9:02pm Jul 9 2011
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10:31pm Jul 9 2011
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Blinking as a girl her age soared down towards the castle, hooked onto a flying machine of some sort. About the wave and yell hello Branwen paused and watched, utterly bemused, as the girl hit the ground in a spray of dust and rocks. Covering her cheeky grin with one hand Branwen watched as she unhooked herself from her contraption and walked into the courtyard, smiling at Branwen brightly. "Hey there!" Shaking her head Branwen chuckled and stood, brushing off her jeans as she headed to the newcomer and held out a hand in welcome. "Hey there yourself," she replied affably, tilting her head as she tried to figure out what in the world she was carrying. Sometimes she wondered about the people who went here. Unlike herself most of the dragonriders who actually became good at what they did were huge risk-takers, doing anything and everything that could possibly get them into life-threatening situations. "What's that you got there?" Branwen asked, peering at it for a moment before her eyes flickered to the academy doors. The rumble of an engine had piqued her interest and she watched, frowning slightly, as a bouncy girl ran up to them and grinned widely, squealing hello in the most bouncy voice Branwen had ever heard. Behind her a young man tumbled off his motorcycle, shocked by something. "Well, at least this year's group is diverse," she said with an easy laugh, blue eyes crinkling at the edges. "And as far as introductions go, I'm Branwen, Gwen to those who matter and a life-long boarder here at Wyvern Acres. Unfortunately I've never ridden a dragon so don't come to me with questions. And you are?" Hands settled on her hips as she smiled at the growing crowd of people. Glancing around for a moment she indicated the school with a small flick of her head. "Ms Ross is coming out in a moment," she added unnecessarily. "She's the second here at Wyvern Acres. Organizes the riding program and all that."

10:37pm Jul 9 2011
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Katrina shifted the weight of one lightweight backpack onto her other shoulder. The pack had been attatched to the glider, but also accounted for her suitcase. The girl really hadn't seen the need to pack much, needing only enough clothes to get her by. That and the glider didn't really have a tolerancy for heavy weight items. When the girl, Branwen, approached, Katrina hefted the now-compact version of her glider up for the girl to see. "This here is my glider," Katrina replied to Branwen's question, brown eyes light as she glanced down at her flying contraption. "Been flying since I was seven. Mom pushed me off a cliff with my first glider," Katrina said with an easy-going laugh. The girl turned at the sound of a motorcycle's engine revving and pursed her lips when the rider fell off. "Didn't imagine the school to be so interesting," she commented. "I'm Katrina, but call me Kat or Katri if you'd like. I'll be glad to get inside and start the year; same as everyone else," Katrina said with another grin. "Dragons," was all she said as she shook her head, blonde hair sliding onto her face.
hello my name is elder price
10:45pm Jul 9 2011
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Garrett stood, brushing the dust from his clothes furiously and hoping the cloud covered his blush. For good measure, he kicked the bike hard, thankful for his steel toe boots that prevented him from hurting his foot and making an even bigger idiot of himself. He trudged over to the girls, hiding a sigh, after heaving his bag over his shoulder. "Hey, girls," he said as he approached. "I'm Garrett. I don't suppose there is anyone that could help me with that pile of scrap metal back there?" Faile giggled and turned. "Oh! We were just introducing ourselves. Kat over there came in a hang glider! Isn't that cool! And Gwin has lived here forever, so she knows all about the school! Oh, and I'm Faile. But you guys can call me Fay. Everyone else does! It's much better than Faile." The girl was so excited she was literaly trembling. Her smile was bright as sunshine as she swept everyone a curtsey.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
11:04pm Jul 9 2011
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"Gwen," Branwen muttered under her breath, wondering if Faile had even heard her say that the nickname was for those who counted. Rolling her eyes she turned to Katrina, grateful this girl seemed fa more down-to-earth and sensible. "I said I didn't know all about the school," she protested quietly, all righteous indignation. Tightening her lips Branwen cast a quick glance at the only guy before sighing heavily, turning from Katrina and walking over to him. Flipping her auburn hair she looked behind her before shaking her head wryly. "I don't know everything about this school, but that's hardly important right now. Unfortunately, there's nowhere to put that bike of yours unless you don't mind parking it in the courtyard. Where there's no cover." Grimacing Branwen shook her head one more time, a bit upset she couldn't be more helpful. "And Ms Ross is coming out an min--" A loud hello stopped Branwen mid-sentence and she whirled around, grinning happily at the sight of a brown-haired woman who had just stepped out of the academy. "Welcome ladies!" she exclaimed with a big smirk, approaching them with a confident swagger. "I bet Miss Branwen here has just run her mouth telling you what a terrible person I am, but no matter. I'm Diana Ross and I am in charge of the riding program here. And not for horses. We're talking dragons, girls and boys!" Crossing her arms Ms Ross's lips quirked upwards again as she surveyed the sorry bunch. A few of the older students were missing but that wasn't important. They'd be picked up eventually. Eyes flickering from Branwen to a bubbly blonde, then to a more dour blonde who seemed pleased to be here, and a tall male. A pretty variated bunch compared to who had arrived last year. "Right. Let's start with intros. Let's go sit at the meeting circle." Without further ado Ms Ross waved one hand and headed for a circle of stone benches, settling on one as gracefully as her muscular 6'1" form allowed.
Grinning Branwen touched Katrina's arm to get her attention and then grabbed it lightly, pulling her in the right direction. "Well, come on," she exclaimed brightly, following Ms Ross.

10:44am Jul 10 2011
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5:23pm Jul 10 2011
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Faile was slightly hurt at Gwin's attitude, wondering what she had done wrong. She stood, staring after them for a few moments, gathering her courage back up before following quietly, her former joy diminished. She ran things over in her mind. Maybe... Maybe she was too loud, again. She made up her mind right then and there. She would hang back and watch, and try very hard not to annoy anyone. She didn't want to be friendless for the next long while. With that decided, she let the smile come back to her face, but kept her laughter in check. Garrett watched the interaction between the girls and sighed, shaking his head. He would never understand. Never. He followed after the three slowly, pausing to kick his bike again as they passed it. He was going to give the stupid thing to a dragon to make a sculpture of. It was only right. He told it as much, but managed to bruise his leg on the handle bar that jumped out to catch him. He cursed the demonic bike again. He wondered if there were any other men in the school.

All Credit goes to AstridMelody. Go check out her adoptable thread! So cute!
5:39pm Jul 10 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Katrina immediately took a liking to Ms. Ross as soon as the woman walked out. She gathered a confident air about her and her swagger was more playful than intimidating. She tightened her grip on her glider as Branwen touched her arm, eyes light to have Katrina follow her. She walked in step next to the girl and sat down next to her as Ms. Ross indicated for everyone to form a circle on the stone benches. The roar of a European dragon made Katrina's head turn, but she was disappointed to see it was not nearby. She could imagine the majestic beast towering over her with its snaking arrow-head tale and piercing eyes. She kept her excitement in check and imagined what her dragon hatchling was going to be like. "I hope Ms. Ross tells us when we can get our dragon eggs," Katrina murmured under her breath to Branwen.
hello my name is elder price
11:31am Jul 11 2011
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Ooc; Cue for em and Tld to post their characters jumping in. :'D It's only right if they take part too. ^O^
9:14pm Jul 11 2011
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OoC:// -lurkages in corner of roleplay-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:10pm Jul 11 2011 (last edited on 10:28pm Jul 11 2011)
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; If you want to join I have no issue with it, and I'm certain Shad wouldn't either. :'D The other two rpers haven't replied so this is a good opportunity. ^^
EDIT: Shad says yes. :D So if you want to join. <33
7:23am Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 5,998
[[ So recap? As in, where is everyone? ._. ]]
9:49am Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC;// Teh Dragon might join later today.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:22am Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 3,828
Ooc; Tld, everyone is just sitting down around a few stone benches. We're getting ready for introductions. nd u betr join Dragon. ;c Or I wl b 4ced 2 use cht spk. D8
hello my name is elder price
4:13pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Bump. Seriously guys, it isn't hard to post your characters coming to the stone benches. If they're antisocial, then fine, intro-time is mandatory. :I
4:27pm Jul 12 2011
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[[ 'Kay, thanks Shad :D ]] "Nate, look!" Ari tugged at her friend's sleeve. Not used to human touch, Nate jerked his arm away instinctively. "Ari, what did I tell you about touching me?" He said, sounding irritated. Ari rolled her eyes. "Just look, Nate. People!" Ari said with a smile, and left his side. Grumbling, Nate followed Ari, until they arrived. Nate didn't say anything when they approached, but instead allowed Ari to do the talking. Talking was her thing, anyway. "Hi! My name is Ari!" She said with a smile at the new kids. [[ ...Sorry ono ]]
4:40pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; Now we just need em. I'll r-mail her in two hours and if she doesn't reply by tomorrow or post we'll skip her. :x
5:31pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Nyu! Darn teh chatspeak! I was going to use Ari for my dragoness, but the name is already used... -sadface-
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:46pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 9,641
Ooc; D: Don't let that keep you from joining. </3
5:56pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// -happyfais- Alright. I also have a few questions if that is alright with chu.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.