6:01pm Jul 12 2011
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6:15pm Jul 12 2011
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OoC:// Seetness. Kay, there they are. The appearance I have for Ari is that she is sort of like a Lung except she has a more pointed muzzle and feathered wings. Would that be acceptable? Oh, she is also mostly black with her feathers being red. Also.... I think that might be it.... -tilts head- If I have any more, I'll rmail you.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:18pm Jul 12 2011
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Ooc; I'm not sure about the wings, as that would make her quite literally a cross-breed between an Amphithere and a Chinese Lung. I'm alright with that, as it's possible (they are similar creatures), but are you? I won't accept her as a straight Lung, since adding wings would be stretching it a bit far. Her coloring also fits the two, so she's acceptable as a Lung-Amphithere. Sorry if my answer is a bit convoluted. ^^; And yes, r-mail might be better. Cut down on the Ooc. o-o Sorry I didn't mention that earlier.
6:27pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 7:33pm Jul 12 2011)
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OoC:// I'm fine with it. I just wanted your clarification. 'Cause I suddenly thought about it when I was at work. :d I'll post my charries in a few. And if I do have any more questions, I'll definitly rmail you. Name; Zakeru Tokage Nickname; Lizard Dragon; Ari Age; Eighteen Gender; Male Appearance; Zakeru has light gray hair that looks white in certain lights and the locks have two black stripes that frame his face. His hair ends at his jawline. His eyes are somewhat strange. Light orange irises with a dark red circle around his black pupils. And people often make fun of him for them. Zakeru is tall, standing at six foot three, has dark tawny skin, and can move quietly as the wind, despite his frame. He is also muscular, if that counts for anything. His clothes are something most people would not expect him to wear. Black fishnet covers his torso and it ends at his hips and his wrists as it circles around his neck in a T-shirt like collar. Covering the fishnet is a tight black t-shirt with a slightly stretched collar and the crimson anarchy symbol on the back. The shirt ends at his waist. Starting just below the fishnet are tight black jeans that end at his ankles. The knees are ripped slightly and he has two chains on his left side. One is slightly smaller than the other. Covering his feet are black converse. When he is riding, Zakeru will most likely wear a black shirt with longer sleeves, pants with no holes or rips in them [as well as no chains], and black combat boots. Also, Zakeru always wears black eyeliner around his orange eyes. Personality; Zakeru is basically quiet unless he needs to say something of somewhat importance. He has a calm temperament and a slow fuse, but when that fuse snaps, he is rather dangerous to be around. Though, he his easy to calm down through being blind folded. Despite some anger issues, he is very protective and will sometimes get himself hurt to save those he cares about. Crush; None Other; Zakeru has a very, very rare genetic mutation – that unfortunately as no name – that allows him to heal a little faster than the average human. For example, a deep cut would turn into a scar in around four days when it would take the average human a lot longer. [[ If this isn't alright, please let me know and I will get rid of it. ]] ~xXx~ Name; Ari Nickname; -- Rider; Zakeru Tokage Species; Lung/Amphithere Hybrid Age; Eggers Gender; Female Appearance; As far as dragons go, Ari is very serpentine. Like an Oriental. Angular features make her head very triangular and have a very pointed muzzle. Two horns – one on each side of her head – sprout from the back of her head and curve slightly as they extend high over her long neck. Dark, alien crimson orbs are mounted on the front of her scaled face and are slanted at an angle as the backs curve to the side of her face. When she gets any kind of strong emotion, black pupils will start to become visible; whether they are circular or slitted. Inside her maw are long, sharp teeth that curve towards the back of her throat. Her canines are slightly longer though. Behind the serrated teeth, is a forked barbed tongue that lays in acidic saliva. Sprouting around the horns are dark crimson feathers that surround the first third of her neck before following down her spine to her narrow shoulders, down her back, and tail. The wings are dark crimson – closer to black – and carry the five fingers of a dragon. The wingspan is around fifty feet since this form is longer than the length of a football field. Her legs are long, muscled, and each paw sports five, curved silver talons. Her tail is half the length of her body and neck together and it is tipped by a tuff of dark crimson feathers that help steer when she is flying. The right side of her maw is pierced with three golden hoops while the left is pierce with three silver studs. She stands five foot at the shoulder. Personality; Ari can be described a viscous as soon as she was hatched from her egg. In fact, blood lust is deep within her genetic make-up. She can be fierce, aggressive, and extremely apathetic. It is said that she doesn't know any other emotion, but that is a lie. She feels a deep protective urge to anybody that dares get close to her. Other; Ari has a little bit more Lung genes in her than Amphithere.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:37am Jul 13 2011
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Ooc; Accepted. Feel free to post your intro. I'm r-mailing Em right now.
1:44pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; I found this, too. e_e
hello my name is elder price
1:59pm Jul 29 2011
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3:15pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; I know it says post bio to join, but I'd just like to know if you're still acceptin' people. o3o
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
3:27pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; Rawr, I don't know if I'm going to re-activate this yet. You can post a bio, Isis-love, but I'm moving to Sweden so soon that I doubt it's worth restarting atm. But, wait a few weeks/a month and I'm sure we'll be back on track. :U
6:56pm Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 7:16pm Jul 29 2011)
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Human Skeleton; Name; Genvieve Coralie Hewitt Nickname; Genie or V Dragon; Silsia Age; Eighteen Gender; Female Appearance; With long auburn hair that for the most part she pulls back (because it's almost mid-back length and a bit wavy), Genie is an odd looking girl, though not entirely wasted. She has olive skin from flying as close to the sun as possible, and often ends up with a sad surnbrn that has, by this time in her life, stopped hurting. Her green eyes have a ring of gold around the pupil, and shift from looking green to hazel to gold. She smiles often, and feels silly while doing so, her teeth not perfectly straight (though they'll do), and has plump lips that she tends to be awfully proud of. Genie grew up playing sports and doing activities to make her stronger, more muscular, and yet keeping her lean so she didn't feel like a bulky shell. She stands 5'7" and weighs somewhere from 125 to 130 pounds, she'll never truly tell, or can't find a difference. She likes to wear an assortment of randomly pieced tofgether outfits, though, for the most part, she matches. Her favorite color to wear is teal and she is in love with red lipstick and black eyeliner. Genie feels that this combination of makeup creates a rather effortless, vintage feel on her moderatley pretty face, with features that could be attributed to many nationalities, be it French or Slovic or Italian, but most likely the one in the middle. On the right side of her head next to her eye is an inch-long scar that she got from accidentally scratching herself in the face while participating in some sport of some sort. Personality; Genie is pretty go-with-the-flow, compared to someone high strung, but likes to sleep a lot. Happy is her default emotion, but most of the things she says she doesn't eve realize she's saying. Ditzy and a bit uncoordinated, she makes the perfect dragon rider ( right?), and has a tendancy to use sarcasm as if it were butter while she was eating cardboard flavored bread. She's unpredictable, and likes to keep it that way, often feeling bad about how her hair doesn't want to cooperate. Genie is stubborn and generally wants everything to go her way, which is sometimes difficult because she is a bit unorganized and is pretty messy, even if she's trying to be cleaner. She is flirtatious and will hook a boy, but then usually leaves them out to dry after they become interested in her, moving on to her next target. In this way, she is a carnivore, feeding off of feelings and her ability to hurt others, even if she doesn't mean to. Crush; No one Other; Nothing notable. Dragon Skeleton; Name; Silsia Nickname; Silly (oh genvieve) Rider; Genvieve Hewitt Species; Eastern Dragon [Lung] Age; An egg, currently. Gender; Female Appearance; Though mostly blackish, Silsa's scales are tinged with silver, giving her a metallic sheen, and in some lights making her appear entirely silver, framed by a light blue mane that runs the stretch of her winding body. Two large silver horns come out of her skull right behind her rabbit-like ears, useful hand holds while riding. Her great green eyes are bigger than the usual for her breed, white scales underlining them to exaggerate her feature, one that matches her rider's almost to a t. There is a cautiousness that her eyes hold, ((I don't care if that's not a word)) reflecting her ever-sided personality, and though she holds her head proud and high, she often grooms herself meticulously to leave her scales ridiculously shiny. Personality; Silsia is an odd one, that you can bet, more careful than many other dragons she will come to know. Likely this is to make up for Genie's haste and airy personality, but it suits the black and silver dragon, a majestic grace to compliment her majestic coloring. Silly is softspoken and gentle, always prefering to wait and see other than ask forgiveness afterwards, making her hesitant to always agree with Genie. Her mild-mannered tendancies can often cause her grief, but slowly and surely, she is attempting to become a complete whole with Genie. Other; Is/Was the mother of one of my first roleplaying characters ever- the dragon adaptation of Winter.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:13pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; Dragons should match the color combos I posted at the beginning. <3 For lungs it's a combination of either gold and red/green/blue, or black and red/green/blue. :P I'm sorry for the restriction, but I wanted to make dragons feel like a set species of their own, rather than wildcards...I think. xD
7:15pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; My bad, I wasn't on the front page. Should I make her mane blue then? I'm not sure what other restrictions I broke
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:17pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; None others were broken. Just the mane color. Given the nature of lungs (and this applies to everyone now 'cause I'm too lazy to edit the first post) the scales can have white or black markings, so long as they aren't larger than the main scale color. :D If you change her mane to blue you're accepted. xD
7:21pm Jul 29 2011
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Posts: 993
OoC; I did o3o I was attempting to fit her into what the 'other' section says- I have an easier time roleplaying characters made in the past. Silsia happened to be a silvery dragon with green eyes so I figured why not.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
8:19pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; Your bio is good then. :D I can't wait to start this again. :U Might be sooner than expected, too.
9:37pm Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 9:59pm Jul 29 2011)
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"I haven't gotten the introduction yet," Branwen whispered back with a grin on her freckled face, "but I'm pretty sure it's after orientation." Tilting her head Branwen watched as Ari and Nate walked out, Nate hanging back as was typical. Smiling at Ari Branwen released Katrina's arm and perched herself on the edge of one of the three stone benches that were assembled in a rough circle. Patting the spot next to her for Katrina the auburn-haired girl gave Ms Ross a thumbs up, indicating that she was pretty sure all the newcomes were here. "Headmaster Fabian said there were only four or so entrants," she confided with the woman, who was sitting on a different bench right next to her. Despite the age similarity Branwen had with the other new riders she was often told little bits of information about the new arrivals so she could tell them some stuff about the academy and such. Nodding Diana glanced around, beckoned for the other teens to sit and then cleared her throat theatrically, causing Branwen to giggle shamelessly. "Alright, so I'm pretty sure you all know who I am by now," Diana said in a loud bellow, though not quite a yell. "But you don't know each other. Starting with Gwen over here you'll say your name, a nickname you might want to go by, age and an interesting fact about yourself." Nodding Diana settled into her seat, legs crossed, and turned her eyes on Branwen expectantly. "Uhum, okay then," Branwen said, almost nervously. Biting her lip the girl swept her bright blue eyes over the waiting people before speaking. "I'm Branwen, as you all know. I don't have any nicknames besides Gwen, and that's really a personal one, to be honest. I'm seventeen and an interesting fact? I...hn...well, my mum's a rider. Liza Nye, if you've heard anything about dragonriding contests. She's been the top racer for the last...four years I think? Yeah. And I'm English-Irish." Shrugging her shoulders Branwen shut her mouth and nibbled her lip. A lot of the time people tended to believe she was bragging about her mother, but that was far from the truth. It was awkward being known as 'Liza Nye's' kid, not Branwen Nye.

9:43pm Jul 29 2011
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OoC:// D: I haven't even finished my introduction...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:45pm Jul 29 2011 (last edited on 9:48pm Jul 29 2011)
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hello my name is elder price
9:45pm Jul 29 2011
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Ooc; Ohno. D: Didn't even realize that. Okay. I'll edit my post and re-post after you. <3 I'll also be r-mailing Seren. :P
9:56pm Jul 29 2011
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OoC:// D: Keep your post up, Zakeru will probably come in last to introduce himself.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.