the average number for western and eastern dragons. These eggs require heat to hatch and the mother will build a cairn out of non-flammable materials to house the eggs, so she may 'stoke' them every few hours to keep up the temperature. It is also known that temperature affects the gender of the dragonet, with more heat creating females and less ending in males. After seven weeks as eggs they will begin to hatch, with the babies using a special 'egg horn' to break their way out. This disintegrates after birth. Hatching can take hours to even a few days and the mother will not leave the eggs' side until all the dragonets are hatched.
When they grow up dragons become fearsomely large creatures, capable of reaching lengths of up to forty-five feet. However, dragonets are fairly small, being no larger than a loaf of bread at birth. Typically western hatchlings are around one foot in length and anything from a fourth of a foot to half of a foot high. Eastern hatchlings are lengthier and can be born as long as two or even three feet.
Due to their diet of raw meat dragonets grow fairly quickly, double their weight within two days due to a slow metabolism. As they become more active, playing and fighting with their siblings, this fat will be shed and instead turn into muscles. By a week dragonets will typically have reached the size of a medium hunting dog. After three weeks they will be the size of a large pony or small horse. By four they will be taller than humans and certainly longer.
This is where the hatchlings' growth begins to slow. By now they are more independant, hunting on their own and establishing a rigid social order between themselves. At about six weeks of age they will only have gained a foot or two in length and height. But by now they are large enough to defend themselves from most predators, though their scales are still hardening as they acclimatize themselves to a diet of gemstones and meat.
Most dragons' size gain varies depending on their sustenance and how much they get. However, when talking in dragonrider terms, a dragon will be ridable by eight weeks. Before then they are typically made to adjust to the weight of a saddle and learn basic commands.
When a dragon reaches two or three years they have found their prime size, though they may continue to grow a few centimeters each year.
(Note: this is a guide to western and eastern dragons. Any others do not follow this guide.) Dragonriders; Branwen Nye; Det
Ari Haydon; Tld Nathaniel Sterling; Tld Katrina Envy; Shad Faile Hughes; Fyre Garrett Michaels; Fyre
Jethro Reagan; Seren Jadaria Katanna; Em Jacob Katanna; Em Zakeru Tokage; Dragon Dragons; Xun; Det
Roelm; Tld Kalsera; Tld Shard; Shad Kibou; Fyre Aonghus; Fyre
Alcyone; Seren
Kantu; Em Sakura; Em Ari; Drago

4:10pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 5:05pm Jul 1 2011)
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Posts: 9,641
Human Skeleton; Name; Branwen Nye Nickname; Brynn (she prefers this) Dragon; Xun Age; Seventeen Gender; Female Appearance; Branwen has that stereotypical red hair and blue eyes look, coupled with freckles all over her nose and cheeks. Her eyes are actually central heterochromatic, with a bright blue iris that turns into brilliant orange around the pupil. Branwen's hair is dark ginger with wild curls she keeps in a messy side part. Her bangs cover up the left half of her face unless she tucks them behind her ear. It is cut at her middle/upper back. Branwen's skin is Caucasian and fairly pale, her nose fairly straight though a bit upturned at the end and somewhat 'pouty' lips coupled with high cheek bones. She is sort of tall, being 5'7", and weighs around 113 lbs. Her body shape is wiry and she has some muscle though not enough to give her definition. Branwen has a small chest and hips.
She usually wears dark gray shorts and a plain black tank-top. On her feet she usually as classic Converse. When dragonriding Branwen will wear black or blue skinny jeans and a long-sleeved top to protect against the wind. On her feet she'll have sturdy boots. Personality; Branwen's not loud nor quiet, she isn't forceful but she isn't a pushover either. She's just a bit of a neutral entity that tries not to get in messes. She hates large crowds but feels awkward when she's left alone with someone, especially if she has nothing in common with that person. Amongst her friends, however, Branwen loves to giggle and talk and chatter on about useless things. She has low tolerance to sugar or caffeine and gets a bit loopy when she has some. Branwen takes dragonriding seriously and is totally ready to start raising her own dragon. Crush; Open Other; Her mother is a rider so Branwen already knows a bit about dragons. However, it's sketchy and not particularly useful. She has never ridden one before. Dragon Skeleton; Name; Xun Nickname; His name's too short. Rider; Branwen Nye Species; European dragon Age; Egg/Dragonet Gender; Male Appearance; Xun looks like a typical European dragon, despite having a sleeker body than usual. He is about 43 ft. in length and has a height of 16 ft. His build is very aerodynamic, without any spikes or horns to slow him down. He does, however, have a row of tines that stick out haphazardly from his head and neck. However, these can retract whenever he starts flying. Xun's scales are pebbled blue-and-gray and do not deviate from his color except for his tines, which are black. His eyes are shiny black. Personality; Xun is a bit flighty and he loves to have fun. He's generally adventurous and loves roaming around inspecting new things. He can't concentrate on things for too long but since he absorbs knowledge like a sponge this isn't too detrimental to his learning. Other; No

5:01pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 1,255
Interested in maybe? two characters. One European dragon and one lung? If accepted, I will post this evening when I get home from work!

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
5:04pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Sure thing. Just make sure to use Ooc. :D
5:06pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Hmm, does Det have issues with twins?))
5:07pm Jul 1 2011
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Ooc; Shad will be joining, most likely with her twins. I'll have to ask her before you can join with twins.
5:09pm Jul 1 2011
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[[ Can Tld join? o: ]]
5:10pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 4,258
((Hm. Alright. I will wait to make the bios until an answer is given but I still want to join... So ya. :D))
5:10pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 5:11pm Jul 1 2011)
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; So long as you don't get too gender-picky. <3 I don't care about gender ratios, so.
If you like Em~
5:11pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 5:43pm Jul 1 2011)
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Posts: 5,998
[[ -mumblegrumble- Fein ._. I'll edit my bios into this :D ]] Name; Ari Haydon Nickname; None
Dragon; Roelm Age; 16 Gender; Female Appearance;  This belongs to me ( drawn by Gerychi ) no touchies >I Personality; Ari is curious. She love poking and testing things, often to their limits. She is rather clumsy, and can easily mess things up. However, Ari never enjoys admitting that she's wrong, and would argue for her case. She's a bit of a perfectionist, despite her clumsy behavior, and likes everything to be as neat as possible. She's quite social, and doesn't really mind large crowds, though she does get a little claustrophobic. Ari wouldn't ever share deepest and most sentimental feelings, and rarely shows her anger, though she's very easily riled. She's quick to defend and is quite fiery when it comes to her habits and peopel questioning her actions. As far as she's concerned, Ari is the best at everything. Crush; None Other; None
Dragon Skeleton; Name; Roelm
Nickname; ...
Rider; Ari
Species; Western Age; Egg
Gender; Male
Credits to nJoo @ DeviantArt Personality; Roelm is a solitary and serious animal. He doesn't really support Ari during her rants, though he's quite used to her and her tantrums. Roelm won't join in the fun, and he can't exactly take a joke. He doesn't mind being around one or two dragons, but he can't handle a group of dragons surrounding him. Roelm, like Ari, does have a short temper, and can lash out when startled. Other; None
--- Name; Nathaniel [ Nate ] Sterling Nickname; Nate Dragon; Kalsera
Age; 17 Gender; Male Appearance; Credits to aiki-aime @ DeviantArt Personality; Nate's a quiet guy. He doesn't care much about the people around him, and rarely contributes to the conversation. He's sweet, though, and doesn't mind lending a helping hand. He dislikes hyper and loud people, and prefers a quiet place where he can study and such. He's slow to rile, though he does snap at random times because of stress. [Derp, he's a new character, RP the rest out ono] Crush; He won't crush first o3o Other; None Dragon Skeleton; Name; Kalsera
Nickname; Sera
Rider; Nate
Species; Eastern
Age; Egg
Gender; Female
Credits to neondragon @ Deviantart Personality; Kalsera is a bit of an airheaad. She wanders off easily, and isn't the best at following orders. She's quite forgetful, despite the fact taht Eastern Dragons are one of the wisest species of dragon on Earth. She's quite outgoing, though, and cheerful. Kalsera's an optimistic girl, who doesn't really know her own strength. She'll destroy things accidentally, and usually flee the scene before someone discovers the wreck. Other; Do the Eastern dragons have to be the colors you listed, Det? ono

5:33pm Jul 1 2011 (last edited on 5:45pm Jul 1 2011)
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Name; Katrina Envy Nickname; Kat or Katri (Pronounced Kay-tree) Dragon; Shard Age; Sixteen Gender; Female Appearance; Katrina has blonde hair that falls in ringlets just past her shoulders. She has red highlights in her hair that was done as a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing which is just like her. Her eyes are a soft brown with slight copper flecks in their chocolately midsts. Her smile is soft and her lips are curved, giving her a slight crooked smile. Personality; Katrina is just as she looks. Playful, bubbly, and quite the loud mouth. Because she's blonde and all of the above, most mark her down as inferior. A dumb blonde. She does, in fact, have a great wit about her that tends to surprise some people. Other than that, she can be quite the annoyance. Crush; Open Other; No :I ~ Dragon Bio ~ Name | Shard Age | Dragon Hatchling / Egg {Deion for Young Adult} Species | Dragon Breed | European Body Type | Shard is rather small for his kind, being only twenty feet long whereas, European dragons grow to be around fourty-five. His body build is quite slender with lightly toned muscles, but anyone could tell you that his body was built for speed and agility rather than bulk. Because of his wiry body, he is thin and his limbs are skinnier which makes him more maneuverable. He has clawed talons. Length | Twenty feet Height | Ten feet Wingspan | Thirty-seven feet Wing Looks | Like the typical European dragon, Shard has large batlike wings. His wings are more slender than his kin, made sharper and sleek for faster flights. Head Looks | Triangular is the most definite shape of his head. His eyes are slanted and their pupils resemble that of a snake's. He has two prominent fangs that come out from the top of his jaw. The rest of his teeth are dagger sharp and line around his maw naturally. He has a few frills on the side of his head. Frills similar to the picture below
 Tail | Like all European dragons, he has an arrowhead shaped tail. Personality | Shard has an extremely lax personality and he enjoys having a good time. He's always in a playful mood and enjoys a good laugh. Coloring | Shard's body is completely covered in silver scales that radiate different variations of light depending on his mood. Along his spine and at the tip of his tail, the scales are a light blue. The blue also rests on the crest of scales near his eyes.
hello my name is elder price
5:34pm Jul 1 2011
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Ooc; Alright Shad. D: That means your twins are fine, Em.
5:36pm Jul 1 2011
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((Alright. I will get to work right away. :D Thanks.))
5:49pm Jul 1 2011
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[[ Herp, I have no nickname 8'D ]]
5:52pm Jul 1 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Mmkay. Your charras are accepted, same with Shad. <3 And the Eastern's do, Tld. :x Just put a note to say which two colors that Eastern is. ^^;
2:39am Jul 2 2011 (last edited on 2:40am Jul 2 2011)
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Posts: 1,255
((Sorry about that!)) Human Skeleton; Name; Faile Hughes Nickname; Fay
Dragon; Kibou
Age; 15
Gender; Female
Appearance; Personality; Faile is a true sweatheart. She tries to love everyone and is willing to go to almost any length to do things for people. She will, however, protect the ones she cares about fiercely. The only way to really get on her bad side is to harm someone she loves. She is a bit fragile however, She can get her feelings hurt fairly easily, and might cry a little, but she'll always blame any negative comment about her on herself. Crush; Open
Other; Dragon Skeleton; Name; Kibou
Nickname; Ki
Rider; Faile
Species; Lung
Age; hatchling Gender; male
Appearance;  Personality; Kibou tends to be very solomn, but his name means hope, so he tries to instill that in his rider, as well as others. He loves learning and will absorb anything taught to him very quickly and begin to make connections on his own. Other; Human Skeleton; Name; Garrett Michaels
Nickname; Garrett
Dragon; Aonghus Age; 18 Gender; Male
Appearance; Garrett is a huge person, standing at 6'6" with a broad, muscular build. He has dark brown hair that he keeps shaved close in military style and intense blue eyes. Personality; Garrett is a fighter through and through. He is usually the first person to stand up for what he believes is right and the last person to back down. Incredibly stubborn, he is also incredably loyal and painfully honest. Do not ask him a question you don't want to know the answer to.
Crush; none
Dragon Skeleton; Name; Aonghus Nickname; Ong
Rider; Garrett
Species; European
Age; hatchling
Gender; Male
Appearance;  Personality; Aonghus is firery and independant, with a stubborn streak a mile wide. His rider is the only person on the face of the planet both stubborn and paitient enough to deal with him. Ong usually thinks that whatever he thinks is right, regardless of proof to the contrary.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
3:08am Jul 2 2011 (last edited on 3:54pm Jul 2 2011)
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Posts: 4,258
Human Skeleton; Name; Jadaria Katanna// Jacob Katanna Nickname; Jade// Jake Dragon; Kantu// Sakura Age; 17// 17 Gender; Female// Male Appearance; Below 'Other'// Below 'Other' Personality; Jade can be cold at times, uncaring for the people around her but never unaware. She is extremely observant of her surroundings, usually one of the first to notice something amiss. It's hard to take her by surprise but deffinately not impossible. She has a tendancy to let her mind wander and many believe that is the easiest way to sneak up on her but in reality it is the worst. Her reflexes are out of this world, and she does not like to be snuck up on. As well as her intellegent and skilled level of fighting, Jade has an extremely short temper and often resorts to violence to solve her problems. She is quiet dispite her many thoughts that are burtsting to come rushing out. Sometimes this is good becuase not everything she thinks is a pleasent response. She can also be a bit paranoid at times, very untrusting and not willing to let others in.// Very much unlike his twin sister, Jake is a bit of a loud mouth. He is energetic and always looking for an adventure. Nothing can stop this guy from reaching his goal, not when he means business. His maturity can be questioned but his intentions are always in the right place, just the way he carries out his plans could change. He often finds himself in trouble and needs bailing out from Jade, but just as often she ends up harmed because of him. He takes on a lot of responsibility for the mistakes of others but you would never know because he channels his feelings and changes them to energy. He cares alot for Jade and hates it when others pick on her, he hates it when anyone picks on somebody else. He is always ready to stand up for her, and he knows that she would do the same for him. Crush; Open// Open Other; She always carries a set of twin blades that she never parts with.// He fights with a Korean style Katana(?)   Dragon Skeleton; Name; Kantu// Sakura Nickname; Neither really have a nickname. Rider; Jadaria// Jacob Species; Lung// European Age; Hatchling// Hatchling Gender; Male// Female Appearance; Bottom// Bottom Personality; Kantu has a bit of a wild side, closely resembling his master's brother. He is almost always in a good mood and very hard to anger. He is very protective over his rider, though, and is a guaranteed friend for life. He is willing to lay his life on the line, to protect his rider. Whatever the cost, he will stop and nothing to keep what's precious to him safe.// Sakura closely resembles Jadaria with a bit of an attitude. She is a very proud creature, and doesn't take kindly to strangers. Like Kantu she is protective of those who cared for her, and won't stop until they are safe. She can't be tied down to anything, a free spirit forever to roam the endless skies. She could spend hours flying and never get bored, but the thing that strikes the most interest is fighting. Other; Nope// Nope  (Kantu) (Sakura...Downsize her alot. :D)
((None of these pictures belong to me... I found them and got them off of google. :D))
1:30pm Jul 2 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; I know this isn't entirely fair, but due to the personal nature of Dante's name, Shad asked me if you could change it. ^^ The characters are fine as a whole, but if possible, could you choose a different name for him?
1:31pm Jul 2 2011 (last edited on 5:29pm Jul 7 2011)
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Posts: 3,991
((Hey Det may I join? If so I'll have to finish my bios later, once I get back. Also a question, for the Western Dragons are those the only colours to choose from?)) Name; Jethro Reagan Nickname; Jeth Dragon; Alcyone Age; Seventeen Gender; Male Appearance; Standing at an above average height of 6'3'', Jethro is a surprising good looking guy, in the bad boy sense(Although, once he opens his mouth, all thought of attractiveness disapear). He has black hair, which really has nothing special about it. Its short and just sits on his head, a typical hair cut, nothing special. Now Jethro is pretty in shape, considering the boy works out alot. Unlikesome other guys, he doesn't work out to get girls, mostly because he likes being fit. Also, he doesn't work out enough for any bulk, but he clearly has a six pack. His eyes are a clear cornflower blue which tend to stand out against his dark hair and pale skin. His mouth is always in a grin, (although some might call it a sneer) which show off his white teeth and his deep dimples. The shirts he wears are normally long sleeves which shows his broad shoulders and how built he is, also he is normally always wearing a leather jackets. On his legs are dark blue jeans, simple as that. The boy also has quite a collection of tattoo's. Nothing stupid or ridiculous, like some of the biker gangs. He's more classy than that. Across his upper back, he has a tattoo that says Affliction and his chest two inches bellow his right collar bone in smaller letters says Evil is just a point of view. The inside of his left forearm he has another tattoo that says Carpe Diem.While on his right, along the side of his forearm it says We are our own devils; we make this world our hell.
Personality; Now Jethro isn't what most would call nice. Sure he has his moments, but that will be quickly followed by something mean. He is the type of boy who will refuse to call a girl by her name, most likely giving her an annoying nick name or calling her a different name that starts with the same letter. He is a rather easily irritated, violent guy, not to mention head-strong. He will never back down from a fight and will most likely fight to the death, unless someone interveens. He tells thing exactly like it is, and when its rude or mean, he says 'I'm simply stating the truth, if you don't want to hear it, don't ask.' There of course is also a playful side to him. He can be rather coy at times, not to mention he makes inuendos and is the first the drop sexual jokes or pick up on them. Sure he may come across as a jerk but those who decide to stick around tend to see hs true colours. He really is a loyal friend, helping you when you fall, or kicking the guys ass who pushed you down. And although most may never see it, seeing as it is a rare thing indeed, Jethro has a soft side to him. He will do anything for a friend, even if it ment killing someone. Although he hates tears, he will be the first to ask the ever so annoying question 'Are you alright?' even though you clearly are not. And he will be your shoulder to cry on. And although its unbelievable, the boy loves kids, even though he calls them little brats and will swear that he hates them till he's blue in the face, he does. He likes small animals and children, he has some sort of maternal instinct (if that what you could call it) to protect. Oh yes, there are many layers to Jethro, do you think you can unwrap the all?
Crush; "Ha, you're funny."
- - - - - - Nickname; Ellowyn Grey Dragon; Ceyx Age; Seventeen Gender; Female Appearance; Ellowyn is relatively attractive,in a california beach girl way. She stands at an average hight of 5'6'' and gets her tanned/fair, complection from being half black and half white. Her shiny, light brown curls have blue and pink streaks, fall just bellow her shoulders, and bounce whenever she moves her head. Her eyes are a pretty grey-ish blue, that light up whenever she laughs. She has no visible scars except for one faded one on the side of her left forarm from when she fell from a tree as a child. She has a rather slim body, which is considerably feminin, so she is a pretty curvacious girl. Although, she lacks in both the upper and lower departments, probably being only a B in cup size. She has a rather pretty face. She has a small nose that fits her face, and when she smiles her pink semi-full lips show off her straight white teeth. On her long legs she wears skinny jeans, her long model legs helping her with speed and her parkour. Elle's ear ar peirced in multiple places. She has double peircings on both ears, a cartalige peirce on her left ear, and on her right she has an industrial piercing. Personality; Working on it....XP Crush; Nope - - - - - Name; Alcyone (Al-kai-own) Nickname; Nope Rider; Jethro Reagan Species; Western Age; Egg Gender; Male Appearance;
Personality; Alcyone's personality models Jethro's exactly, if not worse. He is rude and arrogant, and all around not a nice Dragon. He is one to constantly harass other people, both dragons and humans. He's one to sneak up on others blow a little fire and burn the behinds, interupt someone when they are talking. he is quite the little prankster. Now just like Jethro he does have a lighter more playful side but thats only around people he comes to like. He is very quick tempered, and doesn't ahve the same tolerence level as his master. Other; Nope - - - Name; Ceyx (Kay-ex) Nickname; None Rider; Ellowyn Grey Age; Egg Gender; Male Appearance; Personality; Other;
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.