Xerein azurul, my friend

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2:31am Dec 9 2010 (last edited on 3:45pm Dec 10 2010)

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Posts: 9,641
You glance down at the letter grasped in your hand. It is sealed in thick vellum and has a silver sheen to it. You have never seen the like before. Turning it over in your hand you notice, written in black ink, your name, but no address. Shrugging you tug open the flap of the envelope and pull out a thin piece of parchment, a lengthy letter written in the same ink.

Dear reader,

You have been invited to join Sisodei Academy, a safe environment focused on developing your abilities and talents to the max. I, headmaster Raenus Eostri, humbly welcome you to our community. Should you decide that Sisodei Academy is right for you, you will find that all expenses have been paid in full by our school board. The only thing required will be a small, lightweight bag with two changes of clothing.

Raenus Eostri,

The letter seems preposterous, but awakens a strange sense of familiarity inside you. Unbelievable, you think, but you know that's not true. Whoever sent the letter, and for whatever reason, is telling the truth. You flip the parchment over and find a set of instructions on the back, accompanied with a few simple rules. Mouthing the words, you read what it says.

It seems your curious nature has found this page. Using it, you will be able to get to the school in the most efficient manner possible. 
Tomorrow, on the 12th of August, you will find a bus waiting at your local stop. Only get on it if the bus has the numbers 18883 tagged on its side.
After getting on the bus you will be driven to the school. Further instructions will be given by the main doors.

1. There is to be no magical or physical fighting within the school grounds. Verbal arguing and debating is fine, but please refrain from name-calling and using inappropriate language at all times.
2. Curfew is the following
- First to Third Years: 9:00
- Fourth to Sixth Years: 10:00
3. After curfew no people of the opposite gender are allowed into the common rooms. At no time whatsoever may a person of the opposite gender be allowed into the rooms.
4. Depending on your qualities you will be sorted into different houses. These houses can not be changed throughout your duration at Sisodei Academy
5. Those ages 13, 14 and 15 will be First, Second and Third Years respectively. Those 16, 17 and 18 will be Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Years respectively.
6. Any impeachment of these rules will result in either suspension, banning or punishments depending on the severity. 


2:31am Dec 9 2010 (last edited on 3:56pm Dec 10 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

-Those marked with an * are required

Werewolves - powerful wolf shape-shifters, they possess two powerful forms. They may change whenever they wish
Vampire - Immortal enemies of the werewolves, the ones belonging to the school may survive off human blood, but are forced to drink animal instead.
Fae - Cousins to faeries, the Fae are half-human and half-faerie and have minor magical abilities, which are generally in-tune with the earth or healing
  Shape-Shifters - Born with a magical defect that allows them to bond physically with an animal,shape-shifters possess a second form much like a werewolf's, but less human-like
Mages - Bearing odd magical qualities, their ability to create spells is limited to only their kind


2:48am Dec 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[-wander in- Is this the Astrologyastronomy thing? o_o]]


2:57am Dec 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[Nu. 8c It's the magical academy thing I've been saying I'd make for days. xD I'm too tired to write though. ><]


9:19am Dec 9 2010

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Posts: 6,948

Party image<-- Click me

1:24pm Dec 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,256
(Join when you've done some other stuff??)

Albino Uilus 24/120

4:00pm Dec 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[Literate only. 8c Or semi-lit, to be exact. So five lines a post, per character, and proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. :3 If you aren't this, then I can't accept you. Dx]


3:21am Dec 10 2010 (last edited on 3:22am Dec 10 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,895
((May I join also when you are done making it? I enjoy good literate roleplays.))


3:06pm Dec 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[:3 Det loves literateness, so don't ask why her nickname is generally Typo. Anyways, I will find the energy to complete this....sometime. Dx]


3:38pm Dec 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 7,187
[[ Oh my O@O I wanna join! Am I lit enough? ;u; ]]

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

3:52pm Dec 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 17,364
( You know you wanna let teh zozo join when dis is all done...and stuffs. ))


3:57pm Dec 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[Mostly done. homg. 8D Yeh guys can go post your bios now. I'd better not get any questions on age limits. :<]


3:58pm Dec 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,991
((Can I join Det?))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

4:00pm Dec 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 17,364

*(( Do we have to use the Species listed? ))


4:00pm Dec 10 2010 (last edited on 4:00pm Dec 10 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[Squee.8D I love my rps being popular. And totally, Seren.]


4:09pm Dec 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[Come up with any you think suitable and I'll see. o3o I just don't want too many species. Oh yeah, and only ones with human forms. There's some romance too. x)]


4:13pm Dec 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 17,364
(( M'kay! ))


4:32pm Dec 10 2010 (last edited on 5:52pm Dec 10 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 17,364

*Name: Calyx Drakolynn
*Age: 17
*Gender: Female
*Species: Werewolf
*Appearance:blackpinkfairy.jpg faerie anime image by lana_1984FG.jpg White werewolf <--But She has snow white hair and Icy Blue eyes.
*Personality: Can I write later? Braindead at the moment.
History: N/A

*Name: Kohaku Vega
*Age: 17
*Gender: Male
*Species: Vampire
*Appearance:-----.jpg anime guy image by dragonreno
*Personality: Kohaku has a 'care free' attitude, and is very hard-headed. He is known to speak his mind. Rp the rest out.
History: N/A


(( Will write they're Personalitys better later. xD))



4:40pm Dec 10 2010 (last edited on 4:48pm Dec 10 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
((HOMG. :O Breeze is totally joining this.))
*Name: Artemis Rutherford
*Age: 15
*Gender: Female
*Species: Shape-shifter
*Appearance: She has fair skin, wavy black hair that falls to her mid-back, and light silver eyes. She usually wears a black leather jacket atop a black tank top, black jeans, and knee-length black boots.
*Personality: Artemis is a bit of a loner, seeing as she's never had any friends. She likes to read fiction books, and is a practitioner of Wicca. She is quiet and kind, and extremely loyal, so once you gain her trust you have a friend for life.
History: *will be added later once I think of something*
Kin: Odin (sort of)
Other: She has a pair-bond raven named Odin, after the Norse god.

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


5:04pm Dec 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 9,641
[Cute. :3 both are accepted. And make sure them personalities don't turn Mary Sue when they're re-written. 8c Making my own character....soon. >_>]

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