5:42pm Dec 10 2010
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 *Name: Nikki Sanders *Age: 17 *Gender: Male *Species: Shape-Shifter *Personality: Curious, Out-Going, Friendly
 *Name: Andrew Parks *Age: 17 *Gender: Male *Species: Vampire *Personality: Smart-Arse, Trouble Maker, Flirty
 *Name: Jessie Alexander *Age: 17 *Gender: Male *Species: Mage *Personality: Relaxed, Organized, Creative
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
6:51pm Dec 10 2010
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*Name: Pheonix Thera *Age: 15 *Gender: Female *Species: Vampire *Appearance:  *Personality: Mysteriou, easly angered, quick to judge
History: Not yet Kin: Alka-Werewolf-Brother Other: nope *Name: Alka Thera *Age: 15 *Gender: Male *Species: Werewolf *Appearance: 
 *Personality: Outgoing, Friendly, Klutzy, fast, easily angered, p*censored*ionate, will do anything for food.
History: Not yet Kin: Pheonix-Vampire-Sister Other: nope
 <-- Click me
6:56pm Dec 10 2010
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OoC; o3o Mights I join?
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:57pm Dec 10 2010
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[Accepted gais. Omg. Nikki looks so hot. *o* Can my character have a crush on him? xD]
7:06pm Dec 10 2010
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[Omg, yes please Isis. <3 I will get my characters A.S.A.P]
7:07pm Dec 10 2010
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[[ Sure Detness ^0^ Oh, I forgot to ask~ Can the charries be bi/gay? .o. ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
7:30pm Dec 10 2010
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[Sure. ^^]
CHARACTER SHEET *Name: Larka Aiden Ynos *Age: 17, turning 18 on May 23rd *Gender: Female *Species: Mage *Appearance: Larka, or Aiden as she is commonly known by, has a very average build. About 5’3” tall, she is constantly being annoyed by her short height, compared to some of the people around her. Small-chested and slight, Aiden is often thought to be younger than her actual age. Aiden tends to give off a mysterious and antisocial attitude with her habit of dressing in chromatic colors such as black, gray and the occasional spot of white, and keeping her hood up and head down. This means that most people don’t actually know what Aiden looks like. She has pure black hair that falls down to just below her shoulders, and much to her disdain, is completely straight. Because of this she often wears it in an unobtrusive ponytail that she keeps hidden by her hood, and only allows her long bangs to show. Though they’re rarely seen, Aiden’s eyes are almond-shaped, slightly exotic and a sort of middling blue. Pale, almost sallow skin, completes her dark look. Aiden enjoys wearing dark clothing, without any logos whatsoever, such as slim-fit t-shirts, skinny jeans and slim-fit hooded sweaters. If she’s not going barefoot she’s got her dark blue converse on. *Personality: Cold, antisocial and ominous seems to sum up Aiden’s personality very well. She dislikes plenty of things in life, generally too many things to count, and prefers overcast and rainy days to sunny, though she can’t stand the cold or wind.

12:04am Dec 11 2010
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((Pheonix x Jessie? Tsunade?))
 <-- Click me
12:13am Dec 11 2010
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[[ Jessie is gay >//u//< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:14am Dec 11 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Awww. poor Pheonix. Okay, what about Alka x Jessie?))
 <-- Click me
12:34am Dec 11 2010
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[[ Sorry >3< Alka and Jessie is fien o3o ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
1:11am Dec 11 2010 (last edited on 1:13am Dec 11 2010)
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Name: Cecelia [Lia or Celia] Nerissa Gitano Age: Seventeen years old Gender: Female Species: Seer/Gypsy [?] Appearance: Lia is a very usual girl with very usual looks. She has long auburn hair that reaches about mid back, which curls at the ends, and ocasionally all over, if she falls asleep while it's wet. Her skin is olive-toned, and long brown eyelashes that frame her hazel eyes. Her lips are full, and almost always she has her nails pained blue, yellow, or pink. Mostly, Cecelia wears purples, pinks, and blues, but is not limited to that. When 'seeing', Lia wears her traditional gypsy fabrics, those being p*censored*ed down over generations of Gitanos, and always wears her crest [I'm not sure what else to call it, the jewel and gold headdress.]. Also while 'seeing', her eyes will reflect whatever she sees, hence the red eyes in one of the references. Personality: I really don't like confining a character's personality to a few sentances, but in general, Cecelia is lighthearted, smiling at much and absentmindedly giggling. She's very airy, an effect of havingtime fly through her thoughts. Often she won't hear anything, her mind trying to see but she will have left the traditional outfit somewhere else, not in her bag, or left the crystal necklace on her dresser [again, due to the airy-ness.]. If a particularly upsetting vision comes to her, Lia will sulk for a while, not talking to anyone and becoming exceptionally confined to shadows. History: Celia grew up in a normal family, as much as a half-gypsy family can be. She recieved her gift from her mother, who recieved it from hers, and so on throughout the family tree back to the first Gypsy Queen long ago. Even if she does treasure the gypsy clothing higher than anything else, Cecelia has had the most trouble with misplacing them. Other: A few references; http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n592/iBallet/C2.png http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n592/iBallet/C1.png http://i1141.photobucket.com/albums/n592/iBallet/C4.png
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:22am Dec 11 2010
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*Name: Freya Kine *Age: 13 *Gender: Female *Species: Shapeshifter *Appearance: Human- 
Animal- A delicate, yet fiesty red fox. It has a darker red color to it than most foxes, but it doesn't have a freakish look to it. A small white spot is on her neck. *Personality: Freya is multi-faceted. She can be calm one moment, and then be attacking you the next. Let's just say that she isn't very mature. History: She might, just might tell you if you become friends with her. Kin: Err... Mom, dad, that's about it... Other: Nah
Love is all we need~
9:13am Dec 11 2010
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[Hurr durr...both accepted. x) And Seer is fine. o3o I might move this to a new board though...>.>]
9:42am Dec 11 2010
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((Artemis is bi. o3o Just throwing that out there. And I feel stupid for asking, but what's Mary Sue? I haven't RPed in half a year, so I don't remember.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
9:45am Dec 11 2010
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[[ Where your female character is full of herself. "She was the most beautiful girl in the world. Every girl wanted to be her, and all the guys wanted to date her." "She is the most powerful, awesomesauceness character there" XD That kind of thing. same with Gary Sues but with guys :3 ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:47am Dec 11 2010
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[Ayep. Basically that. o3o It's both personality-wise and appearance-wise, so if you have one character that is very ugly but the brightest, most generous faerie thing ever, it's considered partially Mary Sue-ish, and vice versa. ^^]
9:47am Dec 11 2010
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((Oh, okay. xD I've never done that before, and I'm not planning on starting anytime soon.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
9:49am Dec 11 2010
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[[ I hope I've never done that before. Thats why in RPs that ask for "powers" i include that using powers and what not make the character weak and irritable >3< ]]
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:53am Dec 11 2010
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((Raithe, when can we start? I'm bored. ;w;))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram